Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 69 A rich harvest (Third update, please vote for Sanjiang)

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Fortunately, Peng Minghao suppressed his excitement and didn't shout out loud, but he was worried immediately. How should he catch so many hares? As long as the gun went off, the rabbits that were not hit would definitely flee instantly. If he caught them like this, he could only catch one.

But after thinking about it, he had no other way. Even if he had other ways, what would it matter? The equipment he brought didn't have large containers, such as net bags and pockets, so he couldn't take much away.

So he chose a hare that looked the fattest to Peng Minghao, and all the hares ran around with a bang, leaving a bleeding rabbit on the original ground, and it died directly without twitching.

Gu Hongyu woke up immediately after the gunshot, and something surprised Peng Minghao. A large wild rabbit ran into Gu Hongyu's arms in panic. Gu Hongyu grabbed its ears with both hands and captured it very easily.

"Damn, it's impossible. I worked hard to shoot one with a gun, but you caught one easily with your hands. It's still alive. It's so unfair!" Peng Minghao was simply impressed by Gu Hongyu's luck.

Gu Hongyu changed from holding the two long ears of the wild rabbit with both hands to holding one hand. No matter how it struggled in his hands, it couldn't break free. He scratched his head with the remaining hand and laughed: "This is called walking into a trap!"

"I think it should be called getting something for nothing. It's really depressing!" Peng Minghao was very dissatisfied.

"Let's go, let's go, it's almost time, let's go back!" Gu Hongyu urged repeatedly. He was a little worried that Peng Minghao would stay to check the mystery of the hares gathering together. Even though the water had dried up and could not be seen, the subconscious worry still made Gu Hongyu feel uneasy.

Peng Minghao was indeed very puzzled as to why the hares gathered together, but he did not stop thinking about Gu Hongyu, so he nodded and said puzzledly: "It's really strange, I have never seen hares gathering in groups. If I could take a picture of the scene at that time with a mobile phone, I don't know how many people would be shocked!"

Gu Hongyu hurriedly said: "Maybe this is a large family of hares going out together, or we just happened to meet them on the migration route!"

This excuse was obviously full of mistakes, but Peng Minghao really couldn't find any other convincing answers, so he just listened to Gu Hongyu's explanation. This time, Peng Minghao had another unsolved mystery during the hunt, and he didn't find the reason until the end of his life.

On the way back, it was already past five o'clock. The sky without sunrise looked gloomy. Maybe it was because of the good luck they had just caught the hare. They actually saw a lot of pheasants going into the bushes, apparently planning to return to their nests or find a place to spend the night.

Hunting experience told them that they should not act rashly at this time. After confirming that there were pheasants in the bushes opposite, Peng Minghao and Gu Hongyu divided the work this time. Gu Hongyu had a live rabbit in his hand and could only be responsible for keeping an eye on it. Peng Minghao, who was a better shot, was aiming at the bushes with a sniper rifle.

This was a moving target. Before the division of labor was completed, the hare in Gu Hongyu's hand struggled and the pheasant was alert and began to plan to fly away. Peng Minghao shot it down before the pheasant took off, which relieved the regret of missing the first shot of the hare. If Lin Yuantao was here, he would definitely show off.

Gu Hongyu gave him a thumbs up: "Good marksmanship!"

"Well, it's a good thing that the prey didn't escape from the gun this time!" Peng Minghao's words still revealed that he couldn't get out of the shadow of firing a blank shot before.

Gu Hongyu went over and picked up the pheasant with one hand, weighed it in his hand: "Not bad, probably weighing 3 kilograms, a rabbit, a pheasant, plus my vegetables, it should be enough for a meal tonight!"

"You don't want to eat the lively rabbit in your hand?" Gu Hongyu's words just now clearly did not count his rabbit.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said: "This guy is only a half-grown rabbit, I plan to take it back and feed it!"

"What, you are still planning to raise a rabbit, or a rabbit, do you know that once a rabbit is caught, it will starve to death, even a very small rabbit is like this, you can't raise this thing at all." Peng Minghao told Gu Hongyu all the habits of rabbits he knew.

Gu Hongyu did not refute. He had space in his hands, so he could not be judged by common sense. It was easy to raise a hare. When the time came, he would let Peng Minghao see it.

This return trip did not have the energy they had when they came out, and they were lucky enough to catch some prey along the way. When they met up with Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu, there were already three pheasants and two hares hanging on the gun handles, and the hare that was still kicking in Gu Hongyu's hand was not counted.

When Lin Yuantao saw Gu Hongyu and his trophies from a distance, the regret in his heart was completely written on his face. Peng Minghao patted him on the shoulder: "This time, many equipments are not ready. I will call the buddy who lent me the gun to come over for a big hunt in two days. Let's go back today!"

"You have killed so many prey in more than an hour. Oh, the rabbit in Hongyu's hand is still alive, so cute!" Shen Fengzhu's girlish nature overflowed. From the first prey she saw, she immediately shifted to the lively hare.

Lin Yuantao also asked curiously: "You can catch a living hare with a hunting rifle. Look at this hare. There is no wound on its body. How did you catch it?"

Peng Minghao laughed: "This is Hongyu's credit..." Then he told Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu the whole process of hunting, and they were amazed and surprised.

It was still Lin Yuantao who guessed funny: "Maybe the place where the hares gather is a treasure land. Isn't it that there is a treasure in the land..."

"Since there is a treasure, you can dig it!" Shen Fengzhu spoke before he finished speaking.

Lin Yuantao immediately changed his mind: "No matter whether it is a treasure or not, I have my Fengzhu as a treasure. It's getting late, so let's go back now!"

The journey made everyone tired. After going out hunting, Gu Hongyu completely became cheerful again from his depressed mind. He also just got sweet love and was a little obsessed with it for a while, but thinking about the long time in the future, as long as he really loves each other, he should cherish it.

They put the living rabbit upside down in a plastic basket and picked up a few leaves for it as its dinner. Then they began to take care of today's harvest.

The dishes made of vegetables were fragrant, and the addition of braised rabbit meat and mushroom stewed pheasant made people's appetites very much. It was really a supreme enjoyment to eat delicious food on the wooden platform by the lake with lights and laughter.

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