Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 701 Dilemma

The leisurely life made Gu Hongyu, who was soaked in happiness, feel that the days passed very fast, and it was the end of January in the blink of an eye. .ww.●

At this time, the hospital and school in the farm community were fully staffed, and the school had begun to teach the children of community employees in accordance with their aptitude. The most important thing taught was the children's spoken English and daily grammar, etc.

The farm community hospital is doing more research on how to promote and apply traditional Chinese medicine, because since Xiong Maoxun’s hospital was put into operation, their business has been very slow, and they have not received any calls from farm employees in half a month. In one case, only some employees took Hua Xia’s sick parents to the hospital for rehabilitation treatment.

Today, the several records of hospital visits are all generated by tourists visiting the farm. Xiong Maoxun can still clearly remember that one visit was an Australian tourist who accidentally caught a cold the next morning while camping at the beach, and the other was another patient. A tourist accidentally sprained his foot while running on the beach.

No one on the farm was injured or sick, which surprised Xiong Maoxun and the other medical staff working in the hospital.

In any case, the hospital was very busy now, so Xiong Maoxun and the others simply relaxed and started discussing the research and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine.

In this matter, Gu Hongyu also kept his original promise. Xiong Maoxun has the final say on all matters related to traditional Chinese medicine. Now he is waiting for these people to discuss the research direction of traditional Chinese medicine and then allocate funds for them to build a research center. building to purchase various sophisticated medical research equipment.

Gu Hongyu's life at this stage is still very comfortable. Apart from taking Mei Ning to a large hospital in Brisbane, Australia for regular pregnancy check-ups, he has almost nothing to do the rest of the time, because now that Lin Feiyu has finished his vacation, he is still thinking about His vacation was extended, but Gu Hongyu didn't give him a chance.

Knowing that this kid's whole heart is with Huang Jiayi, the relationship between the two has also fully developed. ◆

However, Gu Hongyu said that the farm lacked employees from the comprehensive management department of the enterprise like Huang Jiayi. If Lin Feiyu could lure her to the farm, he would not be stingy with high salary and high position.

If Lin Feiyu wants to live and fly together, there is no problem, but the prerequisite is to persuade Huang Jiayi to work on the farm. Next, it depends on Lin Feiyu’s ability!

In fact, this matter was not difficult for him. The farm attracted Huang Jiayi. During the second half of Lin Feiyu's seven-day vacation, the boy took him to the farm again. He was very excited to take Huang Jiayi to visit all aspects of the farm again, and also took her to her home in the community, which could not help but make Huang Jiayi tempted.

But girls always care about face. The reasons Gu Hongyu mentioned were to bring the other person to the farm and bring the two of them into a happy marriage. The farm is not afraid of dual-income families, but welcomes them.

Another thing is that there are too few young women on the farm, and there are too few knowledgeable women. If you want to develop into an internationally renowned farm, then how can there be a shortage of eloquent and beautiful women on the farm!

Anyone who has been in the workplace knows that women often have unique advantages in the workplace. Do you agree with this?

There was another reason why Mei Ning followed him into the farm and was almost always around Gu Hongyu. There is not even a close friend in the farm. If Huang Jiayi can enter the farm, there are also Guo Hongrong from the community kindergarten and Zheng Binglan, a member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Center. These people may become like-minded good friends in the future.

Leave general matters to Lin Feiyu to handle. In the rest of the time, Gu Hongyu would either take his cute pets to the farm to attract the attention of tourists, or simply go directly to Uncle Aza to do some homework.

On this day, Uncle Aza sent Xiao Hao to the kindergarten to receive teacher English training. Gu Hongyu visited again and took this opportunity to talk about the current situation of Honghu Village. .ww.▼

"Xiao Gu, you don't know, Honghu Village is no longer as lively as before." Uncle Aza sighed and said helplessly.

"We don't have any problem with the quiet living environment. However, the new boss rarely shows up in Honghu Village. Usually it is his few followers who mess around in Honghu Village. I really don't think we villagers can see it. If they continue like this, the foundation they have laid in Honghu Village will be destroyed again.”

Gu Hongyu knew that the exhibition there had plummeted since he left Honghu Village. However, listening to Uncle Aza's explanation of the real situation, he couldn't help but feel shocked. He really didn't expect that Xu Shao and his gang were so despicable. Many of their practices were just digging holes for themselves!

