"Go, Snowball!"

Xiaozhi took a breath, stood up from the ground, and threw the snowball in his hand!

Regiace was directly subdued by the snowball!

There was no resistance at all!

The powerful force that Xiaozhi and Greninja just burst out made it surrender.

【The Ice Dragon was frozen by Reggieice, right?】

【Because of the battle with Greninja, he woke up from the unexpectedly melted polar ice, and was caught by the Pokémon Hunter when he escaped from the blizzard.

Xiaozhi stood up and put away the snowball, looking at the entire underground situation. This is the habitat of Regiace, and because of its existence, there is a living environment for the Ice Dragon.

The other party hid here and was frozen by Regiace until he left in the chaos not long ago.

He has completed Dr. Takeda's commission.

Found out the reason for the appearance of the Ice Dragon and where it exists!

It’s not too much to take a snowball as a mission reward?

It’s useless to be too much!

He has already used it and has captured the Pokémon!

If you have any dissatisfaction, go and communicate with Professor Oak!

As a friend, Professor Oak will definitely help solve it.


Xiaozhi and Greninja walked out from underground.

Outside, Charizard stood there motionless. The extreme cold around it had no effect on it at all.

""Da Ka!"

Ralts kept struggling, trying to rush into the cave.

Serena hugged Ralts tightly and kept comforting him:"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaozhi will be here soon!"

Beside him, Dorimia lay quietly on the ground to guard, and Pikachu stood on its head, staring at Ralts with a little concern.

""Da ka!"

Lalulas felt Xiaozhi's presence and immediately flew into his arms, holding his clothes tightly with her little hands, crying loudly.

"I'm so sorry for making Lalulas worry."

Xiaozhi gently stroked Lalulas's head, raised his head and looked at Serena:"Serena, when are we going to have a baby? The way you comforted Lalulas just now was very touching!"

Serena stared at Xiaozhi, whose willpower had not yet subsided and who was full of sharp momentum, and said nothing with a red face. What about the baby?

Is it too early now?

After all, their journey has just begun!

Necessary measures are still needed!

Serena was thinking wildly.……

"Let's go! Greninja successfully found"

"Let's go to the Blatano Research Institute!"

Xiaozhi took back Greninja, and the other party was directly teleported back to the Oak Research Institute like Smelly Dragon.

The two returned along the same route.

This time, the trip seemed to be more lively!

Xiaozhi got up early every day and did morning jogging, prone, squats, and other physical training alone.

After warming up, he lifted stones with Blastoise, worked hard to burst out anger and punched with Infernape, and took a wooden sword with Lizard King to chop trees with all his strength...

After being tired, he sat alone to calm down, meditated with waveguides, and tried to sense the earth and the sky.

Beside him, Ralts was always close to him. Following behind Xiaozhi.

When he lifts rocks to exercise, it lifts rocks to exercise.

When he punches Infernape, it punches Infernape. When he meditates, it meditates.

It seems that it has become an inseparable little follower!

Pikachu's face was covered with cold sweat, and he kept wiping it with his little hands: It's over, it's over, not only the Pokémon has gone crazy, but the trainer has also gone crazy.

As a normal Pokémon, it feels that it is incompatible with this group!

What to do?

Of course, join in!

As a companion who has never left Xiaozhi's side, the trainer has worked hard to train, how can it slack off?

Pikachu clenched his fists, showing a desperate look

"Pickup truck!"


Pikachu continuously releases 100,000 volts to attack the ground!

Training intensity, it will also!

Facing Xiaozhi's training, Serena takes her own elves to be responsible for nutrition planning, help with laundry and cooking, and organize housework every day, keeping everything in order.

The two of them have a tacit understanding and are happy every day

【Run 10 kilometers every morning!】

【Push-ups, squats, supine exercises, pull-ups, jumping, meditation, and training with the elves……】

Xiaozhi carefully plans the way to becoming stronger, makes a training plan for himself, and improves himself bit by bit!

"Lalu Lasi, you were born not long ago, follow me and carefully train to become muscular Lalu Lasi!"


Lalulas was very unhappy when he heard this: it is a psychic Pokémon that can use psychic power to control its own form, and it will not change its form even if it becomes stronger!

""Haha, you are a super Pokémon, don't train so violently!"

Somehow, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of the bay leaf that tore the stinky mud at home.

Why do Pokémon that are extremely dependent on trainers have violent tendencies?

No! You must become more violent than them!


Xiaozhi's mind emerged the scene of himself being fought over by several Pokémon, unable to resist, and could only be accidentally divided into five equal parts.

In his heart, the desire to train became stronger and stronger!

Now, no one can stop his desire to become stronger!

If that day really happens, he will be able to deal with all the Pokémon!

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