Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 790: Open and hidden attacks

"Have integrity? Haha..." Someone in the crowd of onlookers sneered immediately.

"The people who say that Mr. Han has integrity are new here, right? Why don't you go out and ask which stone-cutting shop owner on this street has not been blackmailed by him? Many outsiders have also been bullied by him. Is this what you call integrity?"


The crowd of onlookers looked at Gu Hongyu, who had made a lot of money, with envy, jealousy, and hatred. Boss Ruan immediately set off a large string of firecrackers outside the store. The sound reminded the crowd of onlookers, and a large group of people rushed into Boss Ruan's store.

However, a part of the crowd did not leave, but surrounded Gu Hongyu in the middle.

"Brother, are you selling the two jadeite pieces in your hand? I bought them at a high price."

"That's right, little brother, name a price. As long as the price is reasonable, we at Dongsheng Jewelry will take it."

"Little brother, these two jadeite pieces, we at Zou Jewelry are willing to buy them for 50 million."

"If you want to buy these two jadeite pieces for 50 million, little brother, sell the jadeite to our Fulu Jewelry Company. We are willing to offer 55 million."


Without giving Gu Hongyu a chance to speak, the group of managers and CEOs representing the jewelry companies began to continuously raise the price of the two jadeite pieces in his hand. Before long, the value of the two jadeite pieces exceeded 65 million, which made Gu Hongyu laugh and cry.

It was not easy. When the value of the two jadeite pieces was called up to 66 million by Zou's Jewelry Company, the voices of the continued bidding on the scene became much weaker. Seeing that no one immediately bid, the people of Zou's Jewelry immediately said: "Brother, we are the most sincere in Zou's Jewelry. You see, just give these two jadeite pieces to us?"

Gu Hongyu shook his head at the other party: "I'm really sorry, I won't sell these two jadeite pieces. Thank you for your love."

"What? Not selling, little brother, are you also a jewelry company colleague?" A boss who just competed for jadeite asked.

Gu Hongyu shook his head again: "My profession has nothing to do with the jewelry industry, but I do have other uses for jadeite like this. Please forgive me for not being able to sell it to you. I'm very sorry."

"As a result, our fierce competition just now was all in vain. This little brother's jadeite is not for sale at all."

"Little brother, I really want to buy the jadeite in your hand. We can negotiate the price privately. I believe Zou's Jewelry will give you a perfect and heart-warming price." The manager of Zou's Jewelry approached Gu Hongyu and whispered kindly.

Even Boss Ruan, who learned that Gu Hongyu did not buy jadeite, persuaded him: "Boss Gu, you should sell the jadeite to these bosses. The price they offer is very fair, and almost everyone in this area knows it. Besides, it is a crime to hold such a valuable thing in your hand!"

"Thank you Boss Ruan and all the bosses for your appreciation. However, these two pieces of jadeite are indeed useful to me. As for how to use them, I will not tell you. If we meet again in the future, if I can find good jadeite, I will definitely give priority to buying it for you." Gu Hongyu said sincerely.

However, his words were immediately refuted by some jealous people: "Can such good jade be cut? Doesn't that mean that everyone who comes to gamble on jade can make a fortune? Is that possible?"

"There are fewer and fewer high-quality jade now. Even if I have been here for many years, I have never seen anyone cut such a good jade. He wants to encounter such a situation next time. This is simply wishful thinking."

"Alas, our company has missed the glass jade again this time."

"Let's go. It seems that this brother is not short of money. Let's go around and see if we can buy satisfactory jade from other people who cut jade!"


While talking, the group of people who were going to buy jade dispersed with reluctance. Some jewelry managers who were unwilling to give up left a business card for Gu Hongyu. The intention is self-evident.

While the crowd of onlookers were attracted by the rustling sound of another round of cutting of the cutting machine, Gu Hongyu jumped into the van waiting on the side and drove straight to a high-end hotel in Tengchong County.

In the hotel, all the raw stones were moved to the room. It was already seven o'clock in the evening when all this was done.

Pulling aside the curtains and looking out, this county town that relies on tourism and gambling on stones is already brightly lit, and many tourists are coming and going on the streets.

Because of gambling on stones, Gu Hongyu spent a lot of his spiritual consciousness in the store, and he really felt a little tired lying in the hotel room.

But Gu Hongyu neglected one thing, that is, at this moment, a strong man in black was talking to his mobile phone not far from the hotel.

If someone listened carefully, they could clearly hear the black-clothed man talking about jadeite and Han Shao. And the name of the hotel that Gu Hongyu entered.

Yes, this black-clothed man is a group of ruffians kept by Han Shao. As early as the moment Gu Hongyu won the bet, he ordered the bodyguards around him to harm Gu Hongyu, and arranged for his men who Gu Hongyu had never seen to follow his whereabouts. He planned to rob Gu Hongyu tonight.

It was one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and the streets outside the hotel returned to silence. At most, one or two people could be seen walking in a hurry.

Gu Hongyu returned to the hotel and did not go out. He had dinner in the space.

Several delicious river fish, either grilled or boiled, the wonderful taste was much better than that in the restaurant outside.

After a hearty dinner, Gu Hongyu burped and picked up the two jadeite stones he won from gambling on stones today.

Today is a big harvest. Unexpectedly, some people gave money and jade. Although I heard that Han Shao was a bully, at least he fell in front of Gu Hongyu. If he was not convinced and provoked, Gu Hongyu would not be afraid at all.

Now all the raw stones have been moved to the space. Even if others want to play tricks, they will definitely return with hope and disappointment.

After playing with the jade for a while, plus the raw stones that have not been solved, these are enough for him to use for a while. Gu Hongyu decided to set up several large spirit gathering arrays on the Australian farm when he returns this time. In the future, he will have more free time, and maybe it is possible to be completely unrestricted in the future.

However, at this time, Gu Hongyu, who was still in the space, felt a strange sound coming from outside. He immediately opened his spiritual sense and found that four or five people had broken the door and entered his room at night.

He didn't know these people, but Gu Hongyu thought about it and knew the purpose of their coming here.

Wanting to steal the jade in his hand, that Han Shao was really patient. He didn't do anything to him during the day because of his image, and he played this trick at night.

But is Gu Hongyu's jade so easy to steal? He couldn't help but have some evil thoughts when he saw the masked men entering the room and rummaging through the cabinets.


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