Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 785 The Rough Stone That Wasn’t Good Enough

The attitude towards customers is really not good. Gu Hongyu shook his head helplessly and thought, maybe the stone gambling industry has always been worried about not having customers, so these stores selling rough stones have developed such an arrogant habit. `

The young and strong man also found a place to sit and rest in the small courtyard. Gu Hongyu bent down and started his stone gambling journey.

The practice of gambling on stones has been around since ancient times. In the process of gambling on jade stones that is full of suspense, in addition to the raw material skin, the field area and entrance of the jadeite are also one of the important basis for judging the quality of the stones.

Myanmar jadeite is produced in the northeastern part of the country, which is adjacent to Xianan Province in China. The mining area runs through the Ulu River Basin and is sandwiched between Gaoligong Mountain and Bagaibeng Mountain. It is 70 kilometers long from north to south and 20 kilometers wide from east to west, covering an area of ​​14oo. square kilometers. The mineral processing center is in Longken, which is 136 kilometers away from Myitkyina, 36o kilometers away from Tengchong in China, and 12oo kilometers away from Chiang Mai in Thailand. There are three major areas in the mining camp, namely the old field area, the Houjiang field area and the small field area.

The climate in the mining area is hot, with an average annual rainfall of about 4,000 millimeters. Spring and summer are the times with the most rainfall, making it inconvenient to work. Therefore, mining and on-site transactions are carried out in autumn and winter. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, people from all walks of life flock to the camp separately, including some There are more than 20,000 jade diggers, jade dealers, treasure hunters and various businessmen at any one time, and the scene is chaotic. Since the 1960s, this situation has gotten worse and worse.

The mining of jade in Myanmar has at least two decades of history. It has had its ups and downs, but it is still in the ascendant.

With the large-scale export of jade, the mining area is expanding and the number of mining sites is increasing. Now the scope of the mining area has been expanded to start from Heping in the east and reach the redwood forest in the west, with a length of about 24o kilometers; from Wenduo in the south to Laban in the north, with a width of about 170 kilometers long, there are more than 100 potholes in the three major areas. `The shape is like stars, and there are no less than 70 famous ones.

Old field area, this field area includes Pagan field area, Damakan field area and new field area. Because Didan is connected together and is located in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Wulu River, it has the earliest discovery and mining time, the largest scope, and the largest number of sites. It is the main source of jade in Myanmar.

Pagan field area, this field is an alluvial or residual-slope deposit, located in the middle reaches of the Ulu River, and mining began in the first century AD. The deepest hole currently excavated has reached the fifth layer, which is about 30 meters deep. The blocks from the first layer are almost all yellow sand skin shells, while the second layer mostly has red sand skin shells with wax skin. The third layer is black sand leather shell, the fourth layer is gray and black leather shell, and the fifth layer is white and yellow leather shell. Most of them have wax skin, and there are obvious differences between the blocks between the fields. The distinction is not easy. Only by understanding the fields and remembering their respective characteristics can you become perfect and make accurate judgments.

The main entrances in the Hpakant area are: Lao Pakant, Mamuwan, Huika, Shuoshangqiao, Dagudi, Chitongka, Grammok, Mengmao, Dongguo, Mana, Jiebenqiong, Mok Laogeng, Xiandong, Xianggong, Qionglao, Nanying, Yuma, Geyinqiong, Dongmo, Gramowa, Pabing, Zibo, Shengdian, Miaobi, Modi, Pabian, Sanjue, Heng Ding, Qiaowu, Laozhaipengzi, Choba, Sanchahe, Mogan.

The Damakan field area is located in the lower reaches of the Wulu River and to the west of the Laochang area. It is an alluvial deposit and was mined about 200 years later than the Pagan field area. `Represented by the damakan entrance, there are nearly 20 famous entrances. The depth of excavation has reached the fifth level, and most of them are Guanshan and half-water stones. Famous venues include: Damakan, Huangba, Mogdie, Quebing, Molong Base, Dashanka, Nansili, Nansebing, Xidabie, Yoyinggong, Nayadong, Meilinqiang , bitter hemp, bold show.

Xinchang District is located in the upper reaches of the Wulu River and east of Laochang District. It was mined earlier. It is a supergene mine and jadeite blocks can be obtained without digging deeply. But most of them have no crust and are primary deposits. People habitually call the blocks here Xinchang stones, hence the name Xinchang area. There are many pits in the new site, but they are used for the shortest time and are easily abandoned. The relatively stable pits are: Da Mo Bian, Xiao Mo Bian, Ge Di Mo, Po Zhi Gong, Mosisa, Banong, Massa, Sankamo, Karamo, Sanketang, Mobanwa.

