Xiaozhi and his group continued to travel with Asagi City as their goal. They stayed in a mountain hut last night. After breakfast, they were ready to set off again.

Xiaoxia was cutting vegetables, Xiaozhi was arranging plates, Xiaogang was making soup, Pikachu, Crocodile, Fireball and Bayleaf were chasing and playing by the river. The weather was also very good today. It looked like a pleasant morning!

Xiaoxia also cut the vegetables and asked:"Xiaozhi, are you ready?"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay, Xiaoxia, you can have breakfast in five minutes after giving the onions to Xiaogang."

Xiaoxia brought the cut vegetables to Xiaogang and said:"Xiaogang, the onions are ready! Xiaogang! Xiaozhi, come here quickly!" Xiaoxia shook Xiaogang's shoulder, but Xiaogang had fainted. Xiaozhi ran over and helped Xiaogang up. He anxiously called Xiaogang's name twice but got no response. He put his hand on Xiaogang's forehead, and the burning heat on his palm told him that Xiaogang had a fever!

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaoxia, Xiaogang has a fever!"

Xiaoxia helped Xiaogang to get on Xiaozhi's back, and Xiaozhi also reminded him,"Xiaoxia, take the pot down first."

Xiaozhi carried Xiaogang into the house, took off his coat, and covered him with a quilt. Xiaoxia handed over a cup of warm water and antipyretic medicine. Xiaozhi fed the medicine to Xiaogang, and Xiaogang's condition got better. Xiaozhi closed the door gently and said to Xiaoxia,"We haven't had a good rest recently, and Xiaogang has to take care of the Pokémon, so he must be exhausted!" Xiaoxia said,

"Let's let Xiaogang have a good rest today!"

At this time, the door was opened by Xiaogang. He leaned against the door frame, looking very uncomfortable, and said to the two of them,"I still have to take care of the Pokémon, cook, wash clothes, and there are many things to do......."Before Xiaogang could finish his words, his vision went dark and he almost fainted again.

Xiaozhi held him up and said,"Xiaogang, just take a good rest! Xiaoxia and I will take care of the Pokémon! Your health is also important, isn't it?"

Xiaoxia said,"That's right, don't force yourself! Xiaozhi and I will take care of it!"

Xiaozhi helped Xiaogang back to the bed and said,"Then I'll leave it to you! If you don't understand anything, just look at the notes in your backpack."

"Pikachu handed the notebook in Brock's backpack to Ash.

Ash released all of Brock's Pokémon:"Everyone come out!"

When Golbat saw Brock on the bed, he said he would stay and take care of him.

Ash and Misty sat on the steps at the door, and Misty said,"We have to cook, wash clothes, and wash dishes......."

Xiaozhi continued to read:"In addition to that, there are also chopping wood, fetching water, and taking care of Pokémon."

Xiaoxia sighed:"So Brock does so many things on a daily basis!"

Xiaozhi said:"We can only work together!" When Xiaozhi traveled alone in his previous life, he was also in a mess at first, but later he gradually became familiar with these things. Although there were many things to do, he had no problem doing it alone, not to mention that there was Xiaoxia by his side now.

Xiaozhi looked at the breakfast on the table and said:"Then let's eat breakfast first. After making some porridge for Brock, let's help Steelix and Geodude take a bath first!"

Xiaoxia stood up and said confidently:"Then I'll go and cook the rice for the porridge first!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly stopped Xiaoxia:"Let me go! Xiaoxia, you go prepare food for the Pokémon." If Xiaozhi didn't stop him, it would be uncertain what Xiaoxia could make. Xiaozhi still remembered Xiaoxia's dark cuisine and didn't want to try it a second time.

After the two and the Pokémon finished breakfast, Xiaozhi made egg porridge in a casserole. Xiaoxia said in disbelief:"Xiaozhi, you can cook?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Is it strange?"

Xiaoxia nodded:"I've never seen you cook before!"

Xiaozhi scooped a spoonful of it, blew it cool and fed it to Xiaoxia, and asked:"How does it taste?"

Xiaoxia gave a thumbs up and said:"Delicious!"

Xiaoxia brought the porridge into the room and let Xiaogang eat it. Xiaozhi had taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. He and Pikachu picked up two brushes, one large and one small. Bayleaf brought the sand in a bucket.

Xiaozhi touched Bayleaf's head and said:"Thank you, Bayleaf!"

Xiaozhi and Pikachu began to bathe Steelix and Geodude. When washing the bodies of rock-type and ground-type Pokémon, they could only wipe them gently with soft sand and then wipe them with a clean towel.

After an hour, Steelix and Geodude's bodies were rubbed shiny.

Xiaoxia had also washed and dried the dirty clothes with the help of Starfish and Hazelnut Ball.

In the room, Brock was in a cycle of having a sweet dream and waking up suddenly. He kept muttering words like"big sister" and"beauty", which made Zubat look at his trainer speechlessly.

In the evening, Xiaozhi had just finished making dinner. Brock woke up. He had slept for a whole day and his fever had subsided. When he smelled the fragrance of the food, his stomach started to rumble. So they went outside. Misty said,"Brock, are you okay?"

Xiaozhi served the curry rice to the two of them. He took off the cooking gloves on his hands, put his hands on Brock's forehead, and tested Brock's body temperature:"It's not hot anymore! It's just right. Let's have dinner together!"

Brock smiled and said,"Thanks to you, my fever has subsided! Is this made by Xiaozhi?" Xiaozhi was a little surprised when he saw the curry rice in front of him, which looked very good. Can Xiaozhi cook?

Xiaozhi sat down next to Xiaoxia and said to Xiaogang,"Try it!"

Xiaoxia added,"Xiaozhi also made the egg porridge in the morning!"

Xiaogang picked up the spoon and said,"Then I really have to try it! I'm starting!" Xiaogang scooped a spoonful of curry rice into his mouth and exclaimed,"It's delicious!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"If it's delicious, eat more! There's more in the pot."

Meowth's voice reached the ears of the three people:"Little brat, hand over Pikachu!"

Musashi and Kojiro said at the same time:"Vast uses smoke! Arbok uses poison needle!"

Xiaozhi glanced at the Rocket Team's hot air balloon helplessly and said,"You never learn your lesson!"

Xiaogang stood up and said,"Xiaozhi, let me do it! You guys worked hard today too! Steelix uses Rock Slide and Filbert uses Impact!"

Filbert rushed into the smoke of Vast and knocked the two away. Steelix took the opportunity to slam the big rock into the Rocket Team's hot air balloon. The rock cut the Rocket Team's balloon, leaving only one sentence in the sky: What a disgusting feeling.

After experiencing Gon's illness in the mountain cabin, Satoshi and his friends set out for Asagi City again the next day.

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