After Xiaozhi and his friends stayed in Lanpulqi City for a whole day, they set out on their journey again the next day. After arriving at the dock, they found out that the previous communication ship had left right in front of them! There were still three hours before the next communication ship arrived.

"The blue sky!"

"White clouds!"

"The endless sea!"

Xiaoxia sighed and said,"If that ship is not a communication ship, we......"

Xiaozhi comforted him,"It's just three more hours, isn't it? It's not a big deal. How about we find a store to rest now?"

Xiaogang said,"That's the only way!"

When Xiaozhi and his friends were about to see if there was any store nearby where they could rest, Pikachu pulled Xiaozhi's trouser leg and said,"Pikachu, Pikachu."

Xiaozhi turned around and saw a seahorse in the water.

Xiaoxia had stars in her eyes and looked at the seahorse with indescribable love,"Wow! It's a seahorse! All water Pokémon are so cute!"

Xiaogang said,"Look at its eyes, it looks like it's injured." Xiaogang was talking about the eyes of the Ink Horse. It seemed that it was hit by something, and its eyes were bruised and purple.

Xiaoxia couldn't help but said distressedly:"Yes, but there is no Pokémon Center nearby!"

Xiaozhi pointed to the sea surface next to the Ink Horse and said:"The Ink Horse seems to be saying something to us."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked over. The Ink Horse used its ink to draw two pictures on the water surface. Judging from the appearance, one is an agate jellyfish and the other is a stinging jellyfish.

Xiaozhi murmured, an agate jellyfish and a stinging jellyfish! If he remembered correctly, the city of Lanpulchi was almost destroyed because of a huge stinging jellyfish

【Congratulations to the host for guessing correctly. The system task is released to stop the giant poisonous jellyfish from taking revenge. As expected!

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia:"Xiaoxia, you should capture the black seahorse first."

Xiaoxia took out the Poké Ball:"Then I will capture the black seahorse! Go, Poké Ball!"

The black seahorse was successfully captured by Xiaoxia without resistance.

When Xiaoxia was excited, Xiaozhi and his friends suddenly heard a huge explosion! It was the communication ship that had just left the port. Xiaozhi released Squirtle and Crab, and then said to Xiaoxia:"Let's go rescue people. Xiaogang's job of driving the boat is left to you!"

Xiaogang said:"No problem."

Xiaogang found a boat not far away, and all the water Pokémon on Xiaozhi and his friends went to rescue people. Soon, with the efforts of everyone, everyone on the communication ship returned to the shore safely. A rescued sailor said,"Thank you for saving us."

Xiaogang said,"That's okay, but why did the ship explode suddenly?"

The sailor sighed and pointed to a place not far away and said,"It's because of the agate jellyfish and the stinging jellyfish. Look over there."

Xiaozhi and the other two looked in the direction the sailor pointed. Xiaoxia said,"Are you going to build a house on the water?"

The sailor explained,"We have never encountered such a thing in our previous voyages. The main reason is that this resort is built on the coral reef where the agate jellyfish and the stinging jellyfish live. They have no place to live, so they just float nearby. Passing ships will be affected more or less."

Xiaoxia said,"So this is what Mohaima wants to tell us!"

Xiaozhi thought about it. According to the development of the previous life, the people of Team Rocket were hired by the president of the resort to use the domestic three cups of vinegar to deal with the stinging jellyfish, and then the enlarged stinging jellyfish would retaliate. If you want to stop this, you first need to knock the three people of Team Rocket away, and then contact Miss Junsha.

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaogang, the situation has endangered the lives of the stinging jellyfish, we still need to contact Miss Junsha."

Xiaogang patted his chest and said that he would definitely handle this matter well, after all, he had to go to see Miss Junsha! Xiaogang left first.

A yacht passed by Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi confirmed from the corner of his eye that it was the three members of Team Rocket.

Xiaozhi sent out all the Pokémon on him:"Everyone, beat Team Rocket away, don't hold back."

Musashi looked at the Pokémon chasing behind him and said:"It's the Pokémon of the little devil!"

