Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 14: Selling vegetables at a weird night market [Please recommend and collect]

He went to the market and rented an electric tricycle with only a few hundred yuan on him. He found a secluded place and picked some vegetables from the space and put them in the truck. It seemed that Gu Hongyu had about 500 kilograms.

The idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. Gu Hongyu forgot a rule of life. Who would go out to buy vegetables at night? Maybe he was the only one in China.

When he first came, Gu Hongyu was a little shy and embarrassed to shout, but as time went by, he still hadn't opened a business, so he was anxious, so he didn't care about the superficial face and started to shout loudly.

His shouting attracted some people, but looking at the full truck of vegetables and then looking at Gu Hongyu who was selling vegetables with a strange expression, he walked away with an unknown look, which put Gu Hongyu in a dilemma.

Should I take all the unsold vegetables back to the dormitory to eat? After paying for the rental of the tricycle tomorrow, I will have very little left in my pocket. A penny can make a hero fall. If Gu Hongyu is short of money in real life, it will be even more difficult. Forget it. Ask classmates to borrow some money when you are short of money?

Alas, Gu Hongyu, who came out with full of enthusiasm, felt discouraged. He was about to pack up and go back. He saw that the fruit stall business was so prosperous at night. He secretly regretted that it would be great if there were fruit trees in the space.

But now, even if we plant fruit trees, it will be too late for them to grow. Besides, we can't buy saplings without money, and there are no saplings to sell at night even if we have money.

Thinking about it, Gu Hongyu always felt that he had missed something. It didn't take a moment for him to figure out something. He spread out all the things he had put away and shouted loudly: "Come and see, come and see, fresh and delicious vegetables and fruits, if they are not delicious, they are free! Don't miss it if you pass by, this shop is only available in this village!"

The vegetables in the space are very delicious when eaten raw. It should be no problem to sell them as fruits instead of vegetables. In order to sell the things in the car, Gu Hongyu went all out this time and shouted whatever came to his mind. Not to mention that a group of curious people gathered around him as soon as he shouted.

"Hey, little brother, are these vegetables or fruits? There has never been anyone selling vegetables at this time in this night market. You have set a precedent!" A woman dressed quite fashionably said jokingly while looking at Gu Hongyu's full car of vegetables.

Gu Hongyu tried his best to explain: "These can be used as both vegetables and fruits. If you don't believe me, try them. They are pure green food without pesticides."

Looking at the hesitation of the crowd, Gu Hongyu understood that the onlookers were still worried about the quality of the vegetables. Gu Hongyu picked up a tomato and wiped it with his hand without saying a word and took a big bite.

The unique smell of the tomato also emanated, and Gu Hongyu ate it without decisiveness, and it seemed to be delicious. It was not a half-pound tomato that was cleanly and neatly destroyed by him in a few bites.

"Little brother, how much is a pound of vegetables and fruits like this?" An old lady who walked in and saw that the size and color of the vegetables were good asked.

Gu Hongyu said simply: "These vegetables and fruits are all five yuan a pound, quality guaranteed, and I will not charge you for any of them that you don't like."

"Five yuan a pound? These vegetables and fruits are much more expensive than those in the farmers' market. Can you lower the price?" The fashionable woman asked at the beginning.

Gu Hongyu pursed his lips in his heart. A woman dressed so fashionably, and Gu Hongyu could see the gold necklace on his neck. Would she really be short of a few yuan or ten yuan? Sometimes their behavior is hard to understand.

Well, the customer is God. Gu Hongyu patiently explained: "Five yuan a pound can't be reduced any further, so that everyone can try the vegetables and fruits in my car first, and then pay after tasting them. How about the ones you taste count as my extra gifts?"

Chinese people love to get a small bargain, just like the middle-aged woman who was dressed fashionably and bargained just now. Gu Hongyu is now trying to please her. Another thing is that no matter how much you brag about the seller, the buyer still has to believe it in the end. Gu Hongyu absolutely believes in vegetables. As long as there is no deliberate trouble, the vegetables tonight can be sold smoothly.

Finally, the onlookers who had just seen Gu Hongyu eat a tomato became the first person to try the crab. He chose a cucumber and took a careful bite. As a result, he couldn't stop eating it. He didn't exclaim until he finished eating all of them: "This cucumber is so delicious. Give me 2 kilograms of each vegetable in the truck."

Fruit is just a gimmick. In fact, as long as it is really delicious, customers don't care if you change the concept. Gu Hongyu couldn't believe his ears and asked quickly: "Really, I have tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, beans, and green vegetables here. Do you want them?"

"Well, give me 2 kilograms of each!" The customer just now said affirmatively again.

"Okay, wait a moment!" Gu Hongyu weighed and packed the vegetables for her in a hurry. Looking at the weight on the electronic scale that was already full of ten kilograms, he continued to add a tomato. The weight was sufficient.

The customer who bought vegetables was very happy with Gu Hongyu's approach. Ten kilograms of vegetables cost 50 yuan. One hand paid the money and the other hand the goods. Both parties were very satisfied.

Now that there was an example of buying vegetables, many people came to try the vegetables, and more and more people started to buy vegetables. Gu Hongyu was very busy for a while. Fortunately, his health has been pretty good recently, and he has also practiced magic. Although he was very busy, he did not make any mistakes.

Soon, the vegetables on the tricycle were all snatched up by everyone. It was completely different from the beginning. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already ten o'clock in the evening. Otherwise, he would still want to pack some vegetables from the space. Carts of vegetables come out for sale.

Until the end, some citizens who had tasted Gu Hongyu's vegetables but had not had time to snatch them away from others told Gu Hongyu to let him continue selling vegetables tomorrow, and they would definitely take care of the business here.

Gu Hongyu also relaxed after buying vegetables this time. Face and all were just a cloud, and the benefits were real. When he heard that the vegetables were approved by them, he lied to them directly: "This batch of vegetables is today." I came in a little late. I was afraid it wouldn’t be fresh tomorrow, so I went to the night market to sell it. If you want to buy vegetables, you’d better go to the farmer’s market. I’ll go there tomorrow morning.”

"Okay, okay, we will definitely go to the farmer's market!" It wasn't until they received Gu Hongyu's affirmative answer that several people finally left. The voices of their conversations when leaving came over: "Don't say that I just grabbed a cucumber, that's The most delicious cucumber I have ever tasted. I still remember it. It was just a little late. If I had the chance again, I would eat the tricycle in one pot. "

"I haven't, oops... I haven't asked that little brother how early to go to the farmer's market tomorrow!" A citizen now felt extremely annoyed when he thought of this question.

"Don't worry, it's worth waiting a little longer to get vegetables of this quality!"

"You're right, it's really worth it..."


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