Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 954 Old Xu wakes up

The zhenqi continued to circulate in Mr. Xu's body for four hours before he finally unblocked the muscles and veins in his body. If he were a normal person, it would have been done long ago, but who made Mr. Xu's muscles and veins shrink so much that he still dared not maintain a stable state? The true energy flows, and as long as the true energy is too strong, Mr. Xu's tendons will suffer greater damage.

This treatment is equivalent to enhancing Gu Hongyu's medical level. After this experience, he believes that he will be able to treat such problems with ease.

However, Mr. Xu's condition is not over yet, and there is one last step that Gu Hongyu has not dealt with, which is the final work of unblocking the cranial nerves and blood vessels.

For a moment, Gu Hongyu had a hesitant look on his face, but he soon calmed down and made a decision.

After restoring the true energy in his body, he pressed his hand against Mr. Xu's Yintang again, and the true energy began to slowly pour in.

Just as the true energy penetrated the tendons and blood vessels of Mr. Xu's brain, Gu Hongyu quietly used the true energy to suppress a section of micro blood vessels and nerve endings in the brain.

The reason for this is that Gu Hongyu had an idea in his heart before the treatment. He could cure Mr. Xu's disease but could not let him stand in front of and behind the scenes again, let alone give the Xu family a chance to make a comeback.

He let that small ball of true energy stay in Mr. Xu's brain and suppress the nerve endings and cerebral blood vessels. Mr. Xu usually lives like a normal person. He doesn't do anything that uses his brain. It's okay. Once he thinks and uses his brain, he will A splitting headache, or even a relapse.

This is a trick for using Qi that the old monster gave him. Now it is suitable to use it on Mr. Xu. Only in this way, even if he is still alive, it will no longer pose a threat to him.

After doing all this, Gu Hongyu pretended to take out a few small porcelain bottles from his pocket, which contained some elixirs that could strengthen the essence and strengthen the body. It could also improve the energy, which could speed up Mr. Xu's recovery process.

However, this scene was captured by the video camera without Gu Hongyu's knowledge.

Everyone in the room on the top floor of the hospital was very confused. Mr. Chen suddenly asked: "When we were with Xiao Gu, he didn't seem to say that he was carrying elixirs. Whether those small porcelain bottles were in his pockets or You can spot the trouser pockets if you pay a little attention. Did you see that Xiaogu’s pockets were bulging before?”

"I really didn't pay attention to that."

"Xiao Gu is really weird. I thought Li Zhenhua would recruit him into the special operations team!"

"For four hours, without eating or drinking, he used his true energy to treat Lao Xu's illness. I'm afraid he is the only one in the world who has this ability. This kid is a monster."

"It's not that bad. How old is he now? Remembering that he was able to dodge bullets yesterday, I believe it now..."

"Perhaps this guy has had some kind of adventure. Has he gained a hundred years of inner strength, or has he learned advanced martial arts?"

"Okay, everyone, please stop talking. It's a big joke if these words spread out based on our status. I think Xiao Gu has completed his treatment. Now it's our turn to take action to see if Mr. Xu's condition has changed."

Gu Hongyu, who was adjusting his breath, soon heard a knock on the door from outside. Maybe these people had waited too long.

"Come in, it's ready inside!"

"Xiao Gu, is Lao Xu's illness really cured?" Mr. Chen asked anxiously.

The zhenqi in the body circulated in a circle, and the spirit recovered well. Gu Hongyu nodded: "I have cured Mr. Xu's condition, but he can't be excited or use his brain too much, otherwise it will be difficult for the condition to recur. Done.”

"Boy, why hasn't Mr. Xu woke up yet?" Mr. Xu, surnamed Shi, asked in a bad tone as he looked at the still sleeping Mr. Xu.

Gu Hongyu was too lazy to answer this retarded question. Instead, Dean Li explained beside him: "Old Shi, although Mr. Xu has not woken up, you can see that the exposed skin on his face and body is rosy. There is a lot, the complexion looks good, and the breathing is steady and long, the patient should wake up soon. "

"President Li, this is called a professional. Unlike some people who are clueless and don't know how to observe, it's really strange that such a person can lead people to fight!" Gu Hongyu held Li Yuan in his arms Chang Bi said sarcastically to the old man named Shi.

The people next to him laughed.

In order to thoroughly investigate the current condition of Mr. Xu's body, Director Li and the others immediately moved a lot of medical equipment around the hospital bed to check blood pressure, heartbeat, heart rate... After a while, almost all the doctors were shocked.

"Dean Li, Mr. Xu's blood pressure is now normal."

"The heart beats strong and strong."

"Heart rate fluctuations are normal..."

"There is no blockage in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels..., normal."

"Blood lipids and blood sugar are normal."


As the results of each instrument test came out, Mr. Xu's body functions almost completely changed.

"Xiao Gu, could it be that you have really cultivated profound inner strength and still gave Lao Xu the elixir? The result is incredible!" Dean Li's eyes turned slightly red when he looked at Gu Hongyu, which was a look of admiration. ah!

Gu Hongyu heard something else from Dean Li's words, looked around the ward, pointed at the camera on the wall next to the wall-mounted TV, and said: "Okay, so you have been monitoring me. , I said you were so easy to negotiate before, and you didn’t have any objection at all? "

"Xiao Gu, aren't we concerned about Mr. Xu's condition?" Mr. Chen explained.

Gu Hongyu waved his hands: "Okay, now you have checked with medical equipment, Mr. Xu will wake up soon, there is nothing for me to do here, so I will leave first."

"No, Xiao Gu, wait a little longer, at least let Old Xu wake up before checking the situation?" Dean Li quickly apologized: "We were wrong before, I hope Xiao Gu will understand."

Watching the sky gradually getting dark outside the ward, an hour passed by.

Before, everyone was very patient, but as time went by, they gradually became a little impatient, especially the guy who was driving, who finally couldn't help but said to Gu Hongyu viciously: "Old Xu hasn't woken up yet, what's wrong, did you do anything during the treatment?"

"Is there such a stupid person as you? Have you really been kicked in the head by a donkey? Why do you speak without thinking?" Gu Hongyu couldn't stand this person's hostility and contempt for him and said.

The old man surnamed Shi was so angry at Gu Hongyu that he was trembling and preparing to fight back. Dean Li, who had been paying attention to Mr. Xu's situation, said happily: "Mr. Xu is awake. I just saw him blinking. This time I am right. I am definitely not mistaken..."


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