Kojiro was driving the boat:"We didn't pay attention to his Pokémon this time, we just wanted to make some extra money, why can't this be done."

Meowth said:"Speed up, the little devil only brought two water Pokémon, Squirtle and Crawl, and at most a Pidgeot, what are we afraid of?"

Musashi said:"That's right, Arbok uses poison needles."

Kojiro also said:"Use poison gas for gas bombs."

Musashi and Kojiro sent out Arbok and Gas Bomb.

Meowth took the opportunity to pour the three cups of Chinese vinegar into the sea. The gas bombs and Arbok dragged Pidgeot and the others in their direction. For a while, Pidgeot and the others could not determine the location of Team Rocket. When Pidgeot used the wind to blow away the poisonous gas, Meowth had already poured everything into the sea.

A relatively large agate jellyfish was just below Meowth pouring vinegar.

The agate jellyfish grew rapidly and evolved into a stinging jellyfish.

It first overturned Team Rocket's yacht, sent Musashi and Kojiro away with the gas bombs and Arbok, but it left Meowth behind and entangled it with its tentacles.

The stinging jellyfish first destroyed all the buildings of the resort built on their home.

It controlled Meowth and said,"You humans destroyed our home, so we will also destroy your human home, so that you can also taste what kind of feeling it is!


Xiaozhi looked at the waves behind the stinging jellyfish, which were getting higher and higher. Now, I believe that the stinging jellyfish would not listen to any explanation. He called back the Pokémon and led them to take shelter.

Misty stood on the tall building and murmured,"How could this happen? The Agate Jellyfish just wanted to live a quiet life, how could things turn out like this?"

Xiaozhi comforted,"The most urgent thing is to stop this, Xiaoxia, come and help me before Xiaogang comes back!"

Xiaoxia took a long breath, and when she looked at Xiaozhi, her eyes were extremely firm:"Okay."

Xiaozhi first used the vine whip of Bulbasaur to send him and Xiaoxia to the roof of the tall building, and then let Pidgeot take Pikachu to communicate with the stinging jellyfish in the air.

Pikachu's words really made the stinging jellyfish temporarily stop attacking.

Xiaozhi said:"Stinging jellyfish, stop it!"

Xiaoxia said:"Stinging jellyfish, humans already know what you mean!"

Meowth, controlled by the Stinging jellyfish, spoke:"What do you humans know? Humans destroyed our homes, and we endured it before, but humans actually want to drive us away, what have we done wrong?"

Xiaozhi said:"You did nothing wrong! Stinging jellyfish, you did nothing wrong, you wanted to protect your homes from being destroyed, there is nothing wrong! The ones who destroyed your homes are wrong. But please look around! You have flooded most of this city, Resentment will also be born. You destroy humans, and humans destroy you. What's the point of this?"

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi is right. We are all trainers who set out on a journey with the desire for humans and Pokémon to live in harmony. Don't worry, Stinging Jellyfish, we will solve this matter."

Meowth under the control of the Stinging Jellyfish:"I will trust you once. If this happens again, next time I will lead all the Pokémon in the sea to launch a more fierce attack on humans." The

Stinging Jellyfish threw Meowth on its tentacles and led the Agate Jellyfish back to the sea.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief:"This matter has been temporarily resolved for now. The next step is to deal with the president who built a resort on the sea!" Xiaozhi's second half of the sentence was a little gloomy. In his opinion, it is best for humans and Pokémon to live in harmony.

Xiaoxia said angrily:"That's right, such black sheep should be dealt with as soon as possible."......

Miss Junsha expressed her gratitude to Xiaozhi and the others:"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, thank you, we will work hard to restore the damaged corals and will not let the agate jellyfish lose their homes again."

Xiaozhi said:"Miss Junsha, thank you too."

Miss Junsha said:"Xiaozhi, you are too polite, don't worry, the president violated the Pokémon Protection Act, she will spend the rest of her life in prison, and her property will be used to protect this sea area."

Xiaozhi said:"Miss Junsha, thank you!"

【Mission completed. The damage of this event has been minimized, so the reward is doubled to 4,000 points, awakening the power of waveguide. 】

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