Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 1342 A Brand New Era

The Cultivator Alliance has a new force joining, which is the ancient martial arts sect. These sects will initially receive support and help from the Cultivator Alliance, but they must also pay a lot of wealth accumulated by the sects of past generations. Compared with consuming the sect's foundation, the sect masters are more willing to join the Cultivator Alliance. This is a matter that completely changes the nature and destiny of the sect. Standing at this fork in the road, no one will not choose this.

The first Cultivator Alliance Conference on Earth was held with great success under the attention of all parties. After seven days of struggle and compromise by various sects, the last code of laws regulating the behavior of cultivators was formally established. There are both constraints and benefits for cultivators, as well as rights and obligations. After the end of this conference, the existence of cultivators will be revealed to the world, and the previous structure of the earth is facing a new reshuffle.

"Soga, I see. I didn't expect that there are cultivators in China. What worries us more is that the alliance formed by the cultivators actually has a certain degree of close cooperation with the Chinese authorities. Xiaoquan, go to the military immediately and ask the military to stop all actions against the newly born island in the East China Sea. Needless to say, the appearance of the mysterious island must be related to the cultivators."

"Hi!" A young man beside Ampere quickly left, and the power core of Japan became empty and silent.

The first cultivator conference on Earth was always open to China, because the highest leader of China was invited to that conference. When they followed the disciples of the Medicine God Temple into the strange white fog, the ancient martial arts sects and other small cultivators who participated in the cultivator conference were all shocked by the scene presented by the Medicine God Temple.

The cameramen following the leaders almost forgot their work at the same time, staring blankly at the majestic Medicine God Temple complex, the towering mountains behind the complex, the thousand-foot waterfalls, the vast primitive forests, the various exotic flowers and plants in bloom, and even the air flowing around was full of intoxicating fragrance...

It was simply amazing.

This is the fairyland, a paradise that everyone yearns for.

Fortunately, Gu Hongyu was very generous, and the cameraman had the opportunity to reshoot the Medicine God Temple. Then, the news and pictures shot by Gu Hongyu as expected immediately caused global shock and heated discussions. Many people began to understand the truth about the improvement of China's environment, that is, the emergence of powerful cultivators.

Then panic began to appear within a certain period of time. Cultivators are a group of individuals whose strength sweeps away ordinary humans. With their existence in the secular world, it is impossible for humans not to have various worries and troubles. So in a very short period of time, various organizations and groups took to the streets to protest.

But are those protests effective?

Just like facing an elephant, millions of ants want to block the opponent's progress. Another idiom is undoubtedly a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

However, Gu Hongyu of the secular world will not allow the current order to be disturbed. In fact, there is no intersection between the cultivators and the secular world in many places, so the cultivator alliance treaty that should have been produced for some time appeared in front of the world.

The whole world suddenly became much quieter. After learning about the treaty of the cultivator alliance, most humans began to feel excited and happy in their hearts after breathing a sigh of relief.

It turns out that cultivators are selected from secular babies, which means that every newborn born in a family may step into the world of cultivators. The secular world is the foundation of cultivators. Although cultivators are powerful, they cannot destroy the Great Wall. Moreover, the treaty clearly stipulates that cultivators shall not take the lead in attacking mortals if mortals do not provoke cultivators, and inhumane killing is not allowed.

This is the amulet of people in the secular world.

However, no one has discovered the loophole in the treaty formulated by the Cultivator Alliance, that is, except for the descendants of Yan and Huang, the probability of other races having cultivation talents is very small. Even if they have cultivation talents, the talent attributes will not be too good. Taking a step back, even if there are a few people with excellent cultivation talents in other races, China is fully capable of restricting the opponent.

After this first Cultivator Conference, China's international status has risen again.

Other countries are not fools. Isn't it the best proof that all the current cultivator sects are within the borders of China? The one who is close to the water gets the moon first. At that time, only Chinese reporters were granted the right to interview at the Cultivator Alliance Conference, and the highest leaders of China were also able to attend. Do I need to say more about all this?

Countries that have always been feigning friendship with China, and even countries that are somewhat hostile to China, have changed their strategic policies and began to deliberately curry favor with China.

