
Just as the long-tailed firefox was about to speak, Xiaozhi, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, rushed in front of it and covered its mouth.


Facing the three elves who were staring at him blankly with confused faces, Xiaozhi made a shushing gesture.

Naughty Panda, Fairy Eevee:"……"

Seeing that they understood what he meant, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief:"I came here secretly to find Serena and planned to give her a surprise. You must not alarm her."


The three elves subconsciously covered their mouths, afraid of making any sound.

They knew better than anyone how much Serena missed Xiaozhi.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi gave them a thumbs up, then turned around and walked upstairs.

He knew exactly where Serena's room was.

"Saqi is so considerate that she even gave me the key to Serena's room."

Xiaozhi took the key and opened the room...

Serena's room, the floor was full of all kinds of clothes, elf accessories, and all kinds of strange props were placed next to it.

The closet next to it was half open and filled with fashion.

There was a photo of Xiaozhi, Serena and Pikachu on the bedside, which was wiped very clean.



Serena didn't notice Xiaozhi's arrival. She lay on her side in her pajamas and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

From time to time, she exhaled a slight breath from her mouth, with a smile on her face, as if she was having a beautiful dream.


Xiaozhi looked at the familiar figure, and a feeling of throbbing emerged in his heart, and he seemed to be happy because of the compensation of a regret.

【This time, I won't let you leave!

Xiaozhi didn't wake up Serena, but sat quietly beside her, looking at her quietly.


Serena whispered softly in her sleep, and her smiling face wrinkled unconsciously.

She was alone, with Longtailed Fire Fox and several Pokémons, embarking on a journey to Hoenn.

While participating in different gorgeous competitions, she also kept an eye on Xiaozhi's actions.

Xiaozhi finally went to Alola.

There he met new friends, had a lot of fun, and laughed happily.

For a whole year, Xiaozhi never contacted her again, which made Serena doubt herself for a while and feared being forgotten.

Although she tried to make herself better, hoping to attract Xiaozhi's attention, Xiaozhi never paid attention to her trip to the Hoenn region.

Lost, hesitant, and confused.

Although she won the top coordination trainer badge of the gorgeous competition, she eventually lost to Mikoli and ended her journey.

Serena returned home, and she never went out again with a heavy heart.

She knew she was looking forward to it...

I heard that Xiaozhi was about to embark on a new journey...

That brand new continent, a place called the Galar region...

Although she knew that her expectations were a bit unrealistic, she still had a little expectation... What if Xiaozhi called to invite her to join?

Serena has been waiting with a trepidation.

Unfortunately, bad news comes much faster than good news!

Xiaozhi has already embarked on a journey alone and made new companions!

Upon hearing the news, Serena was a little distraught, and she no longer had any fighting spirit. She hid at home and didn't want to go out.

She didn't know what to do!

If she liked him, she could just say it directly, and if she missed him, she could just call him directly to let Xiaozhi know her feelings.

But her years of understanding made her choose to bear it alone. She didn't want to trouble others, and didn't want Xiaozhi, who had no worries, to be troubled by her.

Perhaps, this is the best result. It's time for everything to end!

A tear flowed from Serena's eyes, and an inexplicable heartache emerged in her heart, causing her to slowly open her eyes in her sleep.


Just as she opened her eyes, before she could see who the blurry figure in front of her was, a strong hand pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

The force almost made her breathless.

【Who is coming?】

【Where's my mom? Where's the long-tailed fire fox?]

Serena's mind went blank, and she lost the ability to think.

"Serena! I like you!"

"Come travel with me!"

"Be my girlfriend!"

"I want to take you to all the places I have been to!"

"I want to take you with me wherever I’m going in the future!"

"I want to take you with me to witness all my stories!"

"No rebuttal allowed!!!"

"Because I don't listen!!!

Xiaozhi's voice exploded in my ears, and that familiar voice was still so passionate.

My head was still buzzing.

"How can there be such a domineering person!"

Sarina couldn't stop her tears from flowing out, and she hugged Xiaozhi's back with both hands, fearing that if she let go, she would wake up from the dream.

She knew it was not a dream!

Xiaozhi in the dream had always been a wooden man, always needing her care, and always being silently cared for by her.

So wooden, so stubborn.

It was impossible for him to say such domineering and resolute words without giving people any chance to refute.

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