In the second match of the Preliminary League H Group, Junichi from Wakaba Town played against Xiaomeng, and Xiaomeng won.

Xiaozhi's opponent in the next match was also Junichi. Now Xiaomeng and Xiaozhi both had 3 points, but Xiaozhi had already won three points first, so as long as Xiaozhi won Junichi, he would be able to successfully advance to the Final Tournament.

In front of the computer, Xiaozhi was registering the Pokémon to be used in the next match.

Xiaogang said,"Junichi's strongest Pokémon are Geranium and Marillion, which appeared in the match against Xiaomeng. If Junichi loses in the next match, he will have no chance, so I guess Junichi will definitely use them in the next match."

Xiaozhi thought for a while and said,"I'll use Dalupi, Beedrill, and Owl!"

Xiaogang helped Xiaozhi complete the registration of the participating Pokémon and said,"Okay, registration is complete!"

The third match of the Preliminary League H Group is about to begin!

The referee said:"The computer roulette has decided that the first attacker is Junichi and the second attacker is Xiaozhi. Both sides have the right to replace Pokémon. Now the game begins!"

Junichi said:"I have no way out! Go on stage, Marill."

Xiaozhi said:"Delby is decided to be you!"

Marill, who is a water and fairy type, faced Daelby, who is a fire and dark type. Daelby's attributes were completely suppressed.

Junichi didn't understand why Xiaozhi sent Daelby. After all, he had no advantage at all.


【Attributes: Water, Fairy】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Thick fat (Because of the thick fat protection, the damage of fire and ice attribute moves will be halved)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Marill uses water gun!"

"Dalubi, lightning flash.

Mariluri used the water gun, and Dalubi used lightning flash to run and avoid the water gun.

"Mariluri uses Bubble Beam!"

"Dalubi jumped up and used Thunder Fang.

Mariluri used Bubble Beam, sweeping across the field. Dalubi jumped up and bit Mariluri with his teeth full of electricity.

"Mariluri, Irontail!"

"Sludge bomb!"

Marillin used her hard tail to hit Delpy. Delpy opened his mouth, grabbed the iron tail, and used the sludge bomb to hit Marillin head-on. Marillin lost her ability to fight!

Referee:"Marillin loses her ability to fight!"

Junichi took back Marillin:"Thank you for your hard work. It's your turn next, Magneto!"

【3-in-1 Magneto】(Flash)

【Attributes: Electricity, Steel】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Strong (even if attacked by the opponent's moves, it will not be knocked down by one blow)】

【Strength: Elite Level]

Brock said:"This 3-in-1 Magnetron is a Shiny Pokémon!"

Misty said:"Indeed!"

Junichi boasted:"I spent a lot of effort to get this."

Satoshi said:"But how can a Steel-type 3-in-1 Magnetron defeat a Fire-type Dalupe?"

"Magneto 3-in-1 uses 100,000 volts!"

"Dalubi, jet flame!"

Magnemon's 100,000 volts and Dalubi's jet flame collided in the air.

"Three-in-one Magneto, electromagnetic waves!"

"Dalubi, hold on!"

Magneton used electromagnetic waves, and Dalubi used Hold on to completely defend it.

"Magneto 3-in-1, triple attack"

"Dalubi, Fire Vortex!"

The 3-in-1 Magnetron used a triple attack, Dalubi jumped continuously to avoid it, and used the Fire Vortex to trap the 3-in-1 Magnetron

"Dalubi, big word explosion!"

Dalubi used the flame in the shape of a big word to enhance the power of the flame vortex, and immediately Magneto lost its combat ability.

Referee:"Magnemite lost its combat ability!"

Junichi said:"Dallubi is really strong! In the end, I still have to ask you, my general - Geranium!"


【Attribute: Grass】

【Gender: Female】

【Ability: Lush (When HP decreases, the power of grass-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Primary level】

"Geranium uses Leaf Knife!"

"Dalubi, Jet Flame!

Geranium's leaves flew out from the flower on its neck and slashed at Dalubi. Dalubi used Jet Flame to burn the Leaf Blade to ashes.

"Geranium, tie up Dalubi with a cane!"

"Dalubi, Flame Fangs!"

Geranium tied up Dalubi with vines, and Dalubi bit the vines with his flaming teeth, and the flames burned along the vines to Geranium.

"Geranium, use the beat!"

"Dalubi, Shadow Ball!"

Geranium did not let go of the whip, but lifted Dalubi up high and used the whip to throw him. When Dalubi was lifted up, he saw the opportunity and hit Dalubi with the shadow ball.

"Dalubi, Charge Flame Attack."

Dallubi used Charge Flame Attack, and when the blow was about to hit him, he escaped by relying on the speed of Charge Flame Attack.

"Geranium, Mount Tai"

"Dalubi, charge up your flames again." Geranium jumped up and pressed her whole body towards Dalubi. Dalubi increased her speed again and her flames hit Geranium.

"The last blow, Big Explosion!"

Dellby's Big Explosion hit at close range, and Geranium lost its ability to fight! After defeating Geranium, Delby evolved into Houndoom.

The referee said:"Geranium lost its ability to fight, and Junyi has lost three Pokémon, so the winner is Xiaozhi! In the preliminary league H group competition, Xiaozhi with 6 points advanced!"

Before returning to the dormitory, Xiaozhi and his friends went to the Pokémon Center to see the grouping of the final tournament. Here they met Xiaomao and Ye Yue who also came to see the grouping.

Xiaozhi greeted them:"Xiaomao! Ye Yue!" Xiaomao turned around and saw Xiaozhi and the others, and said:"Oh, it's Xiaozhi! Congratulations!"

Xiaozhi patted Xiaomao on the shoulder and said:"Thank you!"

Ye Yue smiled and said:"Xiaozhi, I watched your game, and you can play so beautifully even with the reverse attribute."

Xiaozhi said:"Ye Yue, your Milk Tank is also very strong!" Xiaomao said:"Okay, let's stop the topic!"It will be announced soon, the final tournament match groups will be announced."

Xiao Gang pointed to the big screen and said,"Here it comes!"

The photos of the players who entered the final tournament on the big screen were shuffled and grouped by the computer.

Ye Yue said,"I am in the fifth match!"

Xiao Mao said,"I am in the first match."

Xiao Zhi said,"I am in the last match." In the previous life, Xiao Zhi met Xiao Mao in the top 16 of the Chengdu League Silver Conference. The current grouping should mean that he will play against Xiao Mao in the finals, just like the Quartz Conference, the grouping is different.

Ye Yue said,"It seems that Xiao Zhi and I will meet in the semi-finals. Xiao Zhi will not lose before that."

Xiao Zhi said,"Me too!"

The final tournament will finally start tomorrow, and the Silver Conference has also ushered in a white-hot stage!

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