There is no longer any region or organization in China that wants independence or splits. At this time, China is like a towering tree. It is cool under the tree. Even the countries that used to instigate some people to make trouble in China are now trying their best to curry favor with China. Those people or organizations with different intentions have no soil to survive.

The situation is very good!

If the Medicine God Temple and other cultivation sects in China have not been confirmed, many countries will still wait and see, but the secret intelligence agencies of various countries have all sent back definite evidence to prove the existence of those cultivators. After the existence of the cultivation sects, no one will continue to sit still.

First, the small countries surrounding China were the first to succumb. In just one week, the top leaders of the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Laowa, Vietnam, Myanmar, North Korea, Outer Mongolia and other countries all applied to visit China, and then in a very fast way Speed ​​has signed a series of cooperation frameworks.

First of all, the division of China's territory and territorial waters will comply with China's previous resolutions. In addition, China will be allowed to rent their country's coastal cities to build docks and ports. The real intention is to allow China to build military forces in their country. If these cooperation can be implemented, then for the past China's blockade became empty talk.

Furthermore, on the basis of giving priority to respecting the interests of China, we should cooperate with these countries in economy, trade, transportation, infrastructure, energy and military, and the only requirement is that China can send some monks to establish sects in their countries. Whether choosing disciples, the most important thing is to improve the spiritual environment of their country.

Small countries in Southeast Asia, countries in Asia and the Middle East, Western European countries, and some friendly countries in Africa came one after another. After agreeing to some very harsh conditions, the only purpose was to let Chinese cultivators go to their countries to improve the environment.

Yes, China's current environment that can improve people's physical fitness is what other countries only dream of.

Many other countries have begun to engage in good diplomacy with China, and even put their face down very low. As for many previous unreasonable agreements and policies against China, they have been thawed with this cooperation. For example, the import of high-end precision instruments to China was previously prohibited. Moreover, many modern countries such as Western Europe and North America have signed contracts. In the future, China will not be restricted in this area and will develop rapidly in modern high technology.

There is no way. China's current position is too transcendent. Even if this country wants to resist in its heart, another country will immediately agree to China's request, so that China proposes that the other country relaxes its restrictions and allows the introduction of advanced technology and technology into those countries. Instrument, the other party actually agreed readily after being a little reserved.

Under the current situation, China's progress is unstoppable.

And all countries are like sitting on wax, and two of them are particularly outstanding, one is Japan and the other is the United States.

Seeing former allies turning to China one after another, the top leaders of Japan, Japan and the United States did not use their means. However, in the face of huge national interests, the previous brotherly friendship was just an international joke.

"Xie Te, why is this happening? How come cultivators suddenly appeared in China? Where did they come from? Why did we have no news at all before? Are all the intelligence agencies full of shit?" President Obama said harshly. Throwing a stack of papers on the desk.

In front of Oba was the person in charge of the Military Intelligence Bureau. Although he was criticized by Oba face to face, the middle-aged fat man did not answer. Seeing Oba sitting on the presidential chair, his anger subsided a little, and then he said cautiously: " Mr. President, cultivators are very powerful individuals, and even if we have the most advanced satellites, it is very difficult to monitor their actions."

"The United States cannot stop the rise of China now, and I even suspect that what happened to our aircraft carrier fleet in the Pacific last year was probably due to the intervention of Chinese cultivators. I think the United States should change its relationship with China, so that the environment of the United States can change. Get fundamental changes.”

Oppa, who was still angry just now, slapped the table: "Damn Europeans, when they see the immediate interests, they forget all about the United States. They will regret it when they become really powerful. They are a group of short-sighted villains. "

"Mr. President is right. Without the support of the United States, those countries might have perished in the Second World War, but now they are betraying their trust." A senior official from the Military Intelligence Bureau accompanied Xing Xing.

