Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 952 Successful Purchase

The places where leaders work are heavily guarded.

The car that greeted Gu Hongyu this time and took him into the office of the general office still went through three steps, one sentry, five steps and one post to check and release.

When Gu Hongyu arrived at the office, Mr. Chen was already sitting in the office in high spirits.

There were five or six people in the office. When Gu Hongyu walked into the room, all eyes were focused on him. Well, it seemed like the Abnormal Trial Conference was waiting for him next.

"Xiao Gu, let me introduce you to you. This person you know is Director Chen from the General Office. The one with the red face next to him is Director Zhang from the General Office of the Land and Resources Bureau. The one sitting next to him is wearing gold-rimmed glasses. The one who looks very young is Secretary Wu from the Secretariat. The one on my right is Director Liu from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. I don’t need an introduction. You all met yesterday.”

Mr. Chen pointed at the last person. Isn't this the soldier named Shi? The other person still looked at Gu Hongyu with a bad face and actually snorted at him.

Gu Hongyu was furious. If the leaders hadn't agreed to hand over the three villages to him, he would have turned around and left. Whether Mr. Xu lived or died was none of his business.

The reason why he suddenly thought of taking Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village as his own yesterday in the hospital was because the old man reminded him that although there were only three villages, each village actually governed a very large area. Guangzhou, on average, a village covers hundreds of square kilometers.

These places are all close to the desert area. In fact, it is useless for Gu Hongyu to come. However, there is a teleportation array connected to the spirit world in Honghu Village. In the future, the teleportation arrays from the barbarian world can also be transferred here, and even further. We may encounter more planes and spaces. If we turn the area around Red Lake Village into a teleportation place, we will need a very wide space.

"Gu Hongyu, right? You know the purpose of coming to see you today, can you answer me a question before that?" the fat, big-eared, red-faced director of the General Office of the Land and Resources Bureau asked with a smile.

At the critical moment when he was about to obtain the land in Honghu Village, Gu Hongyu pretended to be indifferent and replied: "You can ask, and I will try my best to answer all the questions you raise as long as it does not exceed the principle."

"Haha, you are so young. You have enough confidence when talking and you have a lot of personality." Director Chen has met Gu Hongyu several times, and he is trying to ease the situation while speaking.

Director Chen's words made everyone else smile. Director Zhang of the Land and Resources Office did the same. Before he spoke, he said again: "Xiao Gu didn't make a mistake. Of course you have the right to refuse to answer the question. I'm just asking your question. Just to satisfy curiosity.”

"Comrade Gu Hongyu, I just want to know that Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village are all developed by you. Almost all the products there are your participation, even if they are your private sites. That’s not too much. Why do you still ask for it to be classified as your private territory? This is no different from the current situation."

"Yes, we also have such doubts in the bureau. Some people even think that you accidentally discovered these precious mineral resources hidden under the ground of these three villages. Xiaogu, can you tell me if this is the case?" Director Liu of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission asked with a smile.

"It's true what Director Liu said. According to what we know, Xiaogu has developed everything that can be developed in these three villages. What has not been developed is the more remote desert land. These places are so barren and small. Gu, what are you doing with it? Is there really any secret in it?" Secretary Wu who came over from the secretariat also aroused curiosity.

The soldier surnamed Shi snorted fiercely again: "There must be ulterior secrets hidden behind such philistine profiteers trying to seize the country's land. You think God is unaware of it, but the people of Yanjing are." You are very clear, as long as you reveal the slightest clue, people all over the world will know."

Gu Hongyu is so angry. This guy named Shi must be mentally ill.

It was okay to point a gun at him yesterday, but today I started to put him on the line again.

This man's forehead must have been crushed by a door panel or kicked by a donkey, or he would have been hit by a shell casing during a war.

But gradually Gu Hongyu calmed down and said slowly to the old man named Shi: "Don't make me angry, otherwise I won't give up these three villages and I won't treat Mr. Xu."

"Don't glare at me. No matter how unhappy you feel, don't hold it back. Don't just talk. You should think clearly about the consequences. You will be responsible for the consequences yourself."

