Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 216 The Earth Trembles (Subscribe)

The third update is here!


Gu Hongyu was not idle when he sealed the cave.

In the cave now, without the ancient mighty, he is equivalent to the master of supreme magic power.

He promised the green snake leader that he would let them continue to recuperate in the cave, but in order to prevent them from escaping, Gu Hongyu carefully filled the small gaps caused by the loss of time, so that they could not harm humans and humans would not disturb them.

Gu Hongyu, the original territory, also ruthlessly gave all the crystal mine caves to them. Anyway, he would not be attacked by the snakes in it. After mastering the cave, even if the snakes wanted to harm him, they would not have to think about it, because Gu Hongyu could only teleport in it, and could escape immediately if he saw the wrong opportunity, but the green snakes would not dare to dare to do so even if they were given the courage, and they also had to think about bearing Gu Hongyu's anger in the future.

Gu Hongyu closed all the five-element caves. There are still some breaths of the five-element spirits in these caves. After a long time, some immortal herbs and spiritual medicines may grow out. When collecting herbs, Gu Hongyu did not kill them all, just waiting for them to spread like wildfire!

In addition to these, there are some caves where ancient great powers practiced, such as alchemy, forging, beast control, practice, entertaining guests, study, medicine garden, etc., but they are all empty. Gu Hongyu's only harvest is some of the lowest raw materials and some herbal seeds. It won't take long before these things are still useful.

Gu Hongyu plans to put the seeds into the space and cultivate them well. With the heaven-defying characteristics of the space, I hope there will be some rewards!

Even if there is nothing left, Gu Hongyu will never open these caves where the ancient great powers work and rest. There are too many traces of human beings. If they are discovered, they will become ancient relics. Maybe they are the eighth wonder of the world!

But for Gu Hongyu, who has received the inheritance, this is equivalent to his territory. He still holds the most critical things in the cave. That is equivalent to a key, that is, a jade seal. One side seems to be a naturally grown three-dimensional pattern, with several fairy birds that Gu Hongyu could not recognize on it, and runes engraved at the bottom, but Gu Hongyu thought it was the name of the ancient great power.

The jade seal gave him many magical functions. As I said just now, being able to teleport in the cave at will is one of them, and there is also the ability to control the will of any creature in the cave, and the ability to control the defense system of the cave, etc.

Opening this place to the public is even more disrespectful to the ancient great power!

The cave space open on the top is enough. Even if we plan to build an underground museum, a hotel, a sports field, and sightseeing tourism in the future, these can fully satisfy the curiosity of tourists. There is no need to bring out the rest to earn more tourists.

Everything that should be closed was closed, and the only thing left was the dark river and the glowing cave wall.

Next, Gu Hongyu still has something to do, which is the main purpose of this trip, to collect the gems on the cave wall.

Gu Hongyu already knows the source of the gems. In the cave of the ancient great power, there were too many high-quality gems, which dazzled Gu Hongyu's eyes. There were red, blue, green, purple, orange, black, and colorful gems. The light emitted by many colors blended together could blind everyone who saw it.

"These are all mine, just mine!" Gu Hongyu said to himself secretly, otherwise he would not be able to control himself. Crazy digging for these dazzling treasures.

But even so, Gu Hongyu still picked up a lot of scattered gems, which did not need secondary processing and polishing. This is a perfectly cut piece of the best in the world, but there are many of them here. Has anyone seen treasures that are everywhere?

It's better not to take out these treasures. When you want to appreciate them, just look at them in the space and enjoy them. Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu felt a lot of tastes in his heart. It's also a torment to have the best things but not be able to share them with others!

The gems outside the cave were basically sparsely embedded in the cave wall. There were not many of them, and most of them were crystals. The quality seemed very high to outsiders, but Gu Hongyu began to look down on them.

In the end, he simply left some gems on it. He used the magical effect of the cave to extract most of them, but the remaining ones were of the lowest quality and the smallest particles. Even if it was a surprise, he was really not interested in extracting the crystals.

The vibration continued, but now many operations in the cave are coming to an end. The vibration that roared for ten minutes slowly decreased, and the feeling of shaking the mountain and the earth also subsided.

Looking at the time, it was already 6:30. Gu Hongyu used the magical teleportation ability of the cave to appear directly under the cliff of Honghu Stone Mountain, summoning the gold brick, and it didn't take long to send him back to the vicinity of the wooden house.

But now Gu Hongyu couldn't get ashore.

He quietly hid in a clump of dense water grass by the Honghu Lake and observed the situation around him.

I only saw tourists and villagers surrounding the Red Lake. Although they were near the lake, they kept a certain distance from the water, as if they were afraid of getting too close to the lake and encountering danger.

What happened?

What happened?

Gu Hongyu's mind flashed with countless alpacas running by...

