While Bixias was talking to Team Rocket, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xuecheng had already left!

Xiaoxia sprained her foot when she was going down the tree house. She gritted her teeth and insisted on finding Xiaogang and the others, but the pain in her foot made it impossible for her to walk anymore. Xiaozhi squatted down and took off Xiaoxia's shoes and socks. Her ankle was red and swollen. Xiaozhi just touched it lightly with his hand, and Xiaoxia cried out.

Xiaozhi said,"Did you get it when you were going down the tree house just now?"

Xiaoxia nodded and said"Yeah".

Xiaozhi threw his backpack to Xiaogang and carried Xiaoxia on his back. Xiaozhi said,"I'll carry you!"

"Pikachu suddenly took a fighting stance.

Xiaozhi said,"Get ready for battle! They are chasing us!"

Xuecheng said,"I'll help! Come out! Charmeleon." The Poké Ball that Xuecheng took out had a knob in the middle. The Pokémon in the Poké Ball would come out only after the knob was turned.

Xiaozhi thought, is this the Poké Ball from 40 years ago? It is much more complicated to operate than the Poké Balls now.

Mantis and Scylla jumped out of the bushes.

【Giant Mantis】

【Attributes: Bug, Steel】

【Gender: Male】

【Ability: Bug Premonition (When HP decreases, the power of bug-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】


【Attributes: Evil, Ice】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Mental strength (possessing a trained spirit and not flinching from the opponent's attack)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Blastoise, use water cannon!"

"Charmeleon, spray fire!"

Xiaozhi and Xuecheng shouted at the same time.

Blastoise's water cannon knocked down Giant Mantis. At best, the strength of the two was only at the top of the gym. Facing Blastoise's level suppression, they were vulnerable.

"Charmeleon uses Cleave!"

"Blastoise, go help, use the cannon beam!"

Twister was completely unable to withstand Blastoise's attack and immediately lost his ability to fight!

When Bixias and Team Rocket arrived, only Mantis and Twister, who had fallen to the ground and lost their ability to fight, were left.

Bixias laughed and said,"If it weren't for this, it would be meaningless!"

After running for a distance again, everyone stopped to take a rest.

Grandma Yongjiu said,"It's a waste of time for us to follow. If we want to fully restore Celebi's strength, it's still too much to rely on Xiaozhi's Celebi. I think there should be no problem in reaching the Lake of Life deep in the forest! Miku and I will go back to appease the villagers first. If Celebi doesn't follow us, that person should not attack us."

Miku nodded and said,"Grandma is right. We came out too hastily just now. We don't know what the village is like now!" Xiaozhi said,"Miss Miku, you guys should be careful."That person's target is Celebi, and as long as Celebi is with Xiaozhi and the others, Granny Yongye and Miku will be safe.

Miku nodded and said,"Okay!"

Xiaozhi and his group rested for a while, and then walked towards the Lake of Life deep in the forest that Granny Yongye mentioned.

Xuecheng hugged Celebi and said,"Granny Yongye only told us that the Lake of Life is in the depths of the forest, but we don't know the specific direction!"

Xiaozhi said,"Leave it to me! It's decided that Suicune is you!" Suicune is known as the messenger of the north wind and has the ability to purify water. If you want to find a lake, Suicune has a lot of say.

Suicune bowed his head and said,"Master Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi said,"Suicune, help us find the Lake of Life!"

Suicune closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then led the way in front and said,"Master Xiaozhi, follow me!"

Follow Suicune's steps and continue to move forward. The thick fog gradually blurred the vision. Suicune stopped at this time and said,"Master Xiaozhi, it's in front!"

Xiaozhi took Suicune back and said,"Thank you, Suicune!"

Xuecheng urged,"Go quickly, Xuecheng!" Xuecheng responded and took Celebi a few steps forward. Although they were in the thick fog, they saw the crystal clear water. He carried Celebi into the lake so that Celebi could be completely immersed in the water.

After soaking in the water, Celebi's body regained some strength, and it struggled to get into the water. Xiaozhi released Celebi, and it flew over the Lake of Life, singing softly. At this time, the fog slowly dissipated. A light green light emanated from Celebi at the bottom of the lake, and the light gradually turned into a ball of light until the water of the entire Lake of Life turned light green.