"You, you, you," the old man surnamed Shi was full of words but didn't say a word.

Others were shocked by this situation. Who didn't know the soldier surnamed Shi? The famous Shi Dapao had a perverse personality, a rough temper, and a hot head that could do anything. He thought he had to force his way in. He made a big mistake when he crossed Zhongnanhai. It was Mr. Xu who saved him after seeing that he was a man who regretted his talents in war.

Unexpectedly, Gu Hongyu was so choked that he could not speak. They were really worried about Gu Hongyu. This is called a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Chen was afraid that yesterday's scene would happen again, so he said hurriedly: "I think it's better not to ask questions. Let's give the land authorization certificate to Xiao Gu first, and then let Xiao Gu treat Mr. Xu as soon as possible." , no one can be held responsible if there is a delay.”

Gu Hongyu read a stack of information again and again. It introduced in detail the administrative areas of the three villages, the rough names and introductions of hills and valleys.

Once this agreement is signed, the three villages will belong to Gu Hongyu's private property.

However, the reason for the transfer in the agreement was that Gu Hongyu invested in the purchase, and the purchase price was 50 billion U.S. dollars. Seeing this, Gu Hongyu asked in confusion: "I still paid for these three villages. These 50 billion U.S. dollars Just buy hundreds of square kilometers of desert land. If I were in Australia, with this money, I could buy several counties and land that can be grazed and reclaimed immediately. Aren’t you deceiving me?”

"Xiao Gu, this is China. Our country has never been the first to sell land to private individuals since ancient times. If you are asked to pay, you must always give most people a satisfactory excuse," Director Liu from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission said with a smile.

"I asked why the authorities were so easy to talk to this time. They agreed to the conditions I proposed in a short period of time. I'm afraid you have all done some research on my personal assets. It's 50 billion U.S. dollars. You can take away most of it from me next time." His net worth," Gu Hongyu complained.

Mr. Chen was thinking about his old face on the side: "Xiao Gu, it is not easy to make money with your ability. The country is currently engaged in infrastructure construction everywhere, as well as education, disaster relief, poverty relief, and improving people's livelihood. Funds are needed everywhere."

"Don't tell me these irrelevant things. I personally can't afford 50 billion US dollars. You can go find whoever you like." Gu Hongyu put the information on the table and planned to get up and leave.

However, Mr. Chen stood in front of him at a speed beyond his years, with a smile on his face: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, this matter can still be discussed, then Xiao Gu, how much do you think it will cost to agree?"

“I don’t think it costs a penny.”

"Isn't this good? Your charity fund has done so well. Is it appropriate for the country to sell you hundreds of square kilometers of land for nothing?" Secretary Wu from the Secretariat helped.

Gu Hongyu suddenly had an idea in his mind: "Okay, you can also ask me to contribute money, but I can contribute up to 10 billion US dollars."

Then a bright smile appeared on Mr. Chen's face: "10 billion US dollars, okay, we all accept it."

Seeing other people also smiling with joy, they agreed so happily. Gu Hongyu knew that he had been tricked. These people probably just wanted to get some funds from him. Even if they couldn't get it, they still had to sign the contract. Agreement, after all, the main purpose of the agreement is to save Mr. Xu.

But now that Gu Hongyu had said all his words, he immediately had an idea: "I will invest 10 billion, but I can't give this money to you. Anyway, you just said that this money will be used for the country's infrastructure, then I will Just work hard and contribute to the country’s construction.”

"This 10 billion U.S. dollars will be used for national infrastructure construction in the name of the country. We will personally inspect and determine the local areas. The country can send supervisors to follow up and verify. How about doing a good thing that really benefits the people?"

The leaders present were all shocked by Gu Hongyu's fresh remarks. If this method can be implemented, it will basically prevent staff from seeking personal gain, eliminate the hotbed of corruption, and allow more resources to be put to practical use. Wherever possible, we will do our best to serve the people.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Chen and the others soon looked at each other, and finally Director Liu from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission said: "I agree with this opinion, what about you?"

"I agree."

"This is a good idea, I have no objection to it."

"Just treat this as a pilot. If it works well, I hope to promote it." To be continued.


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