Xiaozhi and his group were still walking in the Orange Forest today. They met a trainer Xiaozhi and started a battle with him.

"Beedrill, uses double needle attack"

""Electric, use shockwave!"

Electric used shockwave towards the Beedrill that was approaching it quickly, and Beedrill immediately lost its ability to fight!

Xiaogang said:"Beedrill lost its ability to fight, and Electric won!"

Xiaozhi said:"Is your Beedrill okay?"

The trainer said:"It's okay, thank you for your Electric for letting me and Beedrill get a good experience."

After the two shook hands, Xiaozhi and the others continued to move forward.

Xiaoyao said with emotion:"It feels so young to be able to shake hands enthusiastically after the battle!"

Xiaogang said:"Building friendship while fighting is the Pokémon battle!"

Xiaozhi advised:"Xiaoyao, Fire Pheasant has developed some tacit understanding with you! In fact, you can also try to fight."

Xiaoyao said:"Is that so? Then I'll try it next time!"

A wild serpentine that was larger than the average suddenly jumped out of the bushes in front.

Xiaosheng said excitedly:"Wild serpentines can be so big."

Xiaoyao asked curiously:"What do you mean?"

Xiaosheng explained,"Because the average Snakebear is only 40 cm tall and weighs 17.5 kg. And this one is obviously well developed! Sister, you need to learn more about Pokémon!"

Xiaoyao glanced at Xiaosheng and said,"Anyway, this one is big!"

When Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao were about to go up to take a closer look, they were stopped by Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaosheng, wait a minute, this Snakebear is a human, not a real Snakebear!"

Xiaosheng pointed at the Snakebear just now and said,"It's real!"

The Snakebear that jumped out in front of Xiaozhi and the others stood up, holding a Poké Ball and said,"Good opportunity! I want to subdue you, Snakebear! Go, Water Leap."

Xiaoyao leaned over and said,"It's really a human!"

The Snakebear walked away, and the boy shouted,"Don't go! Snakebear!" The Snakebear only showed the boy its back.

The boy said angrily,"It's all your fault. My Snakebear plan has failed again! How are you going to accompany me!"

When the boy saw Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng's outfit, he suddenly stopped being angry and said,"These shorts and knee-baring outfits are really......Great!"

Xiaoyao was at a loss for words.

Xiaogang said,"Xiaoyao, apologize first. It's wrong for you to disturb others from catching Pokémon."

Xiaoyao said,"I'm sorry."

The boy said,"Forget it!" The boy talked to himself,"You don't know my name yet! I'll tell you, sometimes I'm a serpentine bear walking in the forest, sometimes I'm a stinging jellyfish floating in the waves, and sometimes I'm a beautiful flower dancing a gorgeous dance! But my real identity is........."The boy in shorts——Archie!"

Xiaozhi and the others were speechless. No one asked him, right?

The boy continued,"Exposing your knees completely and getting in touch with nature, what a nature-loving trainer you are! Yes, I am your companion! If you don't mind, please tell me your names!" The boy looked at Xiaoyao and his sister.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng introduced themselves awkwardly.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang also introduced themselves after Xiaoyao and his sister.

Archie told Xiaozhi and the others that he wanted to catch the Serpentine Bear and then challenge the Orange Gym. Xiaosheng said,"Orange Gym, Archie, you want to challenge my dad!"

Archie said,"That's right!" He suddenly realized that Xiaosheng and Xiaoyao were from the Orange Gym.

Archie said,"Is that so! You are the children of the gym trainer, so you must have received very strict training! I want to see how strong you are!"

Xiaosheng said to his sister,"Sister, then let him see the strength of being the daughter of the Orange Gym trainer!"Xiaosheng could hardly suppress the smile.

Xiaoyao had no choice but to agree.

Archie said,"Okay! There is an open area ahead, suitable for Pokémon battles. Let's go!"

Xiaogang said,"Let me be the referee! There is only one Pokémon that can be used, and that's it."

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaoyao, come here......"This is Xiaoyao's first memorable battle, so Xiaozhi will of course help.

The Fire Pheasant and Xiaoyao are gradually getting familiar with each other. In the past few days, Pikachu is still training it. With Xiaozhi's tactical guidance, it should not be a problem for it to win.

"Go! Aqua! Pokémon transforms!"Archie puts on Aqua's doll costume

""Please, Fire Pheasant!"

Xiaoyao thought: With Xiaozhi's guidance, it will be fine! Believe in yourself.

Aqi was surprised and said:"What? You actually use the fire-type Fire Pheasant to fight against the water-type Water Leap Fish!"

"Fire Pheasant, we attack first, use Charged Flame Attack!"

"Water Leap Fish uses water gun!"

The fire pheasant covered its entire body with flames and rushed towards the water leap fish at an extremely fast speed. The water leap fish used the water gun towards the fire pheasant that was rushing straight towards it!

"Get out of the way!"

The fire pheasant dodged very quickly.

"Fire Pheasant uses peck attack!"

Fire Pheasant attacks from the right side of Water Leap Fish, pecking Water Leap Fish.

"Water jumping fish uses impact!"

"Fire Pheasant, catch it!"

The Water Leap Fish rushed towards the Fire Pheasant, and the Fire Pheasant attacked the Water Leap Fish with its claws.

"Fire Pheasant, a flash of lightning!"

"Water Leap Fish uses water gun!"

The Fire Pheasant ran again and knocked the Water Leap Fish away.

"Fire Pheasant, make another peck attack!"

Fire Pheasant made another peck attack, and Water Leapfish fell to the ground.

Xiaogang said:"The winner is decided. Xiaoyao's Fire Pheasant won."

Xiaoyao picked up Fire Pheasant and spun around excitedly. This was her first Pokémon battle and her first victory.

Xiaozhi said:"Congratulations!"

Xiaosheng whispered in Xiaozhi's ear:"Xiaozhi, what did you say to your sister just now?"

Xiaozhi said:"Actually, I only told Xiaoyao three words, 'use speed'. Even if the attribute is not advantageous, as long as the speed is fast and not hit, Xiaoyao can have such a good performance, and it depends on herself." Xiaozhi had to admit Xiaoyao's talent for fighting. Just a few reminders, Xiaoyao could have such a good combat performance.

Xiaosheng hugged Xiaozhi's arm and shook it, saying:"Xiaozhi, can you tell me more about the tactics of the battle? I want to learn!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Of course!"

Xiaosheng saw that his sister, a newbie, could perform so well after being taught by Xiaozhi, so of course he couldn't let her go. He had to make full preparations for his future travels.

Archie said,"I'm sorry, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, I was just thinking that if I could defeat you, it would prove that I have the authority to challenge the Orange Gym! It seems that I was too confident! I will practice well in the Orange Forest, and then challenge the Orange Gym."

Xiaosheng said proudly,"My father is ten times, no one hundred times, stronger than my sister."

Xiaozhi just smiled and said nothing. Mr. Qianli is one of the candidates for the Four Heavenly Kings in the Hoenn region, so he is naturally strong. Xiaosheng's self-confidence is not without a source, and it is impossible for ordinary gym competitions to select Pokémon of the same level according to the strength of the challenger, so Qianli's true strength has not been truly demonstrated!

With the help of Xiaozhi and others, Archie successfully captured a Serpentine Bear. After saying goodbye to Archie, Xiaozhi and others finally saw the end of the Orange Forest.

The journey to Kanaz City continues!

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