First, after Gu Hongyu left, Xu Shao's followers reduced the benefits of many farm employees. Secondly, although many senior agricultural experts were hired, the taste of the vegetables first grown was very different from when Gu Hongyu was there. Many foodies can naturally tell the difference, and dealers are also keen to know the inside story.

As a result, the vegetables that were grown suddenly became unsalable. If it weren't for Mr. Xu's strong family background, the first batch of vegetables would have rotted in the ground. Even if the vegetables were finally sold, the price would be lower than There was more than a little missing when Gu Hongyu was here.

When dealing with vegetable sales, Mr. Xu was in a very bad mood. He immediately scolded Beidou, a leader in domestic agricultural cultivation, and he immediately got angry and left. Those greenhouses could only grow vegetables of slightly higher quality, and the price could only be sold at ordinary vegetable prices, which made Mr. Xu and his group feel very disappointed.

But that's not all. Ever since they knew there was a problem with the vegetables, Xu Shao and others immediately called in some other agricultural experts to take samples and test the soil in the orchard. ■.ww.■

Experts told Mr. Xu that their even more alarming answer was that the soil of tens of thousands of acres of orchards has almost no fertility. If that orchard is not fertilized to save it, soon the fruit trees in that orchard will not be able to bear fruit, even if they bear fruit. The quantity of fruits is not too much, and the taste quality is not to mention.

Mr. Xu directly asked the expert for a solution. The expert who was invited did not know the origin of this orchard and directly suggested: "I saw that this orchard was growing very well before. Why don't you manage the orchard according to the previous method?" Just keep doing it, okay?”

It was not until this moment that Mr. Xu and others knew that Gu Hongyu held the secret recipe for planting and cultivation, and this secret recipe put him in an invincible position. Now they are very upset in their hearts and regret that they could not let Gu Hongyu stay. That kind of growing secret recipe.

Now that Gu Hongyu is in Australia, Xu Shao no longer has the ability to coerce him into doing anything.

At this time, Xiaosi, who was standing next to Mr. Xu, asked the experts: "If we don't follow the previous fertilization method, is there any room for saving this orchard?"

The expert shook his head at first, and then said solemnly: "It's difficult to say. But if there is a way, it is not impossible, but the cost is too high, and I have no way to guarantee the quality of the fruits produced by the fruit trees. ”

In the end, Mr. Xu, Xiaosi and Xiaowu agreed with the expert's advice to fertilize the ten thousand acres of orchards, because they couldn't make money in the vegetable business. The projects they can rely on are mainly focused on tourists and orchards in Honghu Village.

But now Honghu Village is missing the cute pets of Gu Hongyu’s family. Even the golden brick in the red lake has disappeared. No one has seen it in the red lake for several months. In addition, there is no delicious vegetables here. Fruit, several situations are concentrated together, and many tourists have finally developed aesthetic fatigue towards Honghu Village. ▼▼The popularity suddenly dropped sharply.

After Orchard made the decision, Mr. Xu focused most of his energy on the overall planning of Qingzhen.

In his opinion, Gu Hongyu's previous work was very ambitious. If this plan is implemented, Honghu Village and surrounding villages will once again show a new look. By then, they will also attract more tourists, and there will be amazing things happening here. profit.

However, it is wonderful to think about it, but Mr. Xu still underestimated the investment in infrastructure construction.

First of all, Mr. Xu himself looked too ugly. The overall planning plan of Qingzhen involved one village, but he only allowed the development of three villages, and held all the construction rights of the remaining nine villages in his own hands. inside.

And if the nine villages are completed as planned, a total investment of more than 10 billion will be required. These are just rough estimates, and if it really goes forward, the cost of this fund will only be more.

Xu Shao's subordinates are mainly the source of funds for the Xiaosi and Xiaowu families. Of course, there are other small families who are currying favor with Xu Shao, but the funds those families really put out can only be considered as a drop in the bucket and cannot completely fill the bottomless pit.

In fact, Mr. Xu didn't know that Xiaosi and Xiaowu's families had consciously reduced their investment in Honghu Village due to successive setbacks in vegetable greenhouses and 10,000-acre orchards.

