Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 89 Wolf Cave Fire Attack (Please recommend and collect)

(Thanks to ‘Ren Yijie’, ‘Deep Sea Drunken Shrimp’ and ‘゛四実情为我狠狠的丛’ for their rewards and support!)


"Come here quickly, there is blood here!"

In the early morning light, Hongyu and the others followed the tracks of the wolves and planned to eliminate them, but Liang Qinghui discovered the clues and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After being attacked by a wolf last night, no one had a good sleep again. They were all frightened away by the gun battle. Many of them thanked Gu Hongyu. If he hadn't discovered the wolf in time, they would probably have died. It leads to a regrettable ending.

Therefore, even after the wolves were driven away, everyone still had lingering hatred. After breakfast early in the morning, they couldn't wait to go out to look for traces of the wolves, even if there were more than a dozen wolf corpses in the camp, they didn't care.

Walking to the place where Liang Qinghui indicated just now, Gu Hongyu saw blood stains still remaining on the grass blades of a clump of grass, which might have been left by an injured wolf passing by.

"Hurry and take a look around, search for any traces of blood around." Chen Luofeng ordered after seeing this situation.

Soon, they found blood stains on the grass in several places not far away. After comparing them, everyone immediately deduced the direction in which the wolves were moving.

Now everyone was very happy, finally finding clues to the wolves, so everyone spread out in a fan shape and continued to search for new clues in the direction of the wolves' retreat.

However, what surprised everyone was that no one found the wolf's den from the time they set out at dawn until the sun was high in the sky. Many clues and blood stains could not be found at all. There was no wolf body. Based on this situation, it was inferred that it must be an injured wolf. The wound healed.

Seeing that the sun began to shine fiercely, some of the people in the team began to retreat. Mu Kang suggested dejectedly: "Brother Chen, I think we can forget it for today. It's going to be really miserable when the weather comes out!"

"No, this pack of wolves made me unable to sleep well last night. It made me frightened for a while. I must eliminate them before I am willing to do so." said a person from Chen Luofeng's team.

Chen Peng hit him and said lazily: "I came out so early in the morning and now I don't have the energy to look for the wolf's den anymore."

"We have traveled such a long distance, how can we just return empty-handed?" Gu Lin asked in a deep voice.

Some people said that they should continue to hold on, and some said that they would go back immediately. Seeing the two sides arguing, Chen Luofeng finally made a decision: "There is a cliff a few hundred meters ahead, and that is the final destination of our search. If it is not there yet, we will immediately Go back, what do you think?"

"I agree!"

"no problem."


"That's it..."


Despite the mixed responses, Chen Luofeng's attention was unanimously adopted.

With a clear goal in mind, everyone headed towards the cliff against the fatigue all over their bodies.

The team still maintained a high degree of vigilance. Gu Hongyu was walking nervously and excitedly in the team. Gu Lin was beside him and said with concern: "Be careful later. This place always gives me a strong sense of crisis."

As expected of an embryo polished by the army, Gu Lin's senses of the outside world are very keen. His statement also coincides with Gu Hongyu's, because Gu Hongyu always feels like something is staring at him when he is close to the cliff. them.

The heat of the sun in space was released to the fullest, making the teammates sweat profusely. However, a strange sight was that very close to the cliff, a breeze blew through it, bringing everyone a cool feeling. Normally, there should be many wild animals in such a place. It's habitat, but the feeling here is that it's quiet, with no sounds or traces of animals.

"There is something strange in this place, everyone should pay attention to the surrounding situation." Chen Luofeng reminded everyone again.

At this moment, everyone was approaching the cliff in a semicircle. There were several depressions in the cliff, and there were several bushes growing nearby, but there was still no movement.

But the more this happened, the more everyone felt that something was wrong. At this time, Liang Qinghui said: "How about a few people line up to come forward to check?"

"No, the wolf pack's strategy last night was to send out a small number of wolves in batches and be eliminated by everyone in batches. I think we should go up together to find dangerous firepower that is the strongest." Chen Luofeng analyzed.

His opinion was once again recognized by everyone, so following his gesture, everyone slowly walked towards the bottom of the cliff again.

Before they even reached the place, Liang Qinghui, who was charging at the front, immediately exclaimed: "Damn, there's such a big hole here!"

"Not just the hole, the stone walls next to the entrance are so smooth. It must be caused by the friction of the guys inside for a long time!"

"Is this the wolf cave?"

While people were discussing, Gu Hongyu suddenly saw traces of wolves at the entrance of the cliff, and immediately shouted to everyone: "Look, there is a wolf over there at the entrance of the cliff!"

Following his cry, everyone immediately reacted, and those who moved quickly fired directly in the direction of the wolf, but it didn't hit. When Gu Hongyu shouted, the wolf had disappeared.

The appearance of the wolf made everyone's hard work pay off. Chen Peng said happily: "Oh, we finally found the wolf pack's lair. Let's catch turtles in a jar and see how they escape?"

Four people were separated with guns in front of them and walked all the way to the place where the wolf appeared just now. Liang Qinghui went there and said immediately: "Damn, there is a very hidden hole in the bush. No wonder we didn't find it just now. Could it be that the wolf Is everyone really in there?"

"Do you think these two holes are connected?" Chen Peng had a lewd smile.

Everyone nodded, and Peng Minghao interrupted, "I think it's almost certain. This is the hole they usually go in and out of, and the small hole that Brother Liang found is used for them to escape. Wolves are very smart!"

"In this case, let's block the big hole with firewood and use fire attack, how about that?" Chen Peng suggested more excitedly.

Many teammates' eyes lit up. This is really a good idea. The big hole is blocked and set on fire, and the exit of the small hole is not big. Even if there are wolves inside, they can't rush out at once. Then, wouldn't it be a matter of killing one when it comes out? Hunting is a relaxing and enjoyable thing.

They did it right away. Everyone retreated from the two holes first to prevent the wolves in the cave from waiting for an opportunity to come out. Two people watched the hole from a distance, and the rest of the people found some branches and stems that could burn in the wilderness. However, there was no reaction until the dead branches and grass stems blocked the hole.

But the crowd didn't care about that. They immediately lit a bunch of dry grass to ignite the pile of firewood blocking the cave entrance. Then the thick smoke and flames completely blocked the cave entrance. Maybe there was a branch in the cave that connected to the other side. The thick smoke automatically poured into the cave without any external force.

"Pay attention to the small cave over there. Everyone, be on high alert. If you see a wolf, shoot immediately!" Chen Luofeng began to give orders again. If there were really wolves, except for the one that just escaped, the others would not be spared.

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