Aromatherapy City!

After a day's travel, Xiaozhi and Serena arrived here.

Xiaozhi stared at Lalulas with a helpless look on his face:"Lalulas, as a Pokémon, you need to go back to the Poké Ball to rest at night, understand?"

"Look, Pikachu has given up the bad habit of sleeping outside at night!"

Beside him, Pikachu sighed helplessly and touched his ears with his hands: I am too wronged.

Because of the growing relationship between Xiaozhi and Serena, Pikachu would suddenly feel sleepy at night and had to go back to the Poké Ball to rest.

For this reason, it successfully gave up the habit of sleeping with Xiaozhi at night!

""Da ka!"

Lalulas tightly grasped Xiaozhi's clothes, revealing her big pitiful eyes, and she might cry at any time.

【This guy must have been born not long ago.】

When Xiaozhi saw Ralts's extremely dependent look, he sighed in his heart, realizing that Ralts was probably caught by the Pokémon hunter not long after it was born.

That's why it is so dependent on Xiaozhi, who uses the waveguide to emit his true love for Pokémons!

Beside him, Serena blushed slightly, looking at Xiaozhi educating Ralts:"It's okay, Ralts doesn't want to go back to the Poké Ball, and Pikachu doesn't have to force himself to sleep in the Poké Ball every day."

Pikachu's eyes lit up, and he made a thankful voice to Ralts:"Pika! Pika! Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi was full of resentment:"No. Wouldn't this disturb our rare communication time? Traveling during the day, there is no chance to talk together!"


Xiaozhi was filled with resentment, muttering:

"Well, Lalulas doesn't listen to me at all, and I don't understand what it's saying, so I can't help it."

"The three members of Team Rocket have now disappeared and are not following me! Otherwise, you can ask Meowth for help."

"It so happens that Miss Maxiu can understand what the elves say. How about asking her to act as the elves' psychological counselor?"

"At least listen to what Lalulas means, this guy is too clingy."

Serena subconsciously stopped, a little embarrassed, her face slightly red:"Eh? It's not good to ask others for help with this kind of thing, right?"

Xiaozhi thought for a while:"Well... it's really not good, it's easy to be regarded as a hooligan by others!"

"How about you go and tell it, Serena?"

"After all, you are both girls, so there is nothing wrong with talking about this topic! There will be no surprises!"


Serena was surprised, and subconsciously turned aside, with her hands not knowing where to put:"I... I'll go and tell them?"

Pikachu patted his head helplessly: Sure enough, there will be no good things for couples on a trip!

As a Pokémon, it's too difficult!

Serena looked at Ralts who was holding on to Xiaozhi's clothes tightly. The other party really needed guidance. She nodded gently:"Okay, I'll try."

Aromatherapy Gym

"Is Miss Maxiu here?"

"We have come to visit specially!"

Xiaozhi is now outside the door, using his hand as a trumpet to shout.


The door opened, and a big-mouthed baby walked out.

Following closely behind was a Japanese-style girl in gorgeous clothes, full of strange beauty.

Ma Xiu looked at Xiaozhi and Serena, showing a look of surprise:"Xiaozhi, Serena, is it you?"

Ma Xiu was deeply impressed by Xiaozhi. He was the only trainer she had met who was in harmony with the spirit of the Pokémon.

Xiaozhi nodded and waved his right hand:"Long time no see! I came here this time because I want to ask Miss Ma Xiu for help with something."

Ma Xiu nodded slightly when she heard it:"Come in, it just so happens that no one is challenging the gym now!"

After that, Ma Xiu led the two through the gym and came to the backyard.

The three of them sat in the flower pavilion under the big tree, and the leaves of the tree fluttered in the wind and fell.

Ma Xiu brewed a pot of flower tea and poured a cup for the two of them in a very easy-going manner.

"I mainly want to ask Miss Maxiu to help me make a pair of sunglasses that suits Blastoise's taste."

"Only Miss Maxiu can understand the words of the elves, and she is also a famous designer!"

Xiaozhi told Maxiu the purpose of his trip.

Before coming to Aromatherapy City, Blastoise found a waterfall and successfully proved his strength!

According to the agreement, Xiaozhi needs to help make sunglasses for it.

Beside, Serena also spoke softly:"I mainly want to ask about clothing issues! By the way, I want to know some of Dolimia's ideas"


Ma Xiu was a little surprised, and was caught off guard by the sudden important task:"Well... although I can communicate with elves, I don't know all the elven languages!"

"Fairy-type elves are easy to understand, but I only half understand elves of other types!"

"Then I'll leave it to Miss Maxiu!" Xiaozhi smiled, looking very serious, and clenched his fists to encourage:"I believe Miss Maxiu can do it! Come on! With Miss Maxiu's desire to become partners with the elves, there will be no problem communicating with them!"


Facing Xiaozhi's sudden familiarity and his trusting eyes, Ma Xiu was inexplicably encouraged and nodded subconsciously.

Eh? Wrong!

By the time Ma Xiu realized what was happening, it was too late to regret.

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