Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 87 Hunting in progress 2 (Please recommend and collect)

(Thanks to ‘゛四婷婷婷的狠的女人’, ‘He Shi’s Restaurant’, ‘Shenji Tianxia’ and ‘Pistachio 2014’ for their support!)


Facing the afterglow, Gu Hongyu, Peng Minghao and Liang Qinghui took their prey and set off on their return journey. The setting sun in the west stretched their shadows very long.

When they returned to the camp, they found that they thought they were the first team to return today, but they didn’t expect that there were people who were earlier than them. However, the prey they caught was naturally not comparable to that of Gu Hongyu and his team.

The first team to return was the team led by Gu Lin, whose members were Chen Peng and Sun Chao. When they saw Gu Hongyu carrying a yellow sheep back, they were stunned.

“Damn, your luck is simply against the sky. You guys have killed such a big guy!” Chen Peng said exaggeratedly.

Sun Chao still couldn’t believe it: “This is a wild sheep. I’ll have a good meal tonight.”

Only Gu Lin didn’t speak, and gave a thumbs up to Gu Hongyu and his team.

"Xiao Gu, Lao Liang, Minghao, how did you kill this guy?" Chen Peng asked curiously.

Now Peng Minghao had the capital to show off, and his expression was extremely arrogant and said: "There is no way, the strength is here, we could have easily killed it, but at the critical moment, we heard a gunshot in the distance, which almost scared the wild sheep away. After Brother Liang fired a shot and failed to kill it, I decisively killed it!"

At this time, Liang Qinghui on the side curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Okay, you said it as if all the credit is yours. The last shot was the most fatal one, and it was Xiao Gu who shot it!"

Chen Peng immediately ran to the wild sheep and checked the situation on the body. There were only three wounds on it. The most fatal one was shot in the neck of the wild sheep. The other two wounds were one in the abdomen and one in the hind legs. These two were not fatal injuries.

"Haha, Xiao Gu didn't say anything good or bad, but you are so shameless to take the credit for yourself. OK, keep bragging!" Gu Lin looked at Peng Minghao and said mockingly.

During this time, Peng Minghao has learned a lot from the black and thick school in the government office. He said with his neck stiff, "Anyway, I contributed to the wild sheep we killed. You came back earlier than us. It seems that you have a good harvest, right?"

Just now, he laughed at Peng Minghao for claiming the credit, but now the credit fell on them. Even Chen Peng scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "We are better than you in quantity, but slightly lighter in weight!"

Gu Hongyu almost laughed out loud. This was really euphemistic. Look at their hunting harvest, two hares, two pheasants, and even a fat prairie mouse. It is true that they cannot compare in quantity as Chen Peng said, but although the number is large, all the prey added up to more than ten pounds, so it is absolutely true that they cannot compare in weight.

Just when the two parties were arguing fiercely, the team led by Chen Luofeng also came back, but surprisingly, they carried less prey with them, only two rabbits.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you? Your team is the best among our groups. Why did you only get so little prey this time?" Chen Peng asked in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, Peng Minghao also said: "That's right, your harvest surprised us too much."

"Fortunately, fortunately, we are not the worst this time!" Sun Chao still cares about the competition between each group at this moment.

But the careful Gu Hongyu also found that Chen Luofeng and the other two team members were exhausted, and their clothes were cut several times. One of them had a long wound on his arm, but fortunately, it can be seen at a glance that the wound is not deep. Some blood has flowed out of the epidermis just after piercing it, but it has already scarred.

"Alas, we were so unlucky this time. We were lucky at the beginning. We killed two rabbits in less than ten minutes. Later, we saw a few wild donkeys and were so excited. We followed them all the way, but they ran away in the end..."

One teammate didn't say anything, and another immediately took over: "But it's not too late. On our way back, guess what we encountered?"

"Did we find other large prey?" Chen Peng answered without thinking.

"Prey! We almost became prey. On the way back, we found the traces of wild deer, but we also found a group of wolves. They also found us at that time. Fortunately, there were only 4 wolves and we didn't dare to act rashly. They looked at our number and the weapons in their hands and didn't attack. It's hard to imagine that if we angered them and didn't solve them, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to stand here and talk to you." The man named Mu Kang who followed Chen Luofeng said with fear.

"That's good, you came back safely!" Liang Qinghui said concisely.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are all very tired, give me the prey and go and rest for a while..."

Finally, it was a false alarm. Soon the camp began to get busy, starting the fire, taking care of the prey, skinning and pulling out the tendons.

Gu Hongyu's cooking skills were top-notch among the crowd, but what he didn't expect was that Chen Luofeng also had a high level of attainment in cooking, especially when he was planning to roast a whole lamb, Chen Luofeng showed his skilled craftsmanship.

Tonight's dinner was generally good. Although a team only harvested two rabbits, with the wild sheep of Gu Hongyu's team, there were also 2 wild rabbits and two pheasants of Chen Peng's team. As for a prairie mouse, everyone just ignored it.

Wild sheep weighing more than 50 kilograms are considered relatively fat. After peeling the skin, the mutton has no excess fat and the meat is super perfect. Everyone agrees to roast it.

All 4 wild rabbits are used for braised, and the two pheasants are too small and can only be used for soup. After all the arrangements are in place, the camp is soon filled with fragrance and the smell of various dishes.

The charcoal fire was brought with the car and piled on an open space. On top is the rotating roasted whole lamb. The sizzling roasted meat is sprinkled with a handful of chili powder and cumin powder. The strong and unique smell can be spread far away, making people drool.

In addition to the prey caught today, the other dishes are naturally the vegetables provided by Gu Hongyu. As for many of the dry food brought, they were not touched at all.

Seeing that the food was almost ready, Chen Luofeng called the two people to bring a few bottles of beer from the car, and then the sound of dinner was heard, and all kinds of laughter and joy came from the camp.

Eating meat and drinking wine, this kind of life is really a kind of enjoyment, especially in the deep desert where there are no people, being able to be with a few like-minded friends, under the night sky full of stars, it is a feeling that cannot be described.

At this moment, Gu Hongyu was drunk, he was intoxicated by this environment!

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