Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 172: Return to the whirlpool at the bottom of the lake (Please order)

Soon Honghu diving became the signature entertainment of Honghu Village and became famous far and wide. =

Through word of mouth, many netizens who were far away from Qing Town, Zhang County, Gan Province also took time off to come here. For a time, Honghu Village was simply overcrowded. In order to solve the problem of long queues of tourists, Liang Qinghui also urgently purchased a lot of Diving equipment, as for the diving instructor, I heard that he had basically poached the employees of a diving club in the province.

Since the launch of the diving club, Liang Qinghui has never stopped smiling. In just one week, his diving club has earned hundreds of thousands. Isn't this just making money every day?

In terms of making money, Liang Qinghui has made much more money than this through his connections, but this is a project he built by himself. The achievements he achieved without relying on any power in his family are not the same as the sense of accomplishment he felt with the money he earned before.

Gu Hongyu was also secretly happy. No matter how much money Liang Qinghui earned, he still had a share of it, but he could no longer take care of diving at the same time.

The discovery of boneless transparent fish and new species of puffer fish also made Honghu Village famous for a while. However, no other tourists have found any trace of them in Honghu Lake. For tourists, it doesn’t matter if they find them while diving. The fun of diving lies in the sport of diving. They can be satisfied by just finding some small fish and shrimps at the bottom of the lake.

But for the experts who came here after a long journey, after discovering the new species, Expert Meng made a special call to report the situation in Honghu Village. The relevant national departments once again arranged a team of people to conduct further research on boneless transparent fish and puffer fish. They were immediately eager to know where Gu Hongyu captured these rare species in the Red Lake.

Professor Meng is an expert on wildlife. He can only say that he knows a lot about boneless transparent fish and puffer fish, but he is not specialized in studying fish. The other expert who led the team this time is surnamed Li. I heard that he is also a national-level researcher. His professional research on fish is in The first in the country.

"Old Li, this is Xiao Gu who discovered the boneless transparent fish and the new species of puffer fish. He is a very good person and we are all taken care of by him here!" Expert Meng enthusiastically introduced Gu Hongyu to Professor Li. , it seems they are very familiar.

Before Professor Li could speak, Gu Hongyu greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Li. Welcome to this inspection trip to Honghu Village. From now on, I will try my best to do whatever I can do here!"

I dare not be disrespectful when facing Gu Hongyu, the top expert in the country. Besides, Professor Li across from me has silver hair and is wearing an ordinary white shirt and black trousers. He seems to be much older than 60 years old. At such an old age, he went to Honghu Village in person. It’s really not easy to come here.

"Let's call you Xiao Gu from now on. I'll have to really trouble you in this land from now on!" Looking at the old appearance. Professor Li spoke with great energy.

But he immediately got back to business and continued: "Xiao Gu, can you tell us now that the boneless transparent fish and puffer fish were really found in the big lake in front of you? How did you discover them?"

A lie requires many lies to supplement the explanation, but these supplementary explanations will also have loopholes. Now Gu Hongyu fully believes how wise this sentence is.

I could only pinch my nose and confirm again: "Yes, but these fish are not caught..."

Expert Meng who had not finished speaking became anxious: "Xiao Gu, did you lie to me a few days ago? Last time you told me personally that this was a fish you caught!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Meng, but these fish were indeed caught in the lake, but I personally dived to the bottom of the lake and met them!"

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of all the experts and professors, Gu Hongyu continued: "Expert Meng knows best that diving in our Red Lake is very popular right now, isn't it?"

"The boneless transparent fish and a new species of puffer fish were discovered in the lake. Otherwise, diving would be so popular. Xiao Gu, you should tell us how you caught these things!" Expert Meng was anxious.

"In the beginning, I brought diving equipment when a group of friends came here to play. I fell in love with it after playing it once, because at that time I was new to diving alone and I didn't dare to let my family know about it, so At that time, I could only lie to you and tell you that the boneless transparent fish was caught. Later, when the puffer fish appeared, I still couldn't hide this fact." Gu Hongyu finally finished telling this random lie and felt guilty for a while.

The experts did not think deeply at this time. Professor Li continued to ask: "So we still can't know in detail the place where you caught boneless transparent fish and puffer fish. How about you give us a rough indication of this range now?" "

Expert Meng laughed on the side: "Lao Li, this situation is easy for us to solve. Aren't Xiaogu and the others carrying out diving sports? We just need to borrow a few sets of diving suits from them and give them a little training to let Xiaogu take them." Let’s go to the bottom of the lake where he caught boneless transparent fish and puffer fish!”

