Xiaozhi and his group traveled to Kaji Town. The town they arrived at today was called Thunder Town. Thunder Town was famous for its breeding houses.

Xiaogang, holding a map in his hand, said,"Thunder Town is ahead!"

Xiaoxia felt the hunger coming from her body and said,"It's just noon, and my stomach is almost flat! Let's go to Thunder Town to find a restaurant for lunch!"

Xiaozhi agreed,"Yes, then let's go to Thunder Town to rest!"

"Pikachu also agrees.

""Woof!" A wind speed dog ran towards Xiaozhi and the other two, but stopped in front of Xiaozhi. Xiaomao greeted him,"Hi!" Xiaozhi said,

"Xiaomao! Your new Pokémon?"

Xiaomao touched the wind speed dog's head and said,"I captured it on the way from Asagi City to Yuanzhu City. How is it?"

Xiaogang praised,"Xiaomao, your wind speed dog is very good in both size and fur color!"

Xiaomao smiled and said,"Thank you for the compliment! Did you just arrive in Thunder Town today?" Xiaoxia explained,"We took a long detour and just arrived! Xiaomao, what are you doing?"

Xiaomao explained,"Practicing for the Pokémon race. This race is a traditional race in Thunder Town. It was originally used as a means of transportation, but as time went by, it became a race. In fact, it is to let the Pokémon wear reins and run to pull the trainer on the skateboard. The first person to reach the finish line is the champion. What do you think, Xiaozhi, do you want to participate?"

Ash looked at Misty and Brock and said,"I'm quite interested. Misty and Brock, are you guys going to participate too?"

Misty shook her head and said,"Forget it. Pikachu and I will cheer for you guys, Ash!"

Misty's Pokémon are not big in size and not very strong, not to mention that they have to pull their own trainers, so Misty chose not to participate.

Brock said,"Then I'll participate too! I'll use Frighthorn to participate, just to show off my training results."

Mao reminded,"Then you have to buy equipment first, Xiaozhi. There weren't many left when I went there this morning. I live in the Pokémon Center, so go there if you want to find me!" Ash nodded and said,"Okay."

The three of them came to a store selling racing equipment, but found out that there was only one set of equipment. Looking at the set of equipment, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were a little embarrassed, but Xiaogang took the initiative and said,"Xiaozhi, if that's the case, you go to the competition, and I'll wait for the next time!"

"Did I hear you guys want to participate in the Pokémon Race?"A middle-aged man stopped the Kentaro he was driving.

Xiaoxia explained,"Actually, both of them want to participate, but we only bought one set of equipment for the race."

The middle-aged man said,"Is that so! Come with me! I'll lend you the equipment I used to participate in the race when I was young!"

Xiaogang was surprised and said,"Really?" I thought I couldn't participate this time, but there was a ray of hope.

The middle-aged man smiled and said,"Of course! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Dazao and I run a Pokémon egg breeding shop in Thunder Town."

Xiaozhi and the other two introduced themselves, and they followed Dazao to his home.

Dazao's wife said,"There are guests!"

Dazao introduced Xiaozhi and the other two to his wife, saying,"These two little brothers want to participate in the Pokémon Race, but the equipment in the store is sold out. I just happened to pass by and said I would lend them the equipment I used before."

Dazao's wife said,"Is that so! I'll go prepare some refreshments."

After Xiaozhi and the other two sat down, they discovered that there were many Pokémon eggs in Tatsuo's house. Xiaoxia said,"Wow! So many eggs!"

Tatsuo said,"You can see that the ones on the left are given to us by customers to cultivate, and the ones on the right are our own." Tatsuo was holding a small Otoge in his hands, and it looked like it was born not long ago.

Tatsuo looked at Xiaoxia:"Do you want to hold it?"

Xiaoxia said,"Can I?"

Tatsuo nodded and put Otoge in Xiaoxia's arms, and Otoge smiled cutely at Xiaoxia. Tatsuo said,"It was hatched the day before yesterday."

Xiaogang said,"Are these the same?" Xiaogang pointed to the baby bear, the natural bird, and the long-tailed monster hand following behind Tatsuo's wife.

Tatsuo's wife put the brewed tea on the table and replied,"Yes! They were all hatched the day before yesterday."

Tatsuo walked into the house and handed the equipment to Xiaogang:"It's a little old, use it if you don't mind!"

Xiaogang thanked him,"No, thank you."After thanking him, Brock took the equipment.

Satoshi and the other two decided to stay at Tatsuo's house for one night. Misty went to help Tatsuo's wife with childcare work, while Satoshi and Brock practiced outside. The Pokémon that Satoshi wanted to use was Geranium. As soon as Geranium appeared, it knocked Satoshi down with Tarzan. Satoshi smiled helplessly:"Okay, be good."