Houjiangchang District, Houjiang is a tributary on the north side of the Wulu River, named Kangdi River. The jade mining areas are distributed along the river, so it is called Houjiangchang District. This is also an alluvial deposit, which was mined relatively late, in the early 16th century. It includes two fields, Houjiang and Namo. Although the two places are not far apart, the jade blocks they produce are very different. The blocks produced in Houjiang area are generally about 300 grams, with many varieties and excellent texture, with thin upper shells and high quality. The current excavation depth has passed the sixth floor, which is about 30 meters deep. There are partitions on the third and fourth floors. The situation on the first two floors is similar to that of the old field area. The block skins on the sixth floor are almost all yellow wax. Shell, the layers after the sixth layer are relatively thick, and the current ore yield is low. The main venues are: Molong, Bisidu, Gemulin, Padoman, Hong Kong Mo, Mo Dongguo, Mo Di, Jiaying, Bugetuo and Geqing Mo.

Namo field area, Namo is Burmese, meaning thunder. This field area is also called thunder field area, and the blocks produced are called thunder stones.

This field is located in the upper reaches of Kangdi River. Most of them are surface deposits. The blocks are inferior, with many cracks, poor hardness and loose texture. Most of them cannot be cut and made. Although there are green ones, most of them are variant stones with very low value. The cause of the variation of thunderstone needs to be further explored from the cause of formation to see whether the lower layer can change. I hope to produce authentic jade. In recent years, people have gradually had a new view on this field. In early 1992, a huge high-quality block as big as a house appeared in this field, which was like a miracle. It caused a sensation. At present, the representative fields are only: Namo, Qinlanbang and Menglanbang.

Small field area, this field area is located south of Wulu River, with an area of ​​about 45 square kilometers, which is three times larger than Houjiang field area. Because there are not many fields, people call it small field area. This is a primary deposit. It has produced many high-quality jades and is an indispensable part of the entire Myanmar jade mining area. The deepest field in this field has been controlled to the fourth layer, with black blocks with wax shells as the majority. The most famous fields are: Nanqi, Nanmo, Moliu, Ximo, Mohan, Nanxiong, Wuqigong, Nahei, Tongdong, Moliumo, and Mogedi.

There are basically only a few places in Myanmar where jade can be produced. Looking at the raw stones in the yard, Gu Hongyu can exclude more than half of the raw stones with his strong memory and the characteristics of the raw stones even without using his spiritual sense.

In the pile of raw stones in the yard, many of these raw stones are made in fields that do not produce high-quality raw stones. Those raw stones perform extremely poorly, and according to the characteristics of the surface of the raw stones, they are basically almost put into the cold palace.

Even some of the stones that are called raw stones are actually ordinary stones. The bosses who sell raw stones mix some stones in them just to paralyze the buyers, especially many laymen. Anyway, they can get more unexpected income by selling one piece.

Gu Hongyu ignored the rough stones that he had roughly sorted out, which reduced his workload a lot. Facing the rough stones that were left with at most two-fifths, he counted a total of about two hundred pieces. Ordinary people could only carefully examine these rough stones one by one.

But who is Gu Hongyu? His spiritual sense is relatively strong, because the spiritual sense needs to be immersed in the interior of the rough stone. He can usually extend his spiritual sense for several kilometers, but he can only examine twenty or thirty rough stones at a time. This is also a great miracle. If this skill is discovered by others, he may be sliced ​​and studied!

After looking at the rough stones in the yard, Gu Hongyu shook his head helplessly. These rough stones seemed to be a lot, but among the nearly two hundred rough stones, his spiritual sense only found that there were spiritual power fluctuations in thirty or so of them, and among the thirty or so rough stones with spiritual power fluctuations, there were less than five with slightly strong spiritual power fluctuations.

If the rough stones that were sentenced to death before were deducted, how many people could be lucky enough to find those rough stones with high-quality jade among so many rough stones!

It's a trap, it's too much of a trap!

There are risks in gambling on stones, so be careful when entering the industry!

The probability of a few hundredths is higher than the probability of buying a lottery ticket, but buying a lottery ticket only costs two yuan, while buying a raw stone, a wrong decision may make you go back to the pre-liberation era!

ps: Thank you book friends "Qian Kongfang", "Li Family Young Master", "Huangtian Houtuzhiwang" for your praise and support, thank you "Ai Jue Pai Zuan", "Waiting for Mido" for your monthly ticket support, and thank you "Shijiu Fang" for giving away novel chapters!


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