Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 222 The surprise continues (please subscribe)

Not only this group of students have made discoveries, but also the expert teams divided into four groups have made similar discoveries of stalactite groups. Under the cave is simply a world of stalactites.

They also have a common feature, that is, there are many crystals in the integrated community of stalactites. Under the illumination of lights, vivid pictures are presented to all viewers.

Just like the unicorn beast, crystals are distributed throughout the pattern. Under the light, it seems to be wearing armor, majestic and vivid, rushing from the ancient times to the present, from the cave wall to reality.

The sound of "click, click" comes one after another.

Just now, everyone should have forgotten that they still had digital devices. I don't know who reacted first, and then others followed suit, competing to preserve the beautiful scenery in the cave.

Gradually, taking pictures can no longer satisfy these people's wishes.

A classmate handed the digital camera to his friend and stood under the pattern formed by the stalactites, intending to ask others to help take a group photo.

Well, it was another wave of excitement, everyone was fighting to be outdone, and finally Gu Hongyu was reduced to helping his classmates take photos. I don’t know if his crazy shooting can improve his shooting skills.

Looking at the images taken, everyone started to discuss again, but the common view was that it was a worthwhile trip. They were all very satisfied with the discovery of such a beautiful and large-scale stalactite group.

This cave exploration activity was slow. Gu Hongyu looked at his watch. It had been two hours since the morning, but the expedition team in front of him did not propose to enter the next cave.

No one asked Gu Hongyu to lead the way. It seemed that these people had forgotten him.

After another half an hour of commotion, the old expert group returned to the main cave from the branch cave. Director Wu found Gu Hongyu and said, "Xiao Gu, how did you find the cave with the unknown luminous body last time?"

After Gu Hongyu's observation. After this time, the cave has changed slightly. The branch cave that originally led to the crystal cave seemed to have shrunk, which is why everyone did not find the correct entrance this time.

However, it is good to expose many stalactite caves. Maybe the caves will be open to the public in the future, which will be a gimmick to attract tourists.

No, as long as the audio and video and photos in the hands of the students or experts are exposed. The cave will definitely attract tourists with a keen sense of smell, this is inevitable!

"Director Wu, come with me, fortunately I have a good memory, otherwise I will make a fool of myself this time!" Gu Hongyu laughed at himself.

He chose a cave among the thousands of branch caves and took the lead to walk in.

But before he could introduce the following situation to everyone, an expert asked in confusion: "Xiao Gu, is it right? You remember so many branch roads?"

"Ahem. Old Sun, even if we go wrong, we can still come back. Can't so many people find the way back?" Although it sounds like he is defending Gu Hongyu, Gu Hongyu secretly thought that this person still doesn't have much hope for him!

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu turned back and said to them: "Don't worry, this road is definitely not wrong, because as long as you listen carefully, you will hear the sound of flowing water. Although there is no underground river in the cave below, it is guaranteed to surprise you."

The thousand-year-old yew is about to appear in front of everyone. Gu Hongyu doesn't believe that they will not be shocked.

"We agreed to ask Xiao Gu to lead the way, what are you talking about here!" Director Wu turned around and said to Gu Hongyu: "Xiao Gu. Don't listen to their nonsense, just lead the way yourself, I absolutely believe in you!"

Gu Hongyu smiled and continued to move forward without saying anything else.

It was also a steep downhill. After walking for a while, a classmate couldn't help saying, "How long will it take us to walk like this? We can clearly hear the sound of the flowing water. But why can't we see it? It's so strange!"

Another classmate said immediately, "This cave is full of evil spirits. What we saw when we came down was already strange enough. What's the big deal!"

"That's right, just follow Gu Ge. He came here last time. He didn't hesitate after walking for a while. He must have found the right way!"

"Maybe even if he went the wrong way, he insisted on moving forward!"


A group of young classmates still had the energy to talk nonsense, while the old experts adjusted their breathing and followed closely in the middle of the team. This was because Gu Hongyu deliberately slowed down, otherwise they would suffer.

Fortunately, young and strong classmates were also called this time. They were the ones who carried the equipment and instruments carried by the experts. They might be praising Gu Hongyu's foresight in their hearts.

"Hey, there seems to be light ahead." A classmate said excitedly while walking.

We are almost at the destination, I just hope I won't scare you later, Gu Hongyu thought with evil humor.

As expected, when they were about to reach the place where the yew tree grew, the person walking in front exclaimed: "Ah, what did I see? I am not dreaming, what a big yew tree!"

