Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 978 Double Happiness for Wu Haoyu

Wu Haoyu can be said to be proud of his horse's hoof disease now.

He is younger than many villagers in the same village, but his current achievements make the villagers in the same village envious and jealous.

Who allowed him to take a middle-level management position in an Australian farm, and a chance encounter on a plane in his life led to a legendary love story between him and a flight attendant. They were about to enter the marriage hall, and now Wu Haoyu can be said to be the second person worshiped by the villages in Qingzhen besides Gu Hongyu.

Wu Haoyu has met a good time. This is what many people think in their hearts, but they also know that this is what the other party has earned through hard work.

After work, many employees who go to work in Australia are either not interested in entertainment, or they admire the life in Australia and have some spare money to travel around. However, Wu Haoyu uses his rest time to study against time, cheer himself up and recharge his batteries, while also taking care of his studies. Ren Xuelian's flight attendant girlfriend, it has to be said that Wu Haoyu didn't waste any time he could use.

And of course his efforts will be valued by the people above. It would be a dereliction of duty on the farm if such a person is not promoted.

While China was still freezing cold, Australia had gradually entered autumn from midsummer, and the Australian farm was still operating normally during Gu Hongyu's absence.

Wu Haoyu now serves as the deputy in management of the vegetable base, helping Xiqiang handle all aspects of affairs. Du Jian, the original armchair, is already the project manager of another project on the farm.

As the quality of vegetables in Australia has won the hearts of the people, the supply of vegetables in Australia exceeds demand all over the world. Now the area of ​​vegetable planting in Australia has reached three square kilometers, and this area is still expanding. The number of employees in this department has reached up to 600. There are many people, and employees take breaks in separate shifts. There are transport trucks lining up 24 hours a day waiting to harvest vegetables.

The vegetable plantation can be said to be the most profitable department of the farm. Even the fisheries and pastures are outmatched. The person in charge of this department has always been a gangster, but the other party is mainly limited by the low cultural level. Now he can barely keep up with the farm. In terms of management level, it is said that such an important position should select talents with stronger abilities. However, Gu Hongyu and Lin Feiyu did not transfer his position. The main reason is that the other party is diligent and hardworking on the farm. As the saying goes, diligence can make up for weakness. He is such an example. .

Sui Qiang instinctively felt the pressure, and he never failed to attend some of the short-term training courses held by the company.

However, after Wu Haoyu joined the plantation, Sui Qiang immediately felt that his work became much easier. What surprised him even more were some of Wu Haoyu's management methods. The knowledge the latter learned from books was integrated with the farm to make the management of the plantation easier. It is more scientific and reasonable, and more in line with humanistic management. Not only him, but also the employees feel that working is easier than before.

The capable subordinates indeed made Panqiang's work much easier, but he had many doubts in his mind. He thought that Wu Haoyu was young and capable, and asking him to come to the plantation was obviously to help him manage it. Could it be? The boss and Manager Lin want to seize this position.

This kind of thought has been lingering in his mind. This position was earned through hard work. Why is it that now that the farm has grown, it has to be unloaded and killed?

Until that day, a notice was suddenly issued from above. This was a notice soliciting opinions that only the managers of each department could know about. This made Sui Qiang's eyes wide open and he felt ashamed for his previous thoughts.

I only saw a notice written on it about the domestic recruitment of Wu Haoyu and Ye Hai. Below it was the signature of Gu Hongyu, the largest boss of the farm. Although it was sent in the form of a notice, the opinions of the department manager were solicited and it was very conspicuous.

The old boss still cares about us old guys so much! When he saw the notice, Sui Qiang sighed in his heart.

As Lin Feiyu's assistant, Ye Hai knew about this notice as soon as it was issued. He remembered that when he met Gu Hongyu last year, who would have thought that he would achieve his current career. Now judging from this notice, it is certain that he will be transferred back to China. There are better positions waiting for them.

Think about their college classmates in the same grade. Their jobs are very high and some even lose their jobs right after graduation. The former dashing and heroic figures on campus are no longer as elegant and suave as they used to be.

The geometry of life is really unpredictable!

This time, I can finally return to China and spend time with Zhou Xia day and night. Ye Hai couldn't help but think excitedly.

Speaking of Zhou Xia, I think everyone has influence. This girl is in the same school as Ye Hai, one grade lower than Ye Hai. After graduating this year, she was recruited by Mei Ning to join the charity foundation as her right-hand assistant. Now Zhou Xia He and Ye Hai also made it clear that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and both of them have met each other's parents.

After talking about Ye Hai, let’s talk about Wu Haoyu.

At noon that day, Wu Haoyu and Ren Xuelian talked on the phone for a while after get off work. Their wedding was approaching, and Ren Xuelian was coordinating the wedding holiday. In order to make time for the holidays, Ren Xuelian had to run diligently before the wedding. point.

Speaking of which, there are already several young couples in the farm who are talking about marriage. Ye Hai and Zhou Xia are still behind. The two most prominent couples are Wu Haoyu and Ren Xuelian, Lin Feiyu and Huang Jiayi. Wu Haoyu's wedding date is really Yangchun. In March, Lin Feiyu’s wedding was scheduled for May Day.

So Wu Haoyu was very busy during this period. In order to take a few more days off when he got married, he also listed out the detailed plantation management process for Sui Qiang. Although Sui Qiang was the manager in charge, the other party put his position in a very Gao often doesn't feel ashamed to ask questions when he encounters something he doesn't understand.

No one in Honghu Village knows what Siqiang’s personality was before, but after being impressed by his old-fashioned charm, he changed the most among all the villagers. This also made Wu Haoyu admire him a little. Everyone was here for work, so they wanted to have more fun during their wedding vacation. Wu Haoyu has listed many things. From now on, Siqiang will be fine as long as he follows the steps.

Who would have thought that this would be Wu Haoyu’s final contribution to Australian farm plantations.

The office door was opened, and it was Sui Qiang who came back with a notice from Lin Feiyu. He also made up his mind and smiled when he looked at Wu Haoyu who had not left yet: "Wu Wazi hasn't eaten yet, work is important but nothing more." Take care of your body!”

"Third brother, it's not like you don't know. I'm going to get married soon. Now that we've come up with some regulations, you just need to do what they say." Wu Haoyu said with a smile.

"Wu Wa, thank you very much for this period of time. It has been the easiest time for me to work on the plantation with you. But except for the changes now, I'm afraid we won't be able to work together in the future!" Said Qiang very sadly.

"What's wrong, Third Brother, are you leaving the farm or something..."

But before Wu Haoyu could finish asking, Sui Qiang handed the notice into his hand: "Congratulations, kid. You were directly recruited back to the country by the old boss!"


"Haha, read the notice yourself!"

ps: Second update, I almost missed it due to power outage!


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