Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 616: Meeting the Red Fox Again

The sightseeing car did not travel very fast in the wildlife reserve, but within a distance of only a few hundred meters, everyone had already seen many wild animals that were rarely seen in ordinary times.

When those alert guys saw the sightseeing bus, they were eating grass leisurely at first, then lurked their entire bodies into the grass and disappeared. The slightly larger ones ran further away, and soon the grassland All animals were gone.

"Hongyu, last time I observed this protected area from a helicopter, I didn't think anything of it, but this time I walked into the protected area at close range and saw so many wild animals. This is your great achievement!"

The sightseeing car drove to a certain distance and temporarily stopped on a hill. Everyone was sitting in the car using binoculars to search for wild animals around. Liang Qinghui didn't forget to sigh a few times.

Gu Lin also put down the telescope: "Don't tell me, remember that the location where we hunted last year was within the scope of today's protected area. At that time, I only knew that there were many wild wolves and many hares, but there was a huge gap compared with now. , I took a look with my binoculars just now, and there are a lot of pheasants, wild birds, cockroaches, wild deer, and badgers in the grass."

"Brother Gu, are you right? Didn't you say there were a lot of wild wolves at first? If that were true, the number of other herbivorous wild animals would decrease?" Jiang Zhe asked.

Without Gu Lin's answer, Chen Luofeng explained with a smile: "Xiao Zhe, you don't understand this. As long as there is no shortage of food resources for herbivores, the reproduction rate of herbivores will be very high. If this continues, Even if hunting by wild wolves is eliminated, the number of herbivores will still increase to varying degrees year by year, and it is not difficult to understand why the number of herbivores will increase when you look at the vegetation in the reserve.”

Yes, after a year of systematic management, the land area about ten kilometers away from the Red Lake has gradually been included in the scope of sprinkler irrigation. In the past, these places were at best filled with sparse bushes, but after regular irrigation with diluted space spring water, the ground was basically covered with grass and some small trees. The environment was better than a year ago. How much stronger.

The people present were all smart people, and they lamented the changes in the wasteland environment. At the same time, he also secretly sighed at Gu Hongyu's mysterious and unpredictable methods, which allowed him to transform desolate and barren land into a vibrant pasture. This was not something that could only be done with money.

"Uncle, I just saw several foxes in the telescope!" At this time, Xiao Lele squeezed into the circle where the adults were talking.

Children are very unhappy when they see being ignored by adults. Gu Hongyu and others thought this was the reason why Lele ran among them!

So Gu Hongyu asked with a smile: "Then how do you know that what you saw just now was a fox?"

Lele said arrogantly: "Of course I know they are foxes, because I saw them on TV, and my father also took me to the zoo. The foxes there were exactly the same as the ones I just saw, but just now I saw The color of the Mechanism II fox I arrived is so beautiful, the outer fur is actually red.”

Red fox?

Gu Hongyu was moved. Last winter, he was not kind enough to get some space fruits and fed them to the red fox. He still remembered that the adult red fox was an animal with an open mind.

Following Lele's instructions, Gu Hongyu picked up the binoculars and looked over. He actually found a few red foxes under a few bushes with some wild fruits. But the red foxes are almost the same size now, and Gu Hongyu is not sure that these are the ones he found last year.

"How is it? Is it a red fox?" Liang Qinghui also asked quickly while Gu Hongyu was deep in thought.

At this moment, Gu Lin shouted again: "It's really a red fox, with that fiery red fur so beautiful!"

"Those foxes must have been attracted by the wild fruits."

"If only I had a pet fox like this..."

"Hongyu, how about you wink at the red foxes and maybe they will come over obediently driven by your charm?"


However, just as the group of stuffed guys were talking about each other, they saw five red foxes emerging from under the trees. They even ignored the wild fruits on the trees and walked cautiously towards the sightseeing car. come over.

"What's going on? Is the red fox approaching us?"

"Could it be that these red foxes have become spirits? They must have heard what I just said, and they came over without Hongyu's summons."

The arrival of the red foxes was of course Gu Hongyu's credit. In order to identify whether these red foxes were the ones he had rescued last year, Gu Hongyu released a little bit of his mental power, but unexpectedly those few red foxes received it. Just look around. Finally, it was determined that this spiritual power was transmitted from the sightseeing car, so a group of foxes involuntarily approached the sightseeing car.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that those red foxes were the ones he rescued last year. Red foxes that have opened up their intelligence have their own memory, otherwise they would not react like this.

"Uncle, the red fox is here. I want the red fox to play with me." He shouted happily.

At this time, the red fox was already very close to the sightseeing car. He hid in a bush and hesitated. Gu Hongyu once again let go of his mental power. When the red foxes came into contact, the last slightly larger red fox chirped. After a few shouts, he took the lead and took unswerving steps towards the sightseeing car.

Liang Qinghui, Jiang Zhe and others were about to open the car door and go down to meet the red foxes, but Gu Hongyu quickly stopped them and walked in front of everyone: "You can't go down first, otherwise these red foxes will be scared away by you."

"Damn, it turns out that the red foxes were really lured here by Hongyu, and we are so happy for nothing." Liang Qinghui suddenly realized, and the others reacted in a similar way.

Seeing Gu Hongyu get off the car first, the red foxes circled around him, and then several foxes sniffed his trouser legs vigorously, and then they stopped as if to recall whether the smell was the same as what they smelled before.

At this time, everyone got off the sightseeing car lightly, without even breathing a breath, for fear of driving away the red foxes.

However, everyone soon became happy, because several red foxes began to scream at Gu Hongyu, and everyone clearly heard the joy in the screams. These foxes recognized Gu Hongyu, this strange creature, and it was he who saved their families.

Gu Hongyu bent down and held a red fox with both hands. The red fox wanted to dodge at first, but in the end it seemed to overcome its psychological barriers and was held in Gu Hongyu's arms a little stiffly. Gu Hongyu stroked them and quietly released some space spring water on the surrounding grass. Several red foxes ignored the existence of the crowd and enjoyed the taste of the space spring water.

"Dad, uncle, I caught a red fox, they are so cute!" Lele laughed happily.

ps: Thank you "Xie Zhixiu" for your reward support, thank you "Qingkongli", "Lanlou Gujian", "yu0421" for your monthly ticket support!

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