Because now it is said that the real estate industry in China has suffered the coldest cold wind. No one dares to take huge risks to enter this industry again. Even if Qingzhen is a small town directly under the jurisdiction of Zhang City, after all, except for Honghu Village, there is no other The foundation is too weak.

Although the Qingzhen Ring Village Highway that was already under construction has not been suspended. However, the progress of that kind of construction has slowed down, and many facilities that were originally supposed to be built are still only on the drawings. Due to the delay in funds, Mr. Xu has been very irritable recently.

"Little Four, Little Five. What did you tell your family? Why haven't the funds that should have arrived been transferred yet?" Mr. Xu couldn't help but ask after sending the agricultural expert back to the office.

"Master Xu, I am also pursuing this matter, but my family said that the construction industry has shrunk extremely during this period. My family's funds are currently tied up in many projects. The old man asked us to wait for a while. This is not..."

Before Xiao Si could say anything, Mr. Xu turned around and glanced at Xiao Wu, who said bravely: "Master Xu, our family is just like Xiao Si and his family. During this period, all the funds have been tied up in the real estate. , but we will call 50 million first tomorrow, and let us find another way to deal with the rest.”

With a bang, a tea bowl came into close contact with the ground, and the tea bowl was finally thrown to pieces.

"Fifty million is not enough. How much money is left to dig up and restore the orchard? This is so different from the funds you two promised to use!"

Xiaosi and Xiaowu remained silent when Mr. Xu was angry. Whoever speaks now will be in trouble.

Uncle Aza drank tea and slowly told Gu Hongyu one by one what he knew in Honghu Village. Seeing the decline of Honghu Village, he felt a little uncomfortable. In addition, he also preached to Gu Hongyu: " Xiao Gu, Master Xu’s family background and conditions couldn’t be better, why are you still fighting about this, why don’t you think it would be better to just calm down?”

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "We can't guess what the rich kids think, but there are people in the world who are not satisfied. I guess they are too ambitious!"

"That's right, the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant."

Uncle Aza agreed and said: "Finally, guess what the new boss did. I don't know who said that there are many wild fish such as Yellow River carp in the Red Lake. They actually organized a large group of employees to cast nets in the Red Lake. Fishing for fish, but the result is that the bamboo basket is empty and nothing is caught. "

Gu Hongyu also laughed when he heard this. The fish in the Red Lake are all like spirits, and the water system at the bottom of the lake is huge. There are some magical places at the bottom of the lake. Gu Hongyu hasn't found out the truth yet. Those lakes Especially when the weather is cold, fish usually lurk in the intricate waterways at the bottom of the lake.

However, it can also be seen from these aspects that Young Master Xu is really short of money now.

They originally took over the profitable greenhouse vegetables, so they contacted the American old Hall who cooperated with Gu Hongyu, but after seeing the quality of the vegetables, the old Hall ignored them, and the domestic market gradually did not accept the quality of the vegetables. , the value of those vegetables has been greatly reduced, how can you still make money in Gu Hongyu's hands?

For Mr. Xu, if he hadn't been powerful, he would have done well without losing money, but the profits he could earn from vegetables alone were still very little after excluding employees and their expenses.

"Uncle, you really don't blame me for compromising in the first place, do you? Leaving Honghu Village caused all the villagers there to suffer huge losses." Gu Hongyu couldn't help but asked after seeing Uncle Aza's low mood.

At this time, Uncle Aza shook his head: "You have a clear conscience for what you did. Honghu Village cannot rely on you for everything. Besides, the situation in this matter is beyond our control. In short, our Honghu Village still does not have that blessing."

Gu Hongyu smiled at this time: "Uncle, don't say so absolutely, who can say for sure what will happen in the future!"

"Well, after hearing what you said, Xiao Gu, can you still go back?" After listening to Gu Hongyu's words, the tea cup that Uncle Aza was drinking started to flow out.

But when he observed Gu Hongyu's expression, the latter was calm and smiling without saying a word!

ps: 2o16. o1.17 Thanks to book friends "The Young Master of the Li Family", "Xie Zhixiu" and "yaa" for their appreciation and support, and thanks to "Lele's Lula" for their monthly ticket support!


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