"If it is real, it is still alive, look at how lush the branches and leaves on the top are!"

"This tree has been rushing out of the cave from the top of the cave, more than ten meters, right?"

"Let's not talk about the height for now, let's surround it and see how many people can surround the tree trunk?"

While the students were excitedly discussing the age, height and diameter of the tree, the old experts were discussing it from a more professional perspective.

"Lao Sun, in the field of biological research, you have also dabbled in plant research. Do you think there is any precedent for this tree to survive in such an environment?"

Lao Sun, who was called, nodded: "Generally, yew trees are scattered in moist and fertile coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests on shady or semi-shady slopes. They like cool and humid climates and can withstand temperatures below -30°C. They are highly cold-resistant and have an optimum temperature of 20-25°C. They are negative tree species. They like moisture but are afraid of waterlogging. They are suitable for planting in loose, moist, well-drained sandy loam."

After introducing the growth environment of yew trees, Lao Sun immediately changed the subject: "Caves can meet their growth needs, but such sturdy ancient trees should be the first in the country. In the past, we didn't even have dead yew trees. It is so rare to find this situation. This is a real case!"

"Yes, it is incredible to grow like this."

"I don't think any unknown luminous body has been found. It is worth coming here to see this ancient tree!"

"Last time, Xiao Gu and his friends also reported this matter to the higher authorities, but there were only images and no text descriptions. We did not pay much attention to it. But now standing in front of this ancient tree, we feel its height and might!"

"We must report it to the country and let us do our best to preserve it. I believe that the value of this ancient tree is more precious than the national treasure. Even this yew tree in the world is unique!"

The experts who reached a consensus quickly took action immediately.

The height of the yew tree, the cross-sectional diameter of the stem, and the growth of the tree were measured. Some experts walked around the ancient tree with a small notebook and recorded something.

However, the more they observed, the more they kept muttering to themselves, and they were still immersed in shock.

The students were originally trying to hug the yew tree, but the environment inside the cave was complicated, and they couldn't squeeze through some narrow places, and the thick bark and fallen leaves under the yew tree also made it difficult for them to move.

So the matter ended up being left unresolved, and many students left with regretful expressions.

Gu Hongyu kindly said to them: "Don't look reluctant, you will witness the moment of miracle next!"

Some students took photos with the yew again, but they could only find roots that were beyond people's imagination. If outsiders who didn't know the inside story saw it, they would definitely not know the truth.

Gu Hongyu continued to take them on the road after waiting for them to pack up.

Next, they will see the dark, and I wonder if the little guys in the water can arouse the interest of this group of people.

In fact, there is no need to think about this result. Gu Hongyu, as a second-time visitor, was just a little proud in his heart, and the heart of offering treasures can be forgiven.

"Water, I finally saw the underground river that I only heard but didn't see!"

With a "splash", a classmate jumped into the water regardless of anything.

"It's comfortable, the stream water is not cold at all, come down and enjoy it!" The classmate who washed his face with water said comfortably.

"Xiao Zeng, this groundwater has not been tested yet. Who knows if there are pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria or anything like that? You are still so reckless."

The classmate called Xiao Zeng looked at Gu Hongyu pitifully at this moment: "Brother Gu, you also stepped into the stream when you came down last time, right?"

Gu Hongyu smiled and said: "We did, but we didn't wash our faces with this water!"

"It's terrible, don't really have any nasty microorganisms or bacteria, otherwise my handsome face will not be preserved, I will be sorry for my parents and my future wife!" Xiao Zeng exaggeratedly acted, but he didn't look like he had gotten out of the stream at all.

"Hey, a fish passed by my feet." Xiao Zeng shouted in surprise in the stream.

"Damn, it's a silvery transparent fish. I'm going to catch you!" Xiao Zeng, who attracted everyone's attention, was even more excited. He bit the flashlight with his teeth and happily caught fish in the stream with both hands.

There are fish in the stream, and it is still flowing water. It is not certain that the mineral components in the water are generally not harmful to people if they do not drink it.

Seeing Xiao Zeng struggling in the stream, a group of young guys also jumped in, leaving only reserved girls and a group of old men on the shore.

Soon, the students caught several transparent fish, shrimps, and crabs that were unusual from the outside world, and they showed off their treasures in front of the girls they liked.

Suddenly, a classmate in the stream held a stone in his hand and screamed loudly: "Damn, is this a gem?"

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