Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 98 Negotiation for a win-win situation (recommend, collect)

"What? Vegetables can only be sold at 20,000 catties per day!"

"How can this amount of vegetables be enough?"

"Mr. Gu, please expand your vegetable area quickly. If you are short of money, we can all pay more deposits and it will be enough soon!"

"That's right, don't limit the quantity of vegetables. We will still pay in cash and will never default on the vegetable payment."

"Mr. Gu, don't worry. Even if you supply ten times more vegetables every day in the international metropolis of Xiangjiang, it won't make a big wave. You don't need to control the quantity of vegetables!"


What is shocking? When Gu Hongyu limited the supply of vegetables to 20,000 catties per day at the beginning of the meeting, he was interrupted by the distributors who came here without him saying anything else.

Seeing this situation, Gu Hongyu and Lin Yuantao were fully prepared. Before Gu Hongyu made any move, Lin Yuantao slammed the table a few times: "Everyone, be quiet. Today we called Mr. Gu here to help you solve the vegetable supply problem. You can wait until he finishes talking before discussing anything!"

The host said this, and many dealers finally stopped discussing and expressing dissatisfaction, intending to see what solution Gu Hongyu had.

Gu Hongyu smiled at everyone: "I know you all hope to have enough supply so that the hotels and restaurants under your channels can have this kind of special dishes, but I do have a reason to propose a daily supply of 20,000 kilograms."

"You all know that the vegetables I provide are of good quality and taste good, but have you ever thought that it is not easy to grow vegetables? To be honest with you, these vegetables are all new varieties that have just been developed. The promise to supply 20,000 kilograms a day is the result of my best efforts to expand. This is not a matter of no money or no labor. This is simply because there are not so many cultivated vegetable seeds."

After listening to Gu Hongyu's words, a distributor immediately said sensibly: "Since Mr. Gu can guarantee a supply of 20,000 kilograms a day, then our family is not greedy. 3,000 kilograms of vegetables a day, and the rest of the share will be divided by others!"

This is a high-sounding statement, but every distributor in the conference room ignored him. He is not greedy. There are obviously more than ten distributors in the conference room, and he alone occupies more than one-tenth of the share. This is not greedy!

Then, the conference room became lively again, with each distributor speaking actively and striving to get more vegetable shares from Gu Hongyu.

Competition is a good thing for Gu Hongyu, and they did not stop it. In the end, things really went in the direction they set, that is, a distributor took the initiative to raise the price of vegetables, which immediately pushed the atmosphere of the conference room to a climax.

There are other companies on the floor rented by Lin Yuantao and his team. The fierce debate in the conference room soon attracted the attention of many people. Others thought that something major had happened or a conflict had occurred here!

Seeing that the argument would not produce any results, Gu Hongyu had no choice but to slam the table and said loudly: "Everyone calm down, sit down and listen to me!"

Gu Hongyu's roar with internal strength made the conference room buzz, and it even echoed, making other people's ears feel like they had experienced a bombardment. Many people only noticed that it was a bit of a distraction. As distributors, they were all smart people. Soon everyone realized Gu Hongyu's dominant position and the conference room returned to calm again.

"It's fate that everyone is here today. What I pursue when buying my vegetables is win-win cooperation. I am of course happy to hear that the price is raised. When the moisture content of vegetables is too high, there will always be a little bit of them that will be squeezed out, so what I want is that everyone can continue to cooperate, not just make a profit for a while!" Gu Hongyu said seriously.

"I am honored that everyone likes the vegetables I grow, but now I can only ship so much. You don't have to win or lose now. We can also discuss some reasonable solutions, right? For example, I will soon make a brand for the vegetables. I will sell them in limited quantities here. You can also sell them in limited quantities to hotels. The hotels can also sell these vegetables and dishes every day. In the end, the customers will still pay the bill. Do customers care how much more expensive high-quality dishes are?" Gu Hongyu analyzed slowly to everyone.

"Yes, the more unavailable things are, the more precious they are. In addition, Mr. Gu's vegetables are of excellent quality. Are you afraid that no one will recognize them? The same amount of vegetables will make a much higher profit than before!" said a distributor.

Gu Hongyu also pointed out a direction for everyone, which was something that everyone had ignored in this short period of time. With one dealer taking the lead, other dealers soon acquiesced to Gu Hongyu's distribution plan.

The last dealer asked: "Mr. Gu, we are all here for vegetables this afternoon, so can you talk about how we should distribute these vegetables now?"

This is considered a relatively cooperative dealer. Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "I will not make a decision. I only make a personal suggestion, that is, everyone bids. The price of vegetables is slightly low now and does not meet the status of high-quality vegetables. Each of you has the opportunity to bid a reasonable price that you can afford in your heart. The dealer with the highest price will get the highest share of vegetables."

"Mr. Gu, didn't you just say that cooperation is a win-win situation, but the ultimate goal is to increase the price of vegetables?" A dealer said casually, but when he saw that others did not respond, he sat back in his chair.

Most of the dealers present knew that there was a certain gap between the price of vegetables and their quality reputation. Price increase was certain. The most important thing was how much profit the dealers planned to keep for themselves. There was no point in complaining to Gu Hongyu.

As a unique vegetable, Gu Hongyu would not be afraid of eating hairy pigs without Zhang the butcher. However, if the dealers lost Gu Hongyu's vegetables, they would suffer heavy losses, because if Gu Hongyu distributed the vegetables to other dealers, many hotels and restaurants might lose their business, which was a consequence they could not imagine.

Many dealers fell into deep thought for a while, and one of them said readily: "Okay, I agree with Mr. Gu's opinion, let's see the truth on the price!"

"I agree too!"

"I hope the price will not be too high this time!"

"I am convinced by Xiao Gu, he looks young but has unique ideas!"


With a good start, everyone could only nod. Could it be that they would give the share of vegetables to others?

Seeing that the dealers unanimously agreed with Gu Hongyu's opinion, Lin Yuantao couldn't help but be happy. He even did things with a lighter step. The price of vegetables at 7 yuan had exceeded their expectations. Now with such a bid, it should be at least 10 yuan!

This time, the vegetable price bidding was a blind bid. The lowest price was 7 yuan. Bids below 7 yuan were invalidated. The winner was the one with the highest bid above 7 yuan.

There were 14 dealers present. Gu Hongyu reiterated the rules of bidding again, that is, the highest bidder got 5,000 catties of vegetables, the second highest 4,000 catties, the third highest 3,000 catties, the fourth and fifth were 2,000 catties and 1,000 catties respectively, and the rest were reduced by 100 catties until the total amount of vegetables for the ninth place was 18,000 catties. The vegetables behind were probably not much different in price, so they were divided equally among the five dealers.

The dealers had nothing to say about this designated rule, because Gu Hongyu also wanted to maximize his profits, but in their hearts, many dealers began to admire him. Such a method was really not something that ordinary people could come up with.

They suddenly felt a lot of pressure. If the price of vegetables could not be given this time, the difference in share would be huge, which would endanger their future income and status in the industry.

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