The Pokémon Center in Kaina City is already bustling with activity because of the Grand Tournament that will start tomorrow.

Xiaosheng exclaimed,"So many people are practicing so early!"

Xiaogang said,"After all, the Kaina Conference is tomorrow, and there is not much time left for final adjustments." Xiaoyao said confidently,"I won't lose either, and I will definitely not lose to Xiaoshun." Xiaoyao got angry when she thought of Xiaoshun's disdain for her yesterday. Xiaoyao quickly finished her breakfast and went to practice with the Swallowtail Butterfly. Xiaoyao said,"Let's go, Swallowtail Butterfly!"

Xiaosheng saw the Fire Pheasant next to him and said,"I still think the Fire Pheasant is too pitiful!"

Xiaogang asked,"Suddenly......Xiaosheng, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaosheng spoke up for the Fire Pheasant and said,"Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, you see, my sister has only been practicing with the hunting swallowtail butterfly recently, leaving the Fire Pheasant to us to take care of. Maybe my sister starts to think that the Fire Pheasant is not cute."

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"I don't think that's possible."

Xiaogang also smiled and said,"That kind of thing will never happen."

Xiaosheng was puzzled and said,"Why?"

Xiaozhi explained,"That's because the Fire Pheasant is Xiaoyao's first Pokémon."

Xiaogang also said,"In other words, it was the Pokémon that became her good partner the earliest."

Xiaosheng still didn't understand,"What's so special about the first Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi said,"Xiaosheng, you will understand this when you become a trainer. Everyone attaches great importance to the first Pokémon that becomes their first companion. Of course, the Pokémon that are captured later are also very important partners for themselves. For example, my first Pokémon was Pikachu. At the beginning, Pikachu and I didn’t have such a good understanding as it does now. It didn’t want to listen to me and didn’t want to enter the Poké Ball."

Xiaogang said:"So, whether it is a trainer or a Pokémon, both of them have no experience at the beginning and will suffer a certain amount of hardship, but when a trusting relationship is established between the trainer and the Pokémon, they will become good friends."

Xiaosheng asked:"Xiaogang, which was your first Pokémon?"

Xiaogang said:"For me, my father gave me Onix on the morning when I was ten years old. Now Onix has evolved into Steelix to help my brother guard the gym!"

Xiaosheng said expectantly:"I don’t know which one my first Pokémon is, is it Pheasant, Water Leap or Wood Gecko? Or my dad will tell me that my first Pokémon is Sloth, which is a bit......"

Miss Joy walked towards Xiaozhi and the others and asked,"Excuse me, are these fire pheasants, water jumpers and wood geckos yours? Oh, you are Professor Xiaozhi, right?"

Xiaozhi said,"Yes."

Miss Joy said,"Dr. Xiaozhi, you have cultivated them so well!"

Xiaogang said,"It is such an honor to receive praise from Miss Joy! It is really a great honor for me and my water jumper to be recognized by Miss Joy."......"

Xiaosheng dragged the person away and said,"Okay, come with me."

Miss Joy smiled awkwardly, and then said,"Professor Xiaozhi, it's actually like this. Today a new trainer is coming to get her initial Pokémon. It would be great if they can grow as healthily as your Pokémon, Professor Xiaozhi."

Xiaogang resurrected and said,"If Miss Joy doesn't mind, please let us help!"

Miss Joy said,"Then......Please......"

Ash and the other two followed Miss Joy to the top floor of the Pokémon Center, where there were all kinds of sophisticated instruments. Brock said,"It feels like a Pokémon research institute."

Miss Joy explained,"There is no Pokémon research institute in Kaina City, so new trainers all get their initial Pokémon from me and set off. Well, the health check is over. Then let them get out of the Poké Ball and do some exercise! You are the seniors, so you must teach them well! Xiaosheng, please!" The water jumpers, fire pheasants and wood geckos at the feet of Ash and the other two nodded.

Xiaosheng had been eager to try:"Miss Joy, don't worry!" Xiaosheng picked up the Poké Ball and said,"Come out, fire pheasant, water jumper, wood gecko."

Pheasant has an aggressive personality, Squirrel is a crybaby, and Gecko is a shy person.

At this time, Xiaoyao who was out for training called back and told Miss Joy that a King Howler was stranded. After Miss Joy handed the three little ones to Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng, Xiaogang also expressed his desire to go with them.

Only Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng were left to take care of the three little ones.

Xiaosheng said excitedly:"I feel like I'm dreaming. I can also take care of Pokémon like a trainer!"

Xiaozhi said:"Then I'll leave it to you! Pikachu and all of you, let's go play together!"

The character of the Fire Pheasant was really unyielding. It defeated the Boseki and Squidward left by Miss Joy and ran away. Seeing this, Xiaozhi asked Charizard to come out and discipline it. As soon as Charizard appeared, the Fire Pheasant became quiet and followed behind Charizard as if it was a younger brother.

Xiaozhi dealt with the thorny Fire Pheasant, and the Boseki and Squidward had no problem taking the remaining two little ones.

The Fire Pheasant knew that Charizard was Xiaozhi's Pokémon, and it came to Xiaozhi with a pitiful look. Fire Pheasant is acting like a spoiled child in front of Xiaozhi. It seems that this little thorny Fire Pheasant is attached to him.

Soon Miss Joy, Xiaoyao and Xiaogang all came back. They treated the King Whale and sent it back to the sea. However, Fire Pheasant's strength has improved and it is no longer suitable for a new trainer.

Xiaozhi explained the current situation. Fire Pheasant is completely attached to Xiaozhi. Miss Joy directly handed Fire Pheasant to Xiaozhi, and Fire Pheasant was captured by Xiaozhi!

【Fire Pheasant】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of fire-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Novice Peak】

【Skills: Grab, Call, Spark, Flash, Charged Flame Attack】

【[Capture Fire Pheasant, 500 points reward]

The new trainer is a little girl. She came to the Pokémon Center with her father. Miss Joy first explained the situation of Fire Pheasant. The little girl looked at the Water Leap and the Wood Gecko and thought for a while and said,"I want the Water Leap!"

The Wood Gecko was not chosen and was very disappointed and lost. He cried.

"I've decided, I want Bokeh!" The one who spoke was the little girl's father. He said,"Ms. Joy, there shouldn't be an age limit to become a trainer! So, I choose Bokeh."

Miss Joy said,"Of course, no problem!"

The father and daughter picked up their respective Pokémon.

"Please give me more advice, Wood Gecko"

"Let's work hard together! Fishbone."

Xiaosheng murmured,"Great, Fishbone and Bokeh."

Xiaozhi captured Pheasant, and the Kaina Conference will start tomorrow!

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