Xiaozhi arrived at the Kaji Gym at the agreed time. While the three were waiting, Xiaogang said,"Kaji Gym is an ice-type gym. What are you going to do, Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi said,"Considering the attributes, Lignum is in the advantage, but I want Heracross to play first this time."

Xiaoxia said,"Heracross? Fighting-type tricks are also useful against ice-types. Xiaozhi's arrangement is good! But Lignum is not very suitable for dealing with water and ice-type White Sea Lions."

While the three were talking, Xima came to open the door.

Xima said,"You are quite punctual! Come in!" Xiaozhi said,

"Where is Mr. Liu Bo?" Xiaozhi and the other two did not see Liu Bo.

Xima said,"Here! Follow me!" Xima took Xiaozhi and the other two to the swimming pool behind the gym, where Liu Bo's Pokémon lived. There was also an ice surface behind the swimming pool, where Liu Bo was brushing the hair of the long-haired pig. Xima smiled and said,"Aliu! The challenger is here!"

Mr. Liu Bo raised his head and said,"Good! Xiaozhi!���Let's have a good game today!"

Xiaozhi said:"Please give me your advice, Mr. Liu Bo!"

Xima smiled and said:"You don't know, it's been so many years since I saw Liu taking care of Pokémon so happily, it seems like I'm back to the old days."

Liu Bo said:"In fact, I haven't changed at all, I just froze my passionate heart. Okay, Xiaozhi, come with me to the battle field!" The

Kaji Gym is an icy battle field with a small swimming pool in the center. There are many icebergs floating in the pool.

Liu Bo said:"This is the battle field of the Kaji Gym! Okay, let's get ready to start!"

Xiaogang asked:"Mr. Liu Bo, I don't seem to see the referee."

Liu Bo smiled and said:"This........."

Xima said,"I am the referee of Kaji Gym! I am an officially certified referee of Chengdu League!" Xima changed his clothes instantly and dressed like a referee.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang smiled awkwardly and stepped aside.

"Okay, now the gym match of Kaji Gym begins. The two sides in the battle are gym trainer Liu Bo and Ash from Pallet Town. There are two Pokémon that can be used. Only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. When one side's Pokémon loses its combat ability, the match ends! Both sides, please send out your Pokémon!"

"Go, white sea lion!"

"Heracross has decided that it is you!"

【White sea lion】

【Attributes: Water, Ice】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Frozen body (HP will slowly recover in hail weather)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Heracross used a push.

Heracross quickly approached the swimming pool in the center of the battlefield, opened his arms and launched a push.

"After avoiding it, use Hail."

The White Sea Lion dives into the water to avoid the push and uses Hail. The Hail will last for 5 rounds and will damage all Pokémon except Ice Pokémon.

"Heracross, here I come, use the Tile Breaker."

Heracross raised his hand knife, caught the moment when the white sea lion came out of the water, and hit the white sea lion head-on with the Tile Breaker.

"White Sea Lion, use Freezing Ray!"

White Sea Lion was blocked by the icicles on the field, and after regaining his strength, he used Freezing Ray on Heracross.

"Heracross, rock blockade!"

Heracross used the rock blockade to block the freezing ray and also blocked the movement of the white sea lion.

"White Sea Lion, use the Aurora Beam to shoot at the ground!"

White Sea Lion used the Aurora Beam to free himself from the restrictions of the rock blockade.

"Come again, Aurora Beam!"

The white sea lion jumped in front of Heracross and fired the Aurora Beam at Heracross.

"Heracross, use the tile splitting skill next.

Heracross shook his wings, and with the Aurora Beam, the tile splitting skill hit the front again. The white sea lion fell into the swimming pool.

"White sea lion, use iron head."The white sea lion used the swimming pool as a buffer and had not lost its fighting ability. The white sea lion in the water launched another attack, but the white sea lion was still too seriously injured.

"Heracross uses Earthquake."

Heracross violently shook the venue, and the white sea lion in the swimming pool was not spared. The white sea lion lost its ability to fight!

Sima said:"The white sea lion lost its ability to fight, and Heracross won!"

