Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 85 Unexpected (Please recommend and collect)

(Thanks to ‘Xie Zhixiu’, ‘Black Wife’, ‘Nanxian Hermit’, ‘I am alone in mourning, my heart is broken with tears’, ‘Where is the Restaurant’, ‘Lao Han’, ‘Zhao Bin’ and ‘Deep Sea Drunken Shrimp’ for their reward support!)


The delicious taste of the vegetables also impressed this group of picky officials. While they were devouring the food, they did not forget to give Gu Hongyu a thumbs up.

After the meal, the sun emerged from the clouds and scorched the earth. After dinner, everyone set up tents and rushed in. Peng Minghao stroked his round belly and said with an afterthought: "This vegetable is really unspeakable, how do you feel about it?" It’s so satisfying to eat!”

"So you feel great, but now you can only lie here and moan!" Gu Lin on the side joked with a smile.

Peng Minghao said angrily: "It seems that you are quick to eat when you are eating. It's just like making a fool of yourself. What qualifications do you have to criticize me?"

During lunch, except for Chen Luofeng, the eldest of the group who had grown up since childhood, he still maintained his grace. The others were fighting for each other during the meal. They no longer had any scruples about their image. Now they basically stay in the largest tent. .

The brother next to Gu Lin was named Liang Qinghui. He was about 1.75 meters tall, but his figure looked very strong. Wearing a long camouflage uniform, you could clearly see his bulging chest muscles. He did not participate in the chatter of everyone. Suddenly he said angrily: "This damn weather, the weather forecast clearly said it will be cloudy, but now the sun is shining so brightly, how can we hunt?"

This first impression of Gu Hongyu was that of a silent man. I don't know how he said this.

Peng Minghao noticed Gu Hongyu's confusion and leaned beside him to explain softly: "Qinghui is the one who likes hunting the most among this group of people. His father and Gu Lin's father are colleagues in the same army. Don't look at it. He can't hold back a fart for a long time, but as long as he recognizes his friends, there is nothing he can say."

Because of the weather, animals will also find a shady place to hide. Although this group of people like hunting, they will not brave the scorching sun to torture themselves for hunting, so they simply enjoy themselves in the tent.

Several people started to take out a pair of cards and sat around to start fighting. There were two people watching the fight. Gu Hongyu was not interested or paying attention to this. Looking at the scorching sun, he thought that he would go out to practice fire magic. Not bad, but couldn't find a good excuse to leave.

"Oh, if I had known we would have stayed in the wooden house by the lake to rest before coming back. At least the conditions there are much better than here." The tent was still very stuffy under the direct sunlight. Peng Minghao held the paper in his hand. The fan shook weakly.

However, Peng Minghao and Gu Hongyu were immediately attracted by what was happening nearby. It turned out that Chen Luofeng was arm wrestling with Liang Qinghui. It was a way of entertainment for them who really couldn't find anything to do.

At first, Liang Qinghui was still able to hold on to Chen Luofeng. Within a moment, he saw that his face was flushed and veins were popping out on his neck. However, he still could not stop his failure. With a bang, his arm was pressed against the board.

"Qinghui, you still need to practice your arm strength. You see, Brother Luo Feng didn't even break out a drop of sweat in such a big battle just now. The gap between you and Brother Feng seems to be getting bigger and bigger." People watching poker just now One of the two people said, this man named Chen Peng is considered to be the eloquent one among them.

Liang Qinghui glared at him: "You can do it, why don't we do it first?"

"Forget it, I don't have anything to say to a big guy like you!" Chen Peng is about the same height as Liang Qinghui, but he has a slimmer figure, not to mention that he is far behind Liang Qinghui and any of them. After hearing the news, he immediately waved his hands and continued to be his bystander.

Peng Minghao said with a smile: "Haha, you know Brother Feng seems to have defeated Brother Qinghui effortlessly. You must know that Brother Qinghui has learned Qigong in the army!"

Gu Hongyu was initially puzzled by Peng Minghao's selling of Guanzi, but when he thought of meeting Chen Luofeng this morning, he immediately realized that Chen Luofeng was practicing internal martial arts, and was it comparable to the hard energy function used in the general army.

"What, you don't want to know?" Peng Minghao continued to ask, looking at the presence of the old god Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu said to him mysteriously: "I can do this, but I didn't show it."