However, with Gu Hongyu's personality, he quickly calmed down and listened to the discussions of many tourists and villagers around the Red Lake.

"It's really strange. We actually suffered an earthquake here!"

"What's so strange about this? The natural environment is bad now. Many places only care about the economy and ignore ecological protection. This is a warning from nature to us."

"But today's earthquake doesn't look very severe. I heard that in some places, earthquakes can cause the earth to shatter and cause no casualties!"

"The magnitude of the earthquake is not high, but if you look at the damage to the houses of surrounding villagers, it is not small."

"Yeah, the roof of my house collapsed."

"For that matter, not only the roof but also the walls of my house have collapsed. It can't be repaired at all this time!"

"What should I do?"

"Is there anything difficult to do? We really have to thank the old landlord. Now the houses in our village have almost been built and repaired. I heard that they have also undergone simple decoration. They are just waiting for us to move in. In these ten and a half days But something like this happened unexpectedly.”

"Is there nothing wrong with the new house over there? Will it be affected by this earthquake?"

"No. Uncle Aza and Xiao Gubo's father went over to check when the earthquake first came."

"The old bosses are still very conscientious. The houses in the village were all destroyed by the earthquake, but there was nothing wrong with them returning the houses. Not even a tree they planted fell down. They are really helping us villagers!"

"Luckily our village has a small old man, otherwise we wouldn't know what life would be like. If we encounter something like this again now, if we had to beg on the streets before!"


Listening to the discussion of the villagers, Gu Hongyu realized that the village had just suffered an earthquake.

earthquake? Could it be the shock he caused when he sealed the cave just now?

The cave of the ancient power is located underground not far from Honghu Village. If there is any violent vibration, it can really affect this place. Think about the house where the villagers of Honghu Village used to live. Can it be called a house? It will be really good if it is not damaged by the earthquake. Strange!

It seemed that the construction team had to speed up the construction of the new houses so that these homeless villagers could live in them. Since it was his fault that caused this situation. Gu Hongyu plans to temporarily buy some tents to support the villagers and ensure their normal life before solving the most fundamental problem.

After this big incident happened, Gu Hongyu began to feel anxious as he didn't know how many people were looking for him now.

I definitely won’t be able to eat on time at home in the evening.

Seeing that he couldn't get ashore here, Gu Hongyu simply summoned Jinzhuan again and swam directly to the reed swamp. The sky was still a little bright at the moment, and when he got ashore, he scared away many birds living there.

When I put on my clothes and returned to the cabin, it was almost half past seven.

"Xiaoyu. Where did you go? We couldn't contact you during the earthquake just now. We thought something had happened to you!" The mother looked at Gu Hongyu who appeared in front of her and had runny nose. Said tearfully.

Mei Ning also glanced at Gu Hongyu with concern, and the two of them immediately walked to Gu Hongyu and checked whether he was hurt.

However, what surprised them was that not only was Gu Hongyu not hurt, but he seemed to be in high spirits. Even his skin would be much whiter and tenderer, if he didn't meet every day. They could also notice that Gu Hongyu had grown a lot in height.

"Hongyu, aren't you patrolling around the village, but you..." Looking at Gu Hongyu, Mei Ning couldn't believe it.

Gu Hongyu deliberately pretended to be dumbfounded and said: "What happened to me? I'm not the same as before. You also know that we have a lot of industries in Honghu Village. Today I walked carefully through the orchard until I was covered in sweat, so I jumped into the Honghu Lake and took a bath. I don’t want to take a shower. I won’t rush back after that moment is over!”

A set of nonsense lies was told by Gu Hongyu, and he was really forced to do so.

Fortunately, neither mother nor Mei Ning had too much entanglement. They still looked at Gu Hongyu strangely. They felt incredible that Gu Hongyu's skin was whiter and tenderer than theirs. Could it be that the red lake water has the magical effect of beautifying the skin? When Gotta try it!

"Xiao Gu, you are back. We are almost going crazy with anxiety. Can you come up with a solution for us?" Uncle Aza from Laoyuan said happily when he looked at Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu said eagerly: "Uncle Aza, don't worry. I know what's going on. It's getting dark soon. The most important thing is the resettlement of villagers and tourists. I think it's too late to purchase tents now." , simply let all these people move into their houses, and the construction team will come out tomorrow morning to continue the construction, and seize the time to let the villagers move in. "

"Also, I see that no one has eaten tonight, so I will gather all the idle villagers to cook. If there are not enough vegetables and grains, I will count them. I must ensure that the villagers and tourists here have enough food and clothing tonight. "

"Hey, Xiao Gu has grasped the essence of the matter. After hearing what you said, I feel that my work was in vain!" Uncle Aza now smiled on his tense face.

"Don't just talk and don't practice. You should also take action yourself. Take out all the vegetables, food, and beddings we have left!" The father said to the side at this moment.

"Well, I have an order!"

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