Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 50: Vegetable planting in progress (Part 2) Please recommend and collect

Highly recommended in the urban category. Thank you to the book friends who clicked, recommended, collected and even rewarded it. I also thank the editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief who signed the contract for this book. I once again hope that more book friends will like "Xianyuan Farm". The author will always be serious Keep writing!

"Come back, Xiao Gu is back with the vegetable seedlings!" Uncle Aza shouted when Gu Hongyu drove into the village with a large truck.

The car parked next to the vegetable greenhouse, and soon the villagers who had gathered there swarmed over. An uncle from the village asked: "Little old man, what vegetables are we growing this time?"

Gu Hongyu said with a smile: "This is the first time to try planting. There are many vegetable varieties. Let's see how the market responds. If a certain vegetable is very popular, we will plant more varieties next time!"

"Oh, can these vegetables really be sold at a high price?" Some villagers asked again, unsure.

Gu Hongyu didn't want to answer this question again, but just nodded and pretended to be stunned: "The price is definitely higher than ordinary vegetables, but how much it can be sold depends on the market conditions!"

Uncle Aza saw many villagers gathered around Gu Hongyu to inquire about the news, and said angrily: "Don't be idle. Now that the vegetable seedlings have arrived, they must be planted quickly. You are still in the mood to ask questions!"

When they saw Party Secretary Aza getting angry, many younger villagers shrank their heads and immediately went to trucks to carry vegetable seedlings. The vegetable seedlings were separated layer by layer with plastic paper. The villagers also knew that these vegetable seedlings were very valuable. Be careful when moving.

Next, the villagers were divided into several groups. Several villagers were responsible for planting vegetable seedlings of the same variety, and were also responsible for planting the designated vegetable greenhouses. Gu Hongyu admired Uncle Aza very much in terms of execution. He only saw him standing there. All things were handled in an orderly and reasonable manner beside the truck.

After moving the vegetable seedlings on the truck, Gu Hongyu settled the wages to the truck driver. Looking at his honest and honest look, his heart moved: "Master, please leave a phone number. I will use the big truck here in the future." Contact you!”

The main business of trucks in the small town is to haul livestock and fur goods. Now that there is a new business like Gu Hongyu, the truck driver was of course happy. He happily left his phone number and promised Gu Hongyu that he would look for him to pull goods in the future. If so, the price is guaranteed to be cheaper than this time.

Watching the truck go away, Gu Hongyu still lowered his head and thought. Nowadays, competition in all walks of life is relatively high. If there is no unique and attractive new technology, sooner or later he will become an ordinary member. Fortunately, he has powerful functions in his hand. mysterious space.

"Xiao Gu, it seems that these vegetables can't be planted in one day. Could you please find some more villagers to help? Otherwise, the vegetable seedlings will be left for too long and may not survive!" Uncle Aza inspected the circle and found out new situation.

Gu Hongyu didn't have to worry about the vegetable seedlings spoiling if he had space for spring water. However, it was better to plant the vegetable seedlings as soon as possible, so he agreed: "Uncle Aza, how many people can you estimate for this matter? I'll leave it to you." I'll leave it to you. When the time comes, tell me the number of villagers invited so that I can calculate their wages."

"Okay, as long as we recruit 10 more people, I guarantee that even if we work overtime today, we can plant all the land in the greenhouse." Uncle Aza said firmly.

Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "Then let's find 15 people. The more people we have, the more time we will have. Don't hurry and wait until the vegetable seedlings are not planted properly. Haste makes waste!"

"Haha, people who have gone to college are thoughtful. Listen to you and I will find 15 idle villagers!" Uncle Aza agreed very much with Gu Hongyu's proposal. Growing vegetables is still a hard job. It's very tiring to work in the fields for a long time. Having more manpower will naturally reduce the burden on the villagers who are currently growing vegetables.

A large vegetable greenhouse has become a lively battlefield. Many villagers are still chatting while planting vegetables. Without exception, they are talking about the future profits of the vegetables or topics related to Gu Hongyu.

There were several village women growing vegetables in one of the greenhouses. The sharp-eared Gu Hongyu heard one of them say: "Do you think you can really make a lot of money growing vegetables?"

"Didn't you see that the old man rented land for farming? That would definitely make money!" said another villager aunt.

But someone immediately asked: "Then why can't we sell the vegetables we grew before? Is it just that these vegetable seedlings are different from ours?"

"Have you not heard that these vegetable seedlings are cultivated through high-tech means? Their nutrition and taste are much better than those we grow. Last time, Xiaogu brought some to Party Secretary Aza's family. I heard Aunt Aza say that the vegetables are It tastes the best vegetables she has ever tasted!" said another woman with a slightly crisper voice.

"I see, the most important thing is that the little old boss has the channels, and there are people who need the vegetables he grows. It's not like we can't sell the vegetables even if we grow them on the market. It's really thankless!" The woman who spoke first said said.

However, the conversation got away from the vegetable matter. I don’t know who started it: "You said that the old boss came to our remote village to farm at a young age. Can his girlfriend agree?"

"Well, the little old boss doesn't seem to have mentioned a girlfriend since he came here. I'm afraid he doesn't have one yet, right?"

"How could the little old boss have such a talented person and not have a girlfriend? If I were 20 years younger, I would have chased him right away!"

"Forget it. I think Xiao Gu looks down on us rural girls. I have a distant relative who lives in the provincial capital. She is about to graduate from college. I asked her to come to my place during the Chinese New Year. It would be nice if she likes Xiao Gu!"

"Haha, how can you be a matchmaker? You still don't know whether Xiao Gu has a girlfriend. Besides, you can guarantee that the girl from your distant relative's family doesn't have a boyfriend. I heard that colleges don't stop girls from dating now!"

"Well, it depends on whether they are destined to be together. I am optimistic about Xiao Gu. She has a good figure and culture. She is also very kind and doesn't make people feel superior..."

The rural women were just chatting about family matters, but they didn't forget to plant vegetables. Before noon, half of the vegetable fields in the greenhouse were planted with seedlings. Uncle Azha also led other helpers to join the vegetable planting team. It seems that it will be no problem to plant the seedlings smoothly today.

"Ding Di" The sound of a car horn came from not far from the vegetable greenhouse. Gu Hongyu looked over and saw the government leader Secretary Gao and Peng Minghao walking over with a smile on their faces.

"I haven't seen this Honghu Village for a few days. It's really changed a lot, Xiao Gu. This is all thanks to you!" Seeing the main person Gu Hongyu, the town secretary Gao stretched out his hands from a distance.

Gu Hongyu greeted him with both hands and said with a smile: "Isn't this the result of the town's strong support? How come Secretary Gao has time to visit the village today?"

"Isn't it because I heard that your greenhouse has been completed and vegetables have started to be planted? As the target of our investment attraction, we must follow it at any time!" Secretary Gao smiled but said nothing. Instead, Peng Minghao next to him said so.

"Then please, since Secretary Gao and Minghao are here, let's take a look around the greenhouse!" Gu Hongyu said and really took them to visit the built vegetable greenhouse. [bookid=313ame=《Modern Heavenly Master's Cultivation Life》]

I recommend a very long and exciting novel 《Modern Heavenly Master's Cultivation Life》, which has nearly 2 million words: In the Dharma Ending Age, cultivation is not easy. Jiang Le, an ordinary student with a weak brain, has a wonderful journey of entering the Tao because of the fragments of the ancient fairy treasure, the Falling Treasure Money, that appeared in his brain!

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