Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 774 Return to Kanas Lake

After agreeing to invest in the overall development project of Qingzhen, Aubrey only reached an investment intention with the leader of Zhang City who was responsible for the matter. In the next two days, Aubrey's negotiation team came to Qingzhen and talked with Zhang City with Mayor Huang as the A group of people started consultations on the details. .`

In the end, the two parties agreed on the overall development project of Qingzhen with the 50 billion Chinese coins that Gu Hongyu was forced to take away.

Don’t think that Qingzhen will make a lot of concessions now that it is facing the abolition of its administrative level. Aubrey should take the opportunity to reduce the expenditure on taking over the overall project. But don’t forget that Xu Dashao spent a lot of money when he took over the Qingzhen project. A lot of real gold and silver, this amount totals as much as 2 billion.

Regardless of this investment for the moment, the preferential policies Aubrey received can be regarded as a sign of the Chinese government's sincerity.

The last time he met with Aubrey, Mayor Huang had already promised verbally that projects built by Aubrey would be tax-free for one year, and the taxes would be reduced by half in the second and third years. The government would use green materials for all projects that Aubrey needs to build. Passage, and dispatch a dedicated person to handle the entire customs clearance process for Aubrey.

In addition, after Aubrey's 50 billion investment funds arrive, the money can be loaned to him at low interest rates from banks. The government is also worried that Aubrey's insufficient funds in his pocket will affect the healthy and orderly construction development of Qingzhen. Here you can see how much the government expects of Aubrey.

Generally speaking, as long as Aubrey takes over the overall development of Qingzhen and develops it according to the plan, the government will cooperate in all aspects and will never set any thresholds or obstacles. ?.?`

Under such favorable conditions, Aubrey carefully signed his name. On this day, Mayor Huang of Zhang City came again in person, signed a cooperation agreement with Aubrey, and then took pictures with the continuous sound of "pop!" This scene will be broadcast vividly on TV in the near future.

"That's great. Although Guban still hasn't come to Honghu Village, there is a foreigner taking over the construction plan. Now we have hope."

Just after the TV show that the government asked Aubrey to sign the overall development project of Qingzhen, all the villagers in Qingzhen became excited. While they watched the TV pictures repeatedly, some even bought firecrackers and set them off.

To the foreigner Aubrey. Everyone was full of doubts at first, but many villagers in Folk Street witnessed the ancient board’s recommendation to Aubrey with their own eyes. Later, many villagers also figured out that the result of Aubrey’s arrival would definitely be better than that of Young Master Xu. Much stronger.

"Now many projects in the village will start construction. In the future, we will all embark on the road to wealth again."

"If Guban hasn't come back, I just don't know if the foreign boss can still grow delicious vegetables and fruits. If he can't, our Honghu Village still won't be able to attract more tourists!"

"Don't worry, he looks like he will help the foreigner. Let's just wait for the good news!"


Many people are destined to be too excited to sleep tonight.

Just when Aubrey and his team began to officially start their work, Gu Hongyu declined the celebration banquet held by District Chief Gao and Peng Minghao and their Qingzhen leadership team.

Oh, by the way, because Secretary Chen Kaishi had left a very bad impression on the superiors during the crisis in Qingzhen. As a result, the Qingzhen sector was not revoked this time, but Secretary Chen’s position was not saved, and he was transferred to Zhang City. He works as a deputy director of a health department. For him, this is a retirement position.

After Chen Kaishi left, Gao Yongping naturally became the district party secretary, and Peng Minghao persuaded Aubrey to come to Qingzhen to invest. The superiors can attribute a large part of the credit for this matter to him, and with the strength behind him, he was lucky enough to be elected as the head of the Qingzhen Open District.

Both of them were new officials and did not have the three firepowers, but their vigorous and resolute acting style inspired the enthusiasm of all the cadres in Qingzhen.

Let’s not talk about Qingzhen for the moment. Let’s talk about our protagonist Gu Hongyu.

After declining the celebration banquet, Gu Hongyu went out alone and headed towards Kanas Lake.

This time he returned to China and smoothly took over the overall planning of Qingzhen. Gu Hongyu expected it. The government made so many concessions and it didn't surprise him. He had invaded his private property before and now he has to spit out even the profits he made. When he came out, he had no idea of ​​mercy when facing the Chinese government Gu Hongyu.

Now. Gu Hongyu urgently wants to complete another thing, which is to go to Kanas Lake to find spiritual stones and replenish the spiritual energy that has become thinner in the fairy source space, because many plants in the fairy source space have lost their former beauty and vitality. .

This time Gu Hongyu chose to take a plane. It only takes more than two hours from Gansu Province to southern Xinjiang, but it takes six hours of long-distance bus ride from southern Xinjiang to Kanas Lake like last time.

By the time Gu Hongyu arrived at Kanas Lake, it was almost late at night, and this season in China is summer. There are many tourists in Kanas Lake this season, so Gu Hongyu had no choice but to rent a tent in a sparse area. camping in the woods.

However, it didn't take long for Gu Hongyu to regret it very much. He made a very wrong choice.

The people who choose to camp in that forest are generally young men and women. And after those pairs of men and women returned to camp at night, it didn't take long for Gu Hongyu to very clearly hear the suppressed moans coming from the tent next to him! groan.

However, this is just a prelude. When the sound that makes people blush and heartbeat comes from one tent, the same sound comes from many tents, and these sounds seem to be in some kind of comparison, one after another. Gu Hongyu couldn't bear it.

He had planned to wait until the people around Kanas Lake fell asleep in the second half of the night before he went to the lake to swim to the place where he had been last time. However, when he heard this kind of voice that made him feel creepy and angry, Gu Hongyu opened the tent without disturbing those who were already in the mood, and floated away again.

Can't you just hide if you can't afford to offend?

The breeze in the evening of Kanas Lake Scenic Area in summer still brings a hint of coolness to people. As soon as he walked out of the camp with many tents, he found that several patrolling security guards showed him an inexplicable smile.

One of the people knew him, and no one checked his identity information. Gu Hongyu nodded to the other party and could only go back to the hotel coffee shop to sit alone.

When the coffee shop closed at 12:30, Gu Hongyu went out and felt the surrounding environment. At this time, many people had already fallen into a sweet dream.

Gu Hongyu smiled with relief. Now he could finally go out to Kanas Lake.

Without alarming anyone, he finally saw the apparently calm Kanas Lake, took off his outer clothes and pants and put them into the Xianyuan space, then Gu Hongyu dived into the water like a flying fish.


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