"Really?" Peng Minghao looked Gu Hongyu up and down again and suddenly said to Chen Luofeng: "Brother Feng, Hongyu wants to fight with you."

"Haha, okay, I'll just have fun now if I have nothing to do!" Chen Luofeng replied with a smile.

In the eyes of Chen Luofeng and Peng Minghao, Gu Hongyu just enjoyed arm wrestling and was a little eager to try it. After some encouragement, they agreed.

Anyway, just now Peng Minghao didn't believe it when he heard that Gu Hongyu could also do internal martial arts, so he made him have an arm wrestling match with Chen Luofeng as a prank, which meant that Gu Hongyu could go up and feel Chen Luofeng's powerful strength for himself.

But they never imagined that Gu Hongyu not only had internal power, but also an internal power that was much more advanced than Chen Luofeng. It was obtained through cultivation of immortality magic. Since a single five-element magic improved quickly, the total five-element magic formula was naturally A rising tide lifts all boats.

Gu Hongyu was forced to go to Liangshan. It can't be said that he was forced because he still had some expectations in his heart, because he didn't know how much progress he had made after practicing the immortal magic for so long. He walked to the opposite side of Chen Luofeng with a calm expression and just clung to his body. Place your arms on the padded board.

Chen Luofeng looked at Gu Hongyu's calm appearance, casually stretched out his arm and placed it on the wooden board, then tightly held Gu Hongyu's palm together. Peng Minghao temporarily acted as the referee. With his order, Gu Hongyu and Chen Luofeng exerted their strength at the same time.

Soon everyone began to be shocked!

"Damn, Minghao, your classmate is amazing. He has been in a stalemate with Boss Chen for at least 30 seconds, and he is not losing at all."

"I'm afraid Brother Feng is letting him go. You know Brother Feng's true strength."

At first, the two onlookers, Liang Qinghui and Peng Minghao were watching Gu Hongyu and Luo Feng of the exhibition hall arm wrestling, but soon the poker players also watched this unexpected arm wrestling.

After another stalemate of 2 minutes, Gu Hongyu's face began to turn red, and he looked the same as Liang Qinghui. Several onlookers sighed. It seemed that Gu Hongyu was still going to be defeated, and he was also not Chen Luofeng's opponent.

However, everyone knew that Gu Hongyu was just using his physical strength to arm wrestle with Chen Luofeng. Seeing that his physical strength was still no match for Chen Luofeng, he slowly circulated his skills and concentrated on his big wrist. Soon, the decline was slowly restored, and Chen Luofeng's hand was slightly tilted towards him. It can be said that victory was in sight.

It was just a matter of a moment, and the situation suddenly changed, which stunned everyone who had just made a conclusion. They soon realized that it was Gu Hongyu who was hiding his weakness!

Chen Luofeng, who had a calm face just now, was also shocked. He could easily defeat Liang Qinghui, but now the strength he used was much more than that used to deal with Liang Qinghui, but the ending was not what he thought, so he put more strength in his hands, and his face was full of seriousness.

The situation continued to stalemate, and the audience next to him was focused on the arm wrestling in front of them. They didn't expect that a simple game that could quickly determine the winner could be played in such a way. It was simply incredible and amazing.

With their elbows firmly supported on the wooden board, the palms of the two men were still tightly clasped together. The palms swayed left and right several times while the two men were exercising. Every time they swayed, they thought they would get a result, but they were pulled back by another person. Their hearts were beating with the shaking of their palms.

Chen Luofeng's current appearance was the same as Liang Qinghui's just now. His face began to turn red and his veins were exposed. Sweat began to flow on his head. The situation had entered the most critical moment.

As for Gu Hongyu, he actually knew that he could win as soon as the Five Elements Kung Fu was activated, but this would be too unbelievable, so he secretly let Chen Luofeng pull back several times. Now he also had some sweat soaking his cheeks, pretending to be fighting for the last time.

However, something even more shocking happened to everyone. Before the winner was decided, the wooden board pressed by the elbows suddenly split apart, leaving Gu Hongyu and Chen Luofeng no time to decide who won or lost, and they quickly separated.

The two looked at each other, then laughed at each other, leaving the audience confused. Who won?

I'm afraid only Gu Hongyu knows the answer!

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