Tatsuo said:"Geranium likes the look of Satoshi very much!"

Brock said:"I liked Satoshi very much when Geranium was still Chikorita."

Tatsuo smiled slightly.

Satoshi and Brock's practice is in full swing.

With the arrival of the second day, the Pokémon Racing Competition also began.

The host said:"Dear audience, the annual Pokémon Racing Competition that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time is about to begin.

The trainer who wins the first place in the competition can get the title of the best rider of the year, as well as the championship trophy and a Pokémon egg.

Okay, now let's explain the rules.

After the contestants start running in the arena, they will run through the entire Thunder Town.

The return point is the cultivation shop of Dazao's family.

After getting the egg substitute there, return to the arena.

The starting point is also the end point.

Note that you can freely choose the route to return to the end point.


"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense! The game begins now!"

As the host finished speaking, the signal lights came on, and Ash, Brock and Shady said at the same time:"Geranium/Arcane/Frighthorn, GO!"

Misty, with Pikachu and Pichu, cheered for the three in the audience and said:"Ash, Brock, Shady, you guys have to do your best!"

"Pickup truck!"


Pikachu and Pichu put on cheerleading uniforms again and cheered for the three!

But an accident happened just after the start. The Scyther of a participating trainer was too excited and too selfless. As soon as the start started, there was chaos and many people were swept into it. They all fell down not far from the starting point.

Fortunately, they cheered up and started again! Xiaomao was first, Xiaozhi was second, and Xiaogang was third. They took the top three places and the three of them were not affected at all. Soon they came to the mountain road section. The road here is relatively rugged, and the tacit understanding between the trainer and the Pokémon is very high, but Xiaozhi and the other two are still in the lead.

Suddenly, a big net caught the Windy Dog, and Xiaomao fell to the ground because of the impact. Xiaozhi said:"Geranium used Magic Leaf to save the Windy Dog."

Xiaogang said:"Shocked Deer used the Mind Hammer to knock Team Rocket away."

The magical leaves of Geranium cut the net, and Scarlett used its mind hammer to knock Team Rocket away. Satoshi and Brock worked together very well. The performance of Satoshi and Brock was completely recorded by the camera on the drone.

The three members of Team Rocket flying in the air were reflecting. Musashi said,"We are no longer greedy, so why is it still like this?"

Kojiro said,"It's too late to say this now! We've been knocked away anyway!"

Meowth said,"Next time, let's target the Pokémon of Imp-Head, meow!"


"Such a nasty feeling......"

Xiaozhi helped Xiaomao up:"Xiaomao, are you okay?"

Xiaomao patted the dirt on his body:"Fortunately! Arcanine is not injured!"

Xiaogang said:"Then let's continue the game!"

The three of them set off again!

Xiaozhi and the other two have arrived at the breeding house of Tatsuzo's family and got the egg substitute, and are on their way back.

The host said:"The leader is Xiaomao, followed by Xiaozhi, and the third is Xiaogang. It seems that there is a high probability that the winner will be decided among them! The last section of the road is a straight section. Who will reach the finish line first?"

"The wind speed dog rushed across the finish line in one breath!"

"Geranium, don't give up!"


The first one to cross the finish line was Geranium. Geranium was just a little faster because of the length of her neck, so she won the championship. Arcanine and Geranium crossed the line at the same time.

The host said,"It was Xiaozhi who won the championship! Let's cheer for him! The one who won the championship in the fierce tug-of-war was Xiaozhi! And Xiaozhi also set a record of winning the championship in his first participation!"

"This year's best knight is Xiaozhi!"......

The time of separation came again, and the three of them said goodbye to Xiaomao in front of Thunder Town. Dazao and his wife found Xiaozhi and the others holding a Pokémon egg.

Dazao said,"Thank you for protecting the game, this Pokémon is���The egg is for Brock. This is a small token of our appreciation. You’re welcome." The Pokémon Egg that Dazao gave to Brock was exactly the same as the one that Xiaozhi won when he won the championship.

Brock thanked him,"Thank you, Mr. Dazao."

Xiaoxia said,"They are exactly the same!"

Dazao smiled and said,"The champion’s prize is provided by my family’s breeding house. Brock’s and Xiaozhi’s were born at the same time. They are twins, right?

" Brock said,"That’s really rare!" It’s not that two eggs have been born at the same time, but the probability is extremely low.

Dazao’s wife said,"It’s just that you will find out what kind of Pokémon will hatch!"

Xiaozhi and the other two thanked him at the same time,"Thank you!"

Xiaozhi said,"Then we’ll set off too!"

Dazao and his wife said,"Have a nice trip!"

Xiaozhi, who won the Pokémon race and got a Pokémon Egg, and Brock, who also got a Pokémon Egg, set out on a journey to Kaji Town again.......

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