After Xiaozhi and his friends said goodbye to Dr. Kongmu in Kuga City, they boarded a regular ship in Zhina Town and arrived at Huangyan Island.

Xiaoxia has been very excited since she landed on Huangyan Island. She was excited to look for sun corals everywhere. Xiaoxia said,"Didn't they say that there are many sun corals in Huangyan Island? Why can't I see any?"

Xiaogang said,"Don't worry, Xiaoxia. The specialty of Huangyan Island is the handicrafts made from the fallen horns of sun corals. Moreover, the residents of Huangyan Island all live on the nests of sun corals. Let's go to the beach to look for them!"

Xiaoxia dragged the two of them and said,"What are we waiting for! Let's go! I must capture a sun coral!" When the three of them arrived at the beach, Psyduck appeared by itself and suddenly screamed. Xiaoxia asked curiously,"Psyduck, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaozhi looked in the direction pointed by Psyduck and saw a house floating on the sea. He said,"Oh no!""Pika!"


Xiaozhi and his friends could see a little girl and a sun outside the house.���Coral is calling for help.

Xiaozhi said:"Blottosquist, Dragonite, all of you come out, grab the rope and tie it to the fence of the house, then pull it back!"

Xiaoxia said:"Vape, Psyduck, and Bullfrog, you go too!"

Xiaozhi said:"Oh no, there is a whirlpool ahead, we need to speed up!"

Xiaozhi sent out two more Pokémon:"Vulpecula, use the Whip, and Snorlax help pull it!"

With the efforts of all the Pokémon, they successfully pulled the house back to the shore. The girl's sister and father thanked Xiaozhi and the other two. The girl's sister said:"Thank you for saving my sister Lujia. I am Lujia's sister. My name is Ayano, and this is our father."

Xiaozhi took Ayano's hand and said:"Ms. Ayano, you don't have to thank me. Your smile is enough! My name is Xiaozhi, and my dream is to become the world's number one Pokémon breeder. Not only Pokémon, I also hope to breed........."

Xiaoxia dragged the person away:"You should concentrate on taking care of Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi asked:"This is Miss Ayano's house! How come it is floating on the sea?"

Ayano smiled bitterly and looked at the sun coral next to Lujia and explained:"Actually, the thing is, our family is the same as all the residents of Huangyan Island. We live on the nest of sun coral. A month ago, this sun coral came to my house. I don’t know where it drifted from. It likes to hit the sun corals raised in my family. Just now we found that all the sun corals in the nest are gone, which caused my house to slide into the sea."

When Xiaoxia heard Ayano say that the sun coral was wild, she said excitedly:"This sun coral is wild! Then I want to capture it!" Xiaoxia is ready for battle.

Xiaogang finally stood up and dragged Xiaoxia away, saying,"We'll talk about taming it later!"

Xiaozhi said helplessly,"Please let me help you find the sun coral first!" Ayano said gratefully,"Really? Thank you, I really don't know how to repay you for helping my family! Please stay at my house tonight and let us entertain you!"

Xiaozhi agreed,"Okay, let's find the sun coral first!"

There was a small forest on the seashore. Ayano shouted loudly,"Annie, Wooney, Kani, Kani, Tony, Tani,......"

Misty said,"This is the name of the Sun Coral, right?"

Lujia said,"That's right! We have a total of nine Sun Corals."

The Sun Coral suddenly jumped up and pointed at the pink horn of the Sun Coral sticking out from the bushes.

Xiaozhi also held a Sun Coral in his arms and said,"I found one here too!" With the power of wave guidance, it was not difficult for Xiaozhi to find a few Sun Corals.

Misty said,"So you're so happy to find a companion? Okay, I'm going to capture it!"

Xiaogang dragged the person away,"Not yet, we have to wait until we find all of them!"

Xiaozhi smiled helplessly,"This Sun Coral is really full of energy! It suits Misty very well!"

After a while, Xiaozhi found all nine Sun Corals.

Ayano said,"I found them all!"

Suddenly, many suction cups fell from the sky and sucked the horns of the Sun Coral in Ayano's house. Misty sent out Vaporeon to use a water gun to blow the suction cups away and saved the energetic Sun Coral closest to her.

"Nightowl, use Steel Wings to cut all the ropes!"

