Today at noon was also a pleasant lunch time. After the meal, Xiaoxia said with satisfaction:"Xiaozhi, you should cook more! It's really delicious!"

Today's lunch was made by Xiaozhi. Since Xiaogang was sick last time, Xiaozhi has shared most of the cooking work. Xiaozhi's cooking skills are even praised by Xiaogang.

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Okay, cook often!"

Zubat suddenly flew away. Xiaogang asked curiously:"Where are you going, Zubat?" Xiaogang chased Zubat and ran.

Xiaoxia said:"Leave it to me to clean up! Xiaozhi, you go and see!"

Xiaozhi chased Xiaogang and ran together. A minute later, the two came out of the forest. This place looked like a ruin, with traces of human survival. A girl was unconscious next to a big rock. Xiaogang helped the girl up and said,"Are you okay? Miss! Wake up!"

The girl slowly opened her eyes after hearing Xiaogang's voice. Xiaogang said,"Great, you should not be injured!"

The girl jumped up suddenly and looked around for something. She said,"Where is my detector? Where is my ultrasonic detector?"

Xiaozhi pointed to a machine that was completely damaged and said,"Is it that one?"

The girl said anxiously,"What should I do! How can I use my detector when it is like this!"

Xiaogang patted his chest and said,"Beautiful lady, let me take a look!" Xiaogang walked to the machine, carefully looked at the extent of the damage, and said,"Excuse me, do you have a laptop?"

The girl nodded and said,"Yes."

Xiaogang said,"If you have one, it should be repairable."

Xiaoxia brought the backpacks of the three people together, and Xiaozhi and Xiaogang moved the broken machine to the camp that the girl mentioned.

While Xiaogang was repairing it, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia also learned the girl's name. The girl's name was Xiaoxia, an archaeological researcher who was looking for a temple hidden under the ruins.

Xiaoxia said,"Thank you so much, especially Xiaogang. The research funds have been used up this time, and I don't even have the money for repairs."

Xiaoxia said,"Miss Xiaoxia, just leave it to Xiaogang!"

Xiaoxia said,"By the way, let me show you something.

" Xiaoxia brought an ancient text tablet and said to Xiaozhi and the other two,"This ancient text tablet was excavated from the ruins.

It says that a long time ago, there was a queen wearing a golden mask and holding a tin staff.

She could control the Pokémon that had not been captured at will.

The underground temple I am looking for is said to be the temple where the queen prayed.

If we can find the temple, we can definitely uncover the secret of her being able to freely manipulate Pokémon.


Xiaozhi said,"Control Pokémon? I think there must be some restrictions. If she could really manipulate Pokémon at will, this world might have been destroyed long ago."

Xiaoxia said,"I think so too. Otherwise, there would have been legends about this so-called queen everywhere. Why would she only be discovered in the ruins for so long?"

Xiaoxia said,"Dr. Xiaozhi is right. I am stationed here for a long time just to study this."

The three members of Team Rocket heard everything clearly with the eavesdropping device at the door, and immediately decided to go treasure hunting.

Xiaogang tested the repaired ultrasonic detector and said,"It's OK! But there is no way to repair this antenna!"

Xiaoxia said,"Ah! Then there is no way to receive the signal!"

Xiaogang said,"I have other ways."

The group walked to the ruins just now, and Xiaogang said,"Gunbat uses ultrasound." Gunbat emitted ultrasound, and Xiaogang turned on the repaired ultrasound device. All the places that Gunbat's ultrasound could detect were transmitted back to the laptop.

Xiaogang explained:"I connected part of the ultrasonic detector antenna to the computer, so it won't be used."

Xiaoxia pointed to a huge space detected on the computer screen with surprise and said:"Is this the location of the temple?" Xiaozhi looked carefully and confirmed:"It should be correct!"

Xiaoxia said:"We are now on the ground. The temple is so deep underground. How can we get there? Miss Xiaoxia, even if we can find it, how are you going to bring the things out?"

Xiaoxia was instantly disappointed and said:"Oh, right, I forgot! The machine that dug the hole just now is also broken. Now there is no way. We can only wait for the machine to be repaired!"

Xiaogang said confidently:"I have a way to deal with this! Come out, Geodude! About 50 meters in front of you, use the digging skill of Geodude to replace the digging machine." Xiaogang wanted to use Geodude's digging skill to replace the digging machine.

The group followed the hole dug by Geodude and walked into the underground passage.

Xiaogang said:"Geodude is very good, let's dig to the temple like this!"

Many huge rocks suddenly fell in the passage, blocking the way back for Xiaozhi and his group. Xiaoxia said,"It seems that we can't go back the same way!"

Xiaozhi said,"There should be other roads leading to the ground in the temple. Since we can't go back, we can only go to the temple first and then make plans!"