Liu Bo took back the white sea lion and said:"Xiaozhi, I didn't expect your tactics to be so smart! My next one is it, my good friend, the long-haired pig."

Xiaozhi chose to change Pokémon and said:"Mr. Liu Bo, I want to take the Ice Badge! It's your turn, Fire Rock Mouse!"

【Longhair Pig】

【Attributes: Ice, Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Thick fat (Because of the thick fat protection, the damage of fire and ice attribute moves will be halved)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym]

Liu Bo said:"Long-haired pig, we can't let him go even if he is our lifesaver! Use blizzard!"

The long-haired pig blew up a fierce blizzard on the field.

"Fire Rock Rat Flame Wheel."

The Fire Rock Rat covered its entire body with flames and rammed into the Long-Haired Pig.

""Hairy pig, use collision!"

The hairy pig started running, and with its size advantage, it knocked the Fire Rock Rat away.

Xiaoxia said,"Isn't there a swimming pool in the center of the venue?"

Xiaogang said,"I know, the storm froze the water in the pool!"

"The hairy pig is going crazy.

The hairy pig attacked the fire rock rat with its fangs.

"Fire Rock Rat, Smoke Screen!"

The Fire Rock Rat spewed out black smoke so that the Hairy Pig could not find its figure.


The Fire Rock Rat slid on the ice and successfully circled behind the Long-Haired Pig. The High-Speed Star hit

"Long-haired pig, blizzard."

Long-haired pig once again blew a strong blizzard on the field.

"Fire Rock Rat���Keep sliding and use Jet Fire."

The Fire Rock Mouse changed direction using the icicles on the field and used Jet Fire on the Long-Haired Pig. The Long-Haired Pig was hit!

"The hairy pig used the freezing ray.

The hairy pig stood up and used the freezing ray.

"The Fire Rock Mouse stopped and used smoke.

The Fire Rock Mouse did not slide to avoid the attack of the Long-haired Pig. Instead, it stopped and sprayed blazing fire from its head and tail, blocking the freezing ray. The temperature of the smoke caused the ice on the field to begin to melt.

"Longhaired pigs use sleep.

Longhaired pigs use sleep to recover their strength.

"The fire rock rat sprayed flames.

The fire rock rat's spray of flames hit the front

"The long-haired pig used the ram.

The long-haired pig woke up and rammed into the fire rock rat with amazing momentum.

"Fire Rock Rat, come again, spray flames."

The long-haired pig sprayed flames, imitating what Heracross did just now. It rammed the Fire Rock Rat and sent it flying!

"Ingalls used Flame Wheel." Ingalls stabilized its body in the air, and launched an attack with Flame Wheel, hitting the Longhaired Pig head-on. The Longhaired Pig lost its ability to fight!

After the battle, Ingalls' body emitted an evolutionary light, and Ingalls evolved into Infernape.

Sima said:"Longhaired Pig lost its ability to fight, and Infernape won. Because the gym trainers had lost two usable Pokémon, the winner was Ash from Pallet Town."

Liu Bo walked up to the Longhaired Pig and said:"Longhaired Pig, are you okay?"

The Longhaired Pig shook his head.

Liu Bo stood up and looked at Ash and said:"Ash, I lost! Here is the Ice Badge, please accept it!"

Ash took the Ice Badge and said:"Thank you, Mr. Liu Bo"

"I got the Ice Badge!"


【Obtain the Ice Badge, and receive 500 bonus points]

Liu Bo asked:"Xiaozhi, this is your seventh badge, right?"

Xiaozhi replied:"Yes!" Liu

Bo said:"Then you can go challenge the Yanmo Gym. A'du was born in Yanmo City, and the current gym trainer Xiaochun is his cousin."

Xiaogang took out a map and handed it to Xiaozhi, saying:"The Yanmo Gym seems to be known as the strongest Pokémon gym in Chengdu!"

Liu Bo said:"Anyway, Yanmo City is very close to here, and it only takes a day and a half to walk there!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then let's go to Yanmo City!"

Xiaozhi and his group, who had obtained the seventh badge, set off again for the next gym, Yanmo City!

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