Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 423 Another person is coming from the TV station

In the evening, Gu Hongyu took his cute pets to the village again, but before leaving home, Gu Hongyu introduced Mengmeng to the family members.

Now the pets at home are also wild and do not stay at home. After feeding them in the early morning, they are basically not seen before nightfall. However, Gu Hongyu is not worried. These cute pets are smart. Besides, Gu Hongyu put a piece of jade on each pet.

The jade was refined by Gu Hongyu. As long as the jade is a certain distance away from Honghu Village, Gu Hongyu can know it. This also prevents people with ulterior motives from kidnapping them. Fortunately, the people who kidnapped the cute pets have not appeared yet.

Although it is not the time for the pets to come back today, don’t forget that Gu Hongyu still has a strong mental power. It didn’t take him much effort to summon the cute pets except the Saker Falcon back.

"Come on, let’s meet each other. This little guy will be your companion in the future!" Gu Hongyu said with a smile to the pets surrounding the little pony Mengmeng.

Mei Ning was also there. She knew that the pets at home were all smart and could understand what Gu Hongyu said, so she stood aside without feeling surprised.

The pets at home were very curious about Meng Meng. The golden lion and the silver lion put their heads close to Meng Meng and sniffed her carefully. Little Meng Meng might have sensed danger subconsciously, and her head, which had been raised, immediately retracted. As a result, she lost control of her center and fell down on the grass mat.

Meng Meng's cuteness immediately caused Mei Ning and Gu Hongyu to laugh again.

Parrot Coke was a little funny. He flew to Meng Meng's side and stood on the edge of the paper box. He tilted his head and stared at Meng Meng for a while, and said in a childish voice: "What's your name? You have to be my little brother in the future!"

Oh my god, I don't know what Parrot Coke has done recently. Did he watch a Young and Dangerous movie? He actually said such a weird thing to little Meng Meng when they met for the first time.

The one who responded to the parrot Cola was Meng Meng, who was trembling again. This time, it bravely approached Cola and wrinkled its nose gently at him. It was so cute.

The last person Meng Meng met was Lightning, who had grown into a big foal. This guy always remained very humble to all the cute pets at home. If he were a human, he would definitely be a handsome man with elegant manners.

Maybe it was because they were of the same kind. Although Meng Meng was still young, the feeling she gave to Lightning was a threat from the bottom of her heart. If the two were both male horses, they would be strong competitors if they were in the same group. Lightning snorted at Meng Meng and neighed softly at her. In short, her attitude was quite unfriendly.

However, Meng Meng's reaction was very special. Not only did she want to lean towards Lightning when she stood up, but her little nose also sniffed hard in the direction of Lightning, and she also made a soft cry in her mouth, but this should be conveying the meaning of being coquettish or intimate.

In Meng Meng's young heart. She didn't feel the competition yet, but the breath of Lightning belonging to the same category could not be concealed, which was why Meng Meng had a fierce reaction.

As a bystander, Gu Hongyu could only smile heartily when he saw this situation. It would be fun when the two guys grow up!


"Hongyu, you're walking the dog again!"

"I heard that there are wild horses in the reserve. Is that true, Boss Gu?"

"Look, I haven't seen them for a while. The foals have grown up."

"The two big dogs are getting more and more fierce!"

"Boss Gu, don't leave in a hurry. Let me take a photo with your pets at home!"


As soon as he went out, Gu Hongyu heard all kinds of voices. Some greeted him, some asked about things, some drooled at the cute pets, and some asked for photos. The last part was the most. Sometimes Gu Hongyu was surrounded by them accidentally. There are so many tourists in Honghu Village now that it is hard to guard against them!

It is impossible to go to the military fan club. Tourists will go there after the temperature drops a little. There are also people who buy Xianyuan wine. In the end, Gu Hongyu can only go to the orchard.

The enthusiasm of tourists could not be stopped along the way. The news of the appearance of wolves and wild horses in the reserve was indeed leaked and spread. Thanks to the photos taken by Liang Qinghui, more and more tourists asked Gu Hongyu for a while, and even the old men of Chen Luofeng's brothers were alarmed.

On the way to the orchard, he ran into these old men. The people on the opposite side laughed when they saw Gu Hongyu.

"Xiao Gu, where are you going again?"

"Are there really wolves and wild horses in the reserve?"

"Tell us what you saw in the reserve?"

"Let's find a place for us to sit down and talk slowly."

Just like that, Gu Hongyu was kidnapped by a group of old men without saying anything. He found a casual stone table and chair nearby, and Gu Hongyu told everyone about the situation in the reserve again. Anyway, he had told it countless times and soon Gu Hongyu finished it quickly.

"I can't believe it!"

"It's good to establish a protected area. Once the environment improves, you can see that the species of animals inside have become richer and richer. The wild horses have a rich food source. I think the population can expand a bit, right?"

"Fortunately, no poachers discovered the wild horses first. Xiao Gu, you must protect these wild horses well."

"By the way, what difficulties do you have now? Once the news about Xiao Liang is released, poachers may come here. Now you have to think of a way to deal with it. Do you want the government to help you in this regard?"


This group of old people is very pure. Their purpose is to care about the survival of the wild horses and the problems faced by the reserve. Gu Hongyu was still very moved.

Scratching his head, Gu Hongyu said: "Now I have a helicopter. If the plane patrols the sky every day, it will be a big deterrent to poachers. One person is not enough, so I have to add a few pilots. Secondly, when we really encounter poachers, we lack weapons for fighting. Can you old men tell the upper level about our actual situation and equip us with a few weapons?"

At present, Gu Hongyu is not short of money, and he did not take the opportunity to ask for financial assistance. It is still the most economical to ask for professional pilots and corresponding weapons to fly the plane.

"You kid, you're so slippery!" Chen Luofeng's grandfather pointed at Gu Hongyu and laughed: "Okay, let's find some connections for you..."

Several old men are needed to find connections. As long as one of them shows up, the local government leaders will probably come here. Gu Hongyu is completely flattered!

While chatting, Gu Hongyu's cell phone rang. It was Peng Minghao who called. Didn't this kid call before? What's going on?

Gu Hongyu was surprised when he picked up the phone. What's going on? The city TV station is coming here to interview!


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