The falling of the boulder just now was the work of Team Rocket's Diglett No. 1. Diglett No. 1 fell suddenly, and the three Team Rockets were thrown out of the machine.

Musashi held his waist with his hand and said in pain,"It hurts, it hurts, I fell on my waist!"

Kojiro's weak voice came,"Musashi, can you get up from me first?"

Musashi looked down and saw Kojiro was pressed under her buttocks. Meow Meow said,"This should be the temple, meow!"

Musashi pulled Kojiro up from the ground, looked around and said,"This is the temple! We have arrived safely anyway!"

Meow Meow said excitedly,"Musashi, Kojiro, you two look over there, meow!"

There was a statue in the direction Meow Meow pointed to. The statue wore a golden mask on its face and held a tin staff in its hand.

The three members of Team Rocket ran over, and Kojiro said,"It can't be wrong, it's the one the little brats were talking about just now."

Musashi said,"Then what are you waiting for? Take it away!"

Meowth took down the golden mask and the tin staff, and said,"But how do I use it, meow!"

Musashi said,"Of course I wear it on my face! I'm the only actress in the world who is suitable to wear it." Musashi put the golden mask on her face, and she let out a strange laugh.

Kojiro and Meowth felt a chill on their backs, and they hugged each other. Kojiro tentatively asked,"Musashi, are you okay?"

Musashi laughed and snatched the tin staff from Kojiro's hand, saying,"Hahahaha......Of course I'm fine, I feel an incredible power filling my whole body! From now on, call me Your Majesty the Queen!"

Meowth said:"Musashi, what are you talking about, meow!"

Musashi raised the staff:"I am no longer the Musashi of the past! Let me show you something!" Musashi pointed the staff at Kojiro and shouted:"Come out! Venusflower!" The red bead on the top of the staff in front of Kojiro and Meowth emitted a red light, and Venusflower came out of the Poké Ball.

Kojiro said:"Venusflower, why are you.........I didn't give any orders!"

Musashi ordered:"Virtuinplant go eat Kojiro!" Then Musashi pointed the staff at Meowth:"Meowth, go dance the most embarrassing dance you think!"

Meowth's body moved and said:"Why does my body move on its own, meow!"

Musashi laughed:"This is my current strength!" Xiaozhi and the others finally reached the temple with the power of Geodude. Musashi looked at Xiaozhi and said:"Little brat?"

Xiaoxia pointed at Musashi and said:"Look! It's the golden mask and the staff!"

Musashi said:"It just so happens that your Majesty the Queen can bring Pikachu here! Pikachu come here!" Musashi pointed the staff at Pikachu, and Pikachu walked towards Team Rocket as if he had lost consciousness.

Musashi said:"Now we can get any Pokémon we want!"

Xiaozhi held Pikachu in his arms, and Pikachu was struggling. Xiaozhi said to Zubat:"Xiaogang, lend Zubat a hand! Golbat, use ultrasonic waves on that tin staff!" Golbat flew towards Musashi. Musashi wanted to use the same method to control Golbat, but unfortunately it didn't work. After Golbat used ultrasonic waves on the tin staff, Pikachu's control was also lifted!

Xiaozhi pointed to the passage on the left side of the temple and said,"Everyone go over there, get on the ground first! Keep running, run out of the ruins!"

Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu and led everyone to run outside. As long as they left the ruins, the tin staff and the golden mask would be ineffective!

After Xiaozhi and the others stepped out of the ruins, Xiaozhi said,"Pikachu, are you okay?"

Pikachu shook his head and was fully awake.

Xiaozhi said,"Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"

Pikachu used 100,000 volts on the chasing Rocket Team. Musashi said,"Sure enough, Ong used a counter punch!"

Pikachu's 100,000 volts was bounced back, but Pikachu dodged it.

Xiaogang said,"I'll do it! Zubat, use Steel Wings to grab the golden mask and the staff! Zubat's body suddenly emitted an evolutionary light, and Zubat evolved into Crossbat.

"Come on, X-bat!"

X-bat used its steel wings to disrupt Team Rocket and snatch the things back. Xiaogang caught the things and said,"X-bat, Air Slash!"

"What a disgusting feeling......."

Xiaozhi said:"Miss Xiaoxia, I'll leave the things to you!"

Xiaoxia took the golden mask and staff handed over by Xiaogang:"I never thought that the staff actually controls Pokémon with ultrasound, and it can't be used outside the range of the ruins. These are all precious information. Thank you, Dr. Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, and especially Xiaogang. Without your Xylobat, I'm afraid it will take a long time to solve this problem!"

Xiaogang held Xiaoxia's hand:"Miss Xiaoxia, you're welcome! Please let me evolve into a researcher, okay?......"

Misty takes the person away in time:"Forget about this!"

Xiaozhi and the other two's journey to Asahi City continues!

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