Xiaozhi and his group plan to stay in Kaina City for another day to visit Kaina Market and the Museum of the Sea.

Xiaoyao said,"There are cute decoration stores, clothing stores, and food stores. As expected, the most worthwhile place to visit in Kaina City is Kaina Market." Xiaosheng corrected,"No, no, the most worthwhile place to visit in Kaina City is the Museum of the Sea. There are many precious materials on display there!"

Xiaoyao said,"No matter what, it's all worth visiting. Anyway, the gorgeous competition is over."

Xiaogang said,"That's true. Then Xiaoyao, you can go shopping with me, and Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng will go to the Museum of the Sea. We will all act separately. Xiaoyao and I will find you at the Museum of the Sea after we finish shopping."

Xiaoyao said expectantly,"I'm looking forward to the food! Xiaogang, let's go!"

Xiaosheng said,"See you later, sis. Xiaozhi, let's go!"

When Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng arrived at the Museum of the Sea, there was a sign hanging at the door."CLOSED"Xiaosheng was disappointed and asked,"Why is it closed?"

Xiaozhi said,"That's strange. It shouldn't be closed today.���Ah."

Xiaosheng said:"We are leaving Kaina City tomorrow, I will not give up and go back!" Xiaosheng stubbornly climbed over the wall, but the wall was too high and it was a bit difficult for Xiaosheng. Xiaosheng did not give up and said:"I must go into the Sea Museum to have a look."

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaosheng is in danger! Nightowl uses telekinesis."

Xiaosheng did not hold on firmly and was about to fall to the ground, but was saved by Nightowl's telekinesis.

A boy wearing a straw hat who looked about the same age as Xiaosheng shouted:"What are you doing here?"

Xiaosheng thought he must be misunderstood, he wanted to explain but became nervous:"That......What are you asking me for?......this......"

The boy said,"I know! You are here to steal the exhibits from the Ocean Museum, right?"

Xiao Sheng said,"No,......I just......"

Xiaozhi explained for Xiaosheng:"Actually, we came to visit the Ocean Museum, but it was closed. Xiaosheng wanted to climb over the wall to take a look, but we are not suspicious people.""Pika Pika." Xiaozhi felt that the more he explained, the more confused he became.

The boy said:"Are you also an accomplice of the thief? See how I punish you. Go, Seal Ball! Aim at those thieves and use water guns to deal with them."

Seal Ball clapped his hands happily.

Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

The boy tried to hide his embarrassment with his unwillingness and continued:"That's not how Seal Ball works. Use a water gun!"

This time Seal Ball understood, turned around and used a water gun on the boy's face, and washed his face by the way.

Xiaozhi said:"It seems that the tacit understanding between this Seal Ball and him is basically zero."

Xiaosheng said:"I feel the same way."

The boy continued:"Forget it, use Taishan to press the top next."

Seal Ball jumped up and pounced on Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng, but the two dodged quickly, and Seal Ball was bounced back by the wall, overwhelmed the boy, and began to act coquettishly.

Xiaosheng said:"Their cooperation is really bad!"

Xiaozhi said,"I guess he didn't subdue this seal ball for long."

The boy finally got rid of the seal ball's coquetry and said,"In this case, the seal ball will attack them with blizzard." Is it going to use the ice-type big move to attack this time?

Xiaozhi ended this farce. He said,"Night Owl used hypnosis."

Night Owl used hypnosis to directly put the seal ball into a deep sleep.

Xiaozhi said,"Just let your seal ball rest for a while."

The boy took back the seal ball unwillingly:"Come back, seal ball."

A middle-aged man in a suit heard the noise here and came to see what happened. He said,"It's Yosuke!"

Yosuke said,"Director Kusnoji! Director, these people are thieves, please ask Miss Junsha to come over."

Xiaozhi said,"I said, you misunderstood. Director Kusnoji, this is my ID, please take a look."In order to stop the misunderstanding from getting worse, Xiaozhi showed his Pokémon Doctor's ID to Director Kusnogi.

Kusnogi said,"Dr. Xiaozhi, I'm sorry, it was Yosuke who misunderstood."