"Well, this is a good idea, but Xiao Gu will have to work hard!" Professor Li said politely to Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly, okay, this time he lied a lot, but now these experts have to verify it in person. While he was thinking of a strategy in his mind, he could only agree in advance.

Seeing Gu Hongyu's frown, Meng Jiao mistakenly thought that he had other ideas and took the initiative to say: "Xiao Gu, don't worry, we have to pay on time for renting diving equipment, and we will never embarrass you. After all, Now you are also doing business, and we can totally understand it!”

"Meng Lao, that's not what I meant. I said before that I will do my best to support your actions. Now I say again that the investigation is crucial to Honghu Village. As long as it does not exceed the principle, you don't have to mention money to me!" Gu Hongyu said proudly.

Now Honghu Village is already a well-known village, and it is also because of the existence of these rare animals. Seeing that a wildlife reserve is about to be established, if it can leave a good impression on these top domestic experts and professors, then there will be benefits in the future. Gu Hongyu is considering the long-term, not giving them benefits for no reason.


The experts are very face-saving. When Gu Hongyu found Liang Qinghui to borrow diving equipment and accompanying personnel, this guy didn't seem to consider directly finding people and equipment and handing them over to him in front of him. Gu Hongyu was surprised by what he thought would be a lot of trouble.

However, Liang Qinghui's words were still fresh in his memory. His idea was the same as Gu Hongyu's: the diving project was because new species were discovered in the lake. Even you found two rare guys. I firmly believe that there are other good things in the lake that have not been discovered. If more rare things are found, do you think our diving club's income will increase sharply!

After lunch, when everyone had a good rest, a large group of people began to move.

After thinking for half a day, Gu Hongyu thought of a lake bottom. This time he was going to take all the experts and professors there. He thought there should be a lot of gains there. This place is of course the limit reached by Chen Luofeng and others in the first diving. There are also whirlpools at the bottom of the lake. Some strange biological experts can also fill in their brains to find a reasonable reason.

Everything is ready, but there was some controversy when it came to who to send into the water.

In order to personally inspect the environment at the bottom of the lake, Mr. Li, who is nearly 70 years old, actually asked to go into the water, which frightened the other experts and professors who followed him. However, his strong request was not recognized by everyone. Diving is dangerous, and if something goes wrong with him, he can't afford it.

However, the average age of these experts and professors is not low, and in the end, they had no choice but to choose the 4 youngest ones. They were all in their 40s and 50s, which was considered a junior among the experts.

With several experiences, Gu Hongyu led the team along the path of the first dive.

There was no pause on the way this time. Even if they encountered a lot of lake clams, crabs and red shells that were caught last time, they did not take action. Gu Hongyu admired the professionalism of these experts.

Last time, they played at the bottom of the lake for 2 hours. This time, they were much faster without any hindrance. Looking at the waterproof watch in the water with a flashlight, it was just an hour. Gu Hongyu stood 4 or 5 meters away from the place where Chen Luofeng was sucked by the whirlpool at the bottom of the lake last time, and then made a gesture to the others behind him, and the destination was reached.

The experts behind looked a little tired and moved very clumsily. Fortunately, they had arranged escorts in advance. Except for Gu Hongyu, all of them were one-on-one services. With their company, the experts slowly inspected the surrounding environment with their assistance.

Gu Hongyu made a gesture to everyone to stop moving forward in the direction of the whirlpool, and then he also looked around the bottom of the lake. The reason why he led them here was that there were indeed many things that Gu Hongyu couldn't figure out. There was a black shadow that attacked him the first time he went down the lake, and this time he also wanted to find it out.

However, this idea obviously failed to come true. This time, the black shadow did not appear at all along the way, and no one knew where it swam to. Or was it just an accident last time!

The whirlpool was still siphoning the water of the Red Lake. Gu Hongyu was always paying attention to the situation of the whirlpool. When the experts inspected the surrounding dark bottom of the lake, he saw some messy water plants and small fish being swallowed by the whirlpool from time to time.

There was no longer any sensation that he longed for on the other side of the vortex. It seemed that the mysterious cave he visited last time must have a special connection with the vortex here, but how could such a strong suction force be formed here? Where would the lake water, algae and some aquatic creatures that were sucked away go? In the mysterious cave, Gu Hongyu found that the water flow of the underground river did not have such a large amount of water.

At this time, a caregiver next to him touched him with his hand, and waited for Gu Hongyu to turn around and point upwards.

"Is the investigation over so soon?" Gu Hongyu thought to himself.

Looking at his watch again, he has been at the edge of the vortex for half an hour. Let's go. I don't know what these experts have gained!

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