Nightowl appeared, its wings glowing with metallic luster, and cut all the ropes. Xiaozhi said:"Team Rocket, are you interested in Sun Coral this time?" The

Meowth hot air balloon slowly descended, and Musashi said:"How come you little brats are everywhere!"

Xiaozhi spread his hands helplessly:"I am your nemesis! Should I take the initiative to leave today or take off? It's up to you!"

Kojiro said:"Although I owed you a favor last time, this is our chance to get promoted and make a fortune, let's fight! Arcanine, spray flames!"

"Arbok, you go too! Use poison needle!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then I won't show mercy either! Nightowl uses supernatural power!"

Nightowl used supernatural power to control Windy Dog and Arbok

""Nightowl hits Team Rocket's hot air balloon!"

Nightowl threw Windy and Arbok at Team Rocket's hot air balloon.

Misty said,"I'll make the final blow, Vaporeon's Freeze Beam!""

"Sunny" Sun Coral fired spike cannons from the horns on its head, helping Vaporeon to knock Team Rocket away.

Team Rocket had already taken off for who knows how many times. There was only one sentence in the sky:"What a disgusting feeling!"......"""Sonans!"

Xiaoxia looked at Sun Coral and said,"Sun Coral, our cooperation is pretty good, right? How about you fight me? If I win, how about you become my Pokémon?""

"Sunny!" Sun Coral jumped out of Xiaoxia's arms.

Xiaoxia sent out Pikachu:"Pikachu, come out!"

Xiaozhi said:"Send out Pikachu! But the electric-type tricks have limited damage to Sun Coral, which has both rock and water attributes." Xiaogang said:"I guess Xiaoxia has some ideas! Isn't there electromagnetic waves?"

Xiaozhi nodded.

"Come on, Pichu! This is your first battle, do your best! Use electromagnetic waves!"

Pichu sent out a weak electric shock, which paralyzed Sun Coral. Sun Coral was not to be outdone and used impact, knocking Pichu away

"Pichu, High Speed Star!"

After Pichu stabilized his body, he sent out a star-shaped light to attack the Sun Coral. After the High Speed Star hit the Sun Coral, the Sun Coral used self-regeneration to restore its strength.

"Pichu started running, using the electric net.

Pichu started running, and the electric current was concentrated on his tail. The electric current formed a net, which was bounced off by the sun coral using mirror reflection.

"It's really tough, avoid Pichu! Use continuous electric shocks!"

Pichu rotated its body to avoid the electric net that bounced back. Pichu used electric shocks continuously in the air, and was hit by the consecutive electric shocks. Sun Coral couldn't stand up.

Xiaozhi shouted:"Xiaoxia, capture it quickly! Don't give it a chance to use self-recovery."

Xiaozhi threw the Poké Ball, but unfortunately after the Poké Ball shook a few times, Sun Coral came out of the Poké Ball, and Xiaozhi's first capture failed.

After leaving the Poké Ball, Sun Coral used self-recovery again to restore its strength.

Xiaogang reminded:"Xiaoxia, self-recovery cannot restore all physical strength! The damage exists."

Xiaoxia nodded:"I know, Pichu, use the electric net again!"

Pichu used the electric net again, and the electric net controlled Sun Coral before it had time to use mirror reflection after using self-recovery.

Xiaozhi said:"This time I'm going to use the bait ball, go!"Xiaoxia took out the bait ball she got from Mr. Yan Tie.

This time the sun coral was successfully subdued by the bait ball!

Xiaoxia picked up the bait ball and said excitedly:"I finally subdued the sun coral!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu made a"Yeah" gesture and congratulated Xiaoxia. Pikachu jumped down from Xiaozhi's shoulder, walked up to touch Pikachu's head, causing Xiaozhi to smile and say:"Pikachu, your little brother did a good job!" This sun coral has the strength of an ordinary high-level, and Xiaoxia's team has added a general.

"Pikachu put his hands on his hips and looked very proud. Almost all of Pikachu's skills were taught by Pikachu!

Xiaozhi and his friends rested at Ayano's house for one night, which gave them a new experience - sleeping in a house on the sun coral nest.

The next day, Xiaozhi and his friends boarded the communication ship to Kako City on Red Rock Island, and the Whirlpool Islands Tournament was about to begin.

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