Xiaosheng said,"I said, we are just here to visit the Museum of the Sea." Yosuke said

,"But just now, didn't you want to break into the museum from the backyard?"

Xiaozhi explained again,"Actually, it's like this. We are leaving Kaina City tomorrow, and Xiaosheng saw the closed sign and didn't want to miss it, so he did this."

Xiaosheng said,"Because today is not a holiday, the entrance is closed!"

Yosuke said,"So that's the case! You should have said it earlier!"

Xiaosheng said,"We explained it, and you attacked us with the seal ball!"

Yosuke apologized,"It seems so, sorry, sorry!" Kusnogi reintroduced himself,"My name is Kusnogi, and I'm the director of the Museum of the Sea. Because something happened today, the museum is temporarily closed. But since you are all here, I will invite you to go in and have a look!"

Xiaosheng said excitedly:"Great, thank you Director Kusnoji."

Kusnoji took Xiaozhi, Xiaosheng and Yosuke to visit the Museum of the Sea. He said:"By the way, I specialize in Pokémon oceanography, and I also publish my research results here."

Xiaosheng said:"Xiaozhi, look, that is the model of King Whale, and there are also Horned Goldfish and Agate Jellyfish, Lightning Monster and King Whale!"

Kusnoji said:"If we use these models, people can better understand the ecology of Pokémon."

Yosuke suddenly said:"I like Horned Goldfish the most. One day I want to capture it and let it evolve into Gyarados."

Xiaosheng said:"That's not right! Horned Goldfish can only evolve into Magikarp, and Magikarp can evolve into Gyarados. Do you really understand Pokémon!"

Yosuke said stubbornly:"Such long-winded details, you will naturally know them when you get to the sea!"

Xiaosheng was too lazy to continue talking to him, for fear of lowering his IQ.

Xiaozhi asked:"Director, why are we closed today?"

Kusnogi brought Xiaozhi and the others to his studio, opened a box on the table and showed it to Xiaozhi and the others, saying:"This is important information delivered last night. In order to study them well, I decided to temporarily close the museum today."

In the box was a pure black stone.

Xiaozhi said:"It feels like this black color is burnt." Kusnogi said:"You are worthy of being the youngest Pokémon doctor in the league, you are indeed right, although the era is not clear, but this stone should have been burned by high temperature at a very deep seabed."

Kunoshi continued:"There may be many reasons for this. Maybe this is not formed naturally, but the power of a certain Pokémon!"

Is it Kyogre? Or Groudon?

At this time, Magma Team invaded the Museum of the Sea. Xiaozhi noticed that three waveguides suddenly broke in. It was led by Humura, whom Xiaozhi and his friends had met before. It seems that the stone obtained by Director Kusnogi is related to Groudon. Because the speed was too fast, Xiaozhi and his friends chased them to the entrance of the museum.

Xiaozhi said:"Magna Team, return the things!"

Humura said:"Impossible! Big Wolfhound, Wave of Evil"

【Big wolf dog】

【Attribute: Evil】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Speedy (when in abnormal state, speed will increase)】

【Strength: Early stage of quasi-king level】

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

The wave of evil collided with Iron Tail in the air, but Iron Tail was more powerful and hit the giant wolfhound. The giant wolfhound fell towards Fire Village and knocked the thing in Fire Village's hand out and was caught by Director Kusnogi.

Fire Village's men sent out two more giant wolfhounds.

Pikachu's Thunder instantly killed the three giant wolfhounds.

Fire Village saw that the giant wolfhounds he was most proud of could not deal with the young Pikachu in front of him, and immediately said:"Retreat!"

Fire Village and his friends prepared a helicopter for escape, and it was useless for Xiaozhi to chase after them.

So Xiaozhi did not chase them, but asked Director Kusnogi to open it and see if the things were okay. Kusnogi said:"Fortunately, the things are fine. Fortunately, Dr. Xiaozhi is here, otherwise the research cannot go on."

Kusinogi was very grateful to Xiaozhi and gave him a moonstone. Xiaozhi accepted it. Xiaoyao and Xiaogang also came over with the food they bought. Everyone said goodbye to Director Kusinogi and Yosuke. They will go to Zijin City tomorrow.

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