Xiaozhi and his friends went to the Vermillion Gym at the time agreed yesterday.

When Xiaozhi and his friends arrived, Xiaosong was explaining to several new trainee gym trainers what they need to pay attention to when raising ghost-type Pokémon.

Seeing Xiaozhi and his friends coming, Xiaosong introduced them to the people in front of him:"This is Xiaozhi, the trainer who will challenge the Vermillion Gym today.

Xiaozhi is the champion of the Quartz Conference and is currently challenging the Chengdu League.

" The trainee gym trainers stood up and said to Xiaozhi:"Thank you for troubling you today!


Xiaosong said:"I want these kids to practice in today's game. This game will allow them to learn a lot."

Xiaozhi nodded:"No problem for me."

The referee said:"Now let's start the Vermillion Gym Gym Challenge. There are three Pokémon that can be used. When all the Pokémon on one side lose their combat ability, the game is over. The gym trainers will send out their Pokémon first!"

Xiaosong said:"My first one is, go ahead, Gastly!"

Xiaozhi said:"The Bayleaf is decided to be you!"


【Attributes: Ghost, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Float (floats from the ground, thus not being attacked by ground-attribute moves)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Gastly uses tongue licking!

Gastly sticks out his long tongue

"Bayleaf used a whip to tie Gastly's tongue!"

Bayleaf stretched out a whip and tied Gastly's tongue.

"Bayleaf uses Magic Leaf!"

Bayleaf caught Gastly and used Magic Leaf, which hit Gastly.

"Gastly uses Dark Shadow.

Gastly emits black light waves from his eyes.

"Bayleaf uses Light Wall!"

Garsis's Night Shadow's damage was reduced by Bayleaf's Light Wall.

"Gastly Shadow Ball!"

"Bayleaf uses Energy Ball!"

The shadow ball and the energy ball collided in the air, forming a huge wind that swept the entire venue

"Bayleaf, you are at the 11 o'clock position, shoot another energy ball!"

Bayleaf faced the direction ordered by Xiaozhi to attack, and fired an energy ball again. The energy ball hit Gastly, and Gastly fell to the ground.

The referee:"Gasstly has lost the ability to fight!"

Xiaosong took back Gastly and said,"Thank you for your hard work, Gastly. Xiaozhi, my next one is Haunter!"

Xiaozhi took back Bayleaf and replaced it with Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff has not participated in a gym battle for a long time.


【Attributes: Ghost, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Float (floats from the ground, thus not being attacked by ground-attribute moves)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate】

"Haunter uses hypnosis!"

Haunter sends a sleep wave to Jigglypuff.

"Jigglypuff, sing!"

Jigglypuff raised its microphone, put it to its mouth, and sang a comfortable and beautiful song. Hypnosis was isolated from Jigglypuff's body by Jigglypuff's singing.

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Komatsu, although singing is useless against Haunter, it can be used for defense!"

Komatsu said:"Is there any other use for this? You can try it next time."

"Haunter, use sludge bomb!"

Haunter spewed sludge from its mouth and threw it at Jigglypuff.

"Jigglypuff, jump up and use Shadow Ball.

Jigglypuff inhales air and jumps up to successfully avoid the sludge bomb. Jigglypuff's Shadow Ball hits Haunter.

"Haunter uses Sludge Bombs in succession!"

"Jigglypuff, charge up and use Freeze Punch!"

Haunter used Sludge Bombs in succession. Jigglypuff dodged and charged forward. The Sludge Bomb still hit Jigglypuff, but Jigglypuff gritted his teeth and used Freeze Punch on Haunter.

"Jigglypuff, use the Psychic Hammer!"

Jigglypuff added a Psychic Hammer and Haunter fell to the ground.

The referee:"Haunter has lost his ability to fight."

Komatsu took back Haunter and said:"Xiaozhi, your Jigglypuff can actually use a Psychic-type move?"

Xiaozhi said:"Yes."

Komatsu said:"Xiaozhi, this is my last one, go ahead, Gengar!"

Xiaozhi took Jigglypuff back and replaced it with Curse Doll. This was Curse Doll's first gym match. Curse Doll had a Mega Evolution Stone on its neck.

Brock said:"Can Curse Doll Mega Evolve?"

Misty said:"I think it should be possible."


【Attributes: Ghost, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Cursed Body (When attacked, the opponent's moves will sometimes be turned into a fixed state)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym]

When Xiaosong saw Xiaozhi's Cursed Doll, his eyes lit up. He liked ghost-type Pokémon very much, and Cursed Doll could not be seen in the Chengdu area. He was surprised and said,"Xiaozhi, you have a Cursed Doll!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"I caught it by chance. Mr. Xiaosong, this is Cursed Doll's first gym match. Please give me your guidance!"

Xiaosong looked at his Gengar and said to Xiaozhi,"Xiaozhi, are you interested in a super evolution battle?"

Xiaozhi nodded,"Okay!"

Xiaosong's fingers lightly touched the Evolution Keystone inlaid on the bracelet, and Xiaozhi also placed his fingers on the Evolution Keystone on the glove

"Gengar super evolution!"

"The Cursed Doll Super Evolved!"

Geng Gui and the Cursed Doll changed their forms at the same time.

"Gengar using Shadow Ball"

"Cursed Doll, Will-O-Wisp!"

Geng Gui threw a shadow ball at the Cursed Doll, and the Cursed Doll released a strange flame to resist the shadow ball.

"Gengar, Curse of the Night!"

Genggui moved quickly and used Curse of the Night.

"The Cursed Doll's Spirit Strikes!"

The Cursed Doll disappeared, and the Dark Night Curse did not hit

"Geng Gui used his mental strength to attack the entire venue.

Geng Gui used his mental strength to attack the entire venue in order to prevent the cursed doll from attacking freely and interfere with the cursed doll's actions.

"Right there, the Cursed Doll."

Xiaozhi had expected Xiaosong to use this move, and the Cursed Doll appeared directly behind Gengar, and the sneak attack hit Gengar.

"We also use our spiritual power on the cursed doll!"

The cursed doll's spiritual power hits again!

"Gengar, are you okay? Use poison!"

Genggui climbed up from the ground and used poison. Purple bubbles began to appear on the field and attacked the cursed doll. The cursed doll was poisoned!

"Gengar used shadow to attack.

Gengar stretched out his shadow and attacked from behind the cursed doll, hitting it.

"Cursed Doll surprise attack!"

The Cursed Doll used surprise attack to attack Geng Gui again.

"Gengar uses Same Fate!"

Gengar was hit by the Cursed Doll at close range, and a shadow enveloped the two Pokémon. The Cursed Doll and Gengar both released their Mega Evolution forms and lost their combat capabilities!

The referee said:"Genger and the Cursed Doll lost their combat capabilities at the same time. Because the gym trainer has already lost three Pokémon, the winner is the challenger Ash from Pallet Town."

Misty looked at Brock and asked:"Brock, what is the skill of Same Fate?"

Brock explained:"It's a skill that makes the opponent lose their combat capabilities together."

Misty said:"Isn't that a bit like the Song of Destruction, a skill that forces the opponent to lose their combat capabilities."

Brock nodded:"The principle is similar."

Komatsu took Gengar back and handed the Phantom Badge to Satoshi:"Satoshi, I lost. This is the Phantom Badge, you just accept it!"

Satoshi took the Phantom Badge:"Mr. Komatsu, thank you"

"I got the Phantom Badge!"


【Obtain the Phantom Badge, reward points 500]

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