Obama tapped his fingers on the table, and his expression improved again from the anger: "Now the domestic people are very vocal, and a lot of pressure is directed at the presidential office. We and China must transform a strategic relationship, but China is no longer the China it was before. , If we want to reverse the relationship with China, we must be prepared to be severely stabbed. Next, Joseph, I hope you will visit China in person. "

Joseph, a senior official in the Military Intelligence Bureau, was full of surprise. He really didn't expect that Obama would send him out to repair relations with China. This was a very difficult matter.

It can be said that he is destined to become a scapegoat. Obama has said before that China is different from the past. If he wants to restore good relations with China again, the United States will definitely throw out a lot of benefits. If the benefits thrown out are not enough, then he will not be able to accomplish it. The tasks assigned by the president and the American people, and the overthrow of American interests, even the easing of relations with China, have been criticized by the domestic people. If there are traitors in the United States, Joseph is undoubtedly one of them, and this title It will stay with him for a lifetime and even be written into history.

"Mr. President, this..."

Obama stopped the senior military intelligence officials from speaking, and he himself said: "This matter is non-negotiable. What I can tell you at this time is that several large consortiums in the United States have all expressed their stance. This time, the authority given to you is very large. Wait a moment I’ll ask my assistant to give you a piece of information, and you can use some of the resources on it, so go down and prepare!”

Joseph glanced at Oba, his expression a little forlorn, this time he was definitely the one to take the blame.

The cabinet members of Japan gathered together. They all looked unhappy and tired as if they had not slept for several days. The cultivators from China put too much pressure on them. From a historical perspective, they and China have always been hostile to each other. Even if they give up the disputed islands, they will not win the goodwill of the Chinese people towards Japan.

"Baga, what should we do to ease the relationship with China? Everyone here, give me a solution!"


Just when the United States sent ministers to prepare to sign a city agreement with China and Japan was still helpless, a series of major events occurred in Formosa.

Before the authorities made a decision, the people of Formosa began to take to the streets to protest. Factories, shops, and schools were closed. These people had only one demand, which was to make the ruling authorities change their position and recognize the consensus proposed by China. Some people even said that they were all Chinese people, and compatriots on both sides of the strait were one family. They recognized and accepted the leadership and sovereignty of the mainland and made Formosa completely part of China's territory.

And this call was getting louder and louder. The Baodao authorities only persisted for less than a week, and the highest administrative officer brought a group of senior officials to visit China in person. Later, in less than a year, Baodao really returned to the embrace of China and became a special administrative region of China with Hong Kong and Macau, but the policy remained unchanged for only 20 years.

Since the public opening of the cultivators, Gu Hongyu's family moved into the Medicine God Temple. In the following years, the sect station of the Medicine God Temple included the entire Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village, and Haojiawan Village, forming a super sect.

In the Medicine God Temple, the teleportation arrays that connect the earth to various planes are also included. Gu Hongyu also opened several low-level planes to his disciples, and the disciples could go to those planes for training. Under his leadership, the Medicine God Temple became an existence that all the cultivation sects on the earth looked up to, and all the cultivators were proud to be disciples of the Medicine God Temple.

In the past few years, Laoguai and Taoist Gu gradually solved all the spiritual energy leakage problems on the earth. More than 80% of the land on the earth has turned green, and the ocean is bluer than before. After the earth has no spiritual energy leakage, it continues to absorb huge spiritual energy atoms from free galaxies, making the earth's environment more perfect. But no matter what, the place with the most spiritual energy on the earth is in China, and the place with the most spiritual energy in China is in the Medicine God Temple.

The whole earth has really changed. It has been perfectly reborn and ushered in a brand new era.

"Boy, Lao Gu and I have received unusual movements in the space plane. Let's go and take a look!" Gu Hongyu, who had just finished practicing, received the voice transmission from Laoguai.

"Space plane, what problems can there be over there? Is there an alien invasion?" Gu Hongyu answered puzzled.

"Haha, Gu boy, maybe last time we repaired the interstellar coordinates in the space plane, people from other galaxies saw the coordinates and came back!" Taoist Gu said excitedly.

There is also a teleportation array connected to the Medicine God Temple to the space plane. When the few people were just teleported to the space plane, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array flashed white light, and a beam of light that gathered but did not disperse shot into the deep starry sky. (The whole book is finished)

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