The light converged, and Celebi came out of the lake, having recovered her strength and completely recovered from her injuries.

Xiaogang said,"So this is the secret of the Lake of Life! The Pokémon in the forest actually rely on Celebi's power to survive."

Ash and his three companions set up their tents by the Lake of Life. As it was getting dark, they had no choice but to camp here for the night.

Misty's feet also recovered under Celebi's healing.

Ash woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Xuecheng was still awake, so he sat down next to Xuecheng and said,"Xuecheng, why aren't you asleep so late?"

Xuecheng smiled and said,"I'm not sleepy, Ash, take a look at what I just drew." In Xuecheng's sketchbook, there were Pikachu and two Celebi sleeping on wooden stakes. Ash remembered what Xiaojian had said before, that Professor Oak also loved sketching when he was young, but after doing research, he had less time to paint, but Professor Oak would still draw Pokémon from time to time.

Ash smiled and said,"The painting is very good! Xuecheng, you remind me of my friend, Xiaojian, who is a Pokémon observer, and he also likes sketching."

Xuecheng said,"Is that so? I really like observing Pokémon quietly like this."

Ash asked,"Xuecheng, have you ever thought about becoming a Pokémon doctor?"

Xue Cheng said:"I never thought about it before! My hometown is Pallet Town, a very calm and peaceful town. I always feel confused staying at home, so I came out to travel! After I met you, Xiaozhi, I became determined to become a Pokémon doctor. My understanding of Pokémon is still very one-sided, and I want to know more about them! Becoming a Pokémon doctor is my ideal! Thank you, Xiaozhi, because of you, I think I have found my dream!"

Xiaozhi didn't expect that the dream that Professor Oak has been striving for since his youth actually came from himself. He smiled and said,"Then keep going firmly!"

Xue Cheng nodded firmly:"Yes, I will."

The sun rose in the early morning, and the warm sunlight shone on Xiaozhi and their temporary camp. Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Unconsciously, I have been chatting all night!" Xue Cheng stretched and said,"That's right! Xiaozhi and I always feel that we get along well, and there are always endless topics to talk about!"

Xiaozhi got up and washed his face, rolled up his sleeves and said,"Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are still asleep, I will make breakfast first!"

Xuecheng asked curiously,"Xiaozhi, can you cook?" In Xuecheng's heart, Xiaozhi is a very powerful trainer. He is more than just powerful. He can even subdue legendary beasts. He would believe it if he was told that he is a champion. Unexpectedly, Xiaozhi can actually cook! So what else can't Xiaozhi do?

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Just wait!"

The smell of the food woke up Xiaogang and Xiaoxia from their sleep, and the group had a happy breakfast.

The group returned to the Celebi Temple.

Xuecheng said,"Celebi has also recovered. I think Celebi and I should go back to our time and space."

Xiaozhi and the other two said at the same time,"Take care!" Xuecheng said confidently,"Xiaozhi believes that you will soon hear my name as an excellent Pokémon researcher spread throughout the Pokémon world. Don't be too surprised then!"

Xiaozhi said,"I won't be surprised. I believe you can definitely fulfill your dream!"

Xue Cheng said:"Xiao Zhi, you guys take care of yourselves too! Celebi, we're leaving!" After hearing Xue Cheng calling him, Celebi flew to Xue Cheng's side. At this time, a claw-like net suddenly flew towards Celebi, and Celebi dodged it with a quick reaction.

Xue Cheng protected Celebi behind him!

""Little brat, it's us!" Team Rocket appeared like a ghost. The three Team Rockets held nets in their hands and appeared behind Xiaozhi and his friends, while Bixias controlled the robot to block their way.

"Bixias controlled the robot to capture Celebi again, saying,"Stop talking nonsense, get started!"

Although Pikachu helped, the robot continuously ejected too many nets, and Celebi was still trapped in the net. When Xiaozhi was about to ask other Pokémon for help, Bixias took the opportunity to throw a Dark Poké Ball at Celebi!

Xue Cheng shouted,"Celebi!"

Bixias held the Dark Poké Ball that caught Celebi and said,"Celebi, capture!"

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