Xiaozhi and the others came to the backstage, and Xiaosheng said,"Sister, today's performance was great!"

Xiaoyao said happily,"Everyone, you are all here! Thank you, Xiaozhi. If it weren't for your reference, I wouldn't be able to perform so well."

Xiaozhi said,"It's all because of your own strength." Xiaoxia said,"Xiaoyao, congratulations! I remember that only four people in this Autumn Leaf Conference can enter the second review, then Xiaoyao, you happen to be the fourth place!"

Xiaoyao said,"Really? I didn't pay attention! I was just focusing on the performances of Xiaoshun and Miss Grace."

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, you should do your best!"

Xiaoyao said confidently,"Don't worry, everyone!"

Vivian's voice came from the TV:"Sorry to have kept you waiting! The four contestants on the screen will enter the second review!"

The result was as expected.

Vivian continued,"The grouping has also been completed by the computer shuffling! It's the grouping above."

Xiaoyao's first round opponent is Musashi, and Xiaoshun's first round opponent is Grace

"It's showtime, let the toxic powder moth take the stage!"

"Hunting Swallowtail Butterflies take to the stage!"

"The poisonous powder moth uses impact!"

"Hunting Swallowtail, avoid it!"

The poisonous powder moth used the impact, and the device on its neck emitted colorful scale powder. The hunting swallowtail avoided it at the last moment.

"Hunting swallowtail butterfly using silk"

"The poisonous powder moth used the Fierce Storm."

The Hunting Swallowtail used Silk Spinning to fight back, and the Fierce Storm of the Poisonous Powder Moth was mixed with the colorful scale powder emitted by the device. The Fierce Storm of the Poisonous Powder Moth blew the Fierce Storm of Silk Spinning back, and the Hunting Swallowtail was hit by the Fierce Storm. Xiaoyao's score dropped!

"The poisonous stinger of the mealybug"

"The Hunting Swallowtail Butterfly used Fierce Storm."

The Poisonous Powder Moth shot out colorful poison needles this time, and the Hunting Swallowtail Butterfly used Fierce Storm to shoot back the poison needles. The poisonous powder moth's poison needles hit itself and the device on its neck instead.

Xiaoyao said:"This is revenge for what happened just now!"

Musashi's score dropped!

"The poisonous powder moth, spinning and hitting"

"Hunting Swallowtail, Silver Cyclone!"

The two special moves collided in the air, and the poisonous powder moth was bounced away by the reaction force. The power of the silver cyclone once again made the device on the poisonous powder moth's neck worse. This move beautifully reduced Musashi's score by half.

"The maximum power of the Phantom Light of the Powdery Fern!"

"Hunting Swallowtail used collision."

The Powdermoth's illusion beam was not used, and the Powdermoth was hit by the Hunting Swallowtail's collision. Musashi's points were deducted!

Xiaoyao entered the second round of the gorgeous battle!

The device on the Powdermoth's neck was knocked off, and Musashi's cheating was exposed. Musashi saw that the matter was exposed and did not pretend, but she did not expect that the dropped device exploded and blew her and the Powdermoth away.

Xiaoyao was confused, it ended too quickly!

The second game was a battle between Xiaoshun and Grace.

"Poison Rose, go!"

"It's up to you, Charem."

"Poison Rose uses Magic Leaf"

""Charm, dodge and use yoga pose."

Poison Rose used magic leaves to attack Charm, and Charm quickly jumped up, dodged the magic leaves and used yoga pose to improve his special attack.

"Charrem, use Freezing Fist"

"Poison Rose evaded."

Charem used the Frozen Punch, and Poison Rose danced to evade the Frozen Punch attack.

"Poison rose, dance with flowers"

""Charem, use telekinesis!"

The poisonous rose scattered its petals and attacked Charem. Charem used telekinesis to make the petals of the flower dance stop in mid-air, as if time had stopped.

"Chalem, return the petals to Poison Rose."

Poison Rose was hit by her own flower dance petals, and with the blessing of telekinesis, the damage was not light. Xiao Shun's score dropped!

"Poison Rose, use Solar Beam!"

"Chalem used Frozen Punch continuously on the ground!"

Poison Rose began to absorb sunlight, but Chalem used Frozen Punch continuously on the ground, causing the stage to freeze.

Poison Rose's Sun Beam was launched, and Chalem's last Frozen Punch formed an icicle, which bounced the Sun Beam back, and Poison Rose was hit by her own trick again. Xiao Shun's score dropped by half!

"Charem, use the flying knee kick in yoga pose!"

"Poison Rose, get out of the way!"

Charem used a combination of moves. The Poison Rose was injured so that it could not move. He hit the Poison Rose head-on with a flying knee kick. The Poison Rose lost its ability to fight!

Grace won the second game, and Xiaoyao's opponent on the final stage was Grace.

Xiaozhi said:"The strength is not much different, but the attributes are completely suppressed, and Miss Grace's strategy of using the opponent

's strength to win is very beautiful." Xiaoxia said worriedly:"Xiaozhi, since you said so, I think Xiaoyao will have a hard time in this game!"

Xiaosheng said:"Sister Xiaoxia, I believe in you."

Xiaogang said:"Xiaosheng is right, it's not completely impossible to win!"

Vivian said:"Okay, the two contestants for the final stage of the Pokémon Contest Autumn Leaves Conference are in place!" Xiaoyao said:"Ms. Grace, I won't lose. The Hunting Swallowtail Butterfly is on the stage!"

Grace said:"I won't let you go either, please Charem!"

"Hunting Swallowtail Butterfly using impact"

"Chalem, yoga pose."

The impact of the hunting butterfly was avoided by Chalem, who used the yoga pose. The current situation is exactly the same as when fighting Xiao Shun.

"Charrem uses Freezing Punch!"

"Hunting Swallowtail, Fierce Storm."

The Frozen Fist and Fierce Storm collided in the air, and the Fierce Storm, a special move of the flying type, caused more damage to Charem. Charem was hit by the Fierce Storm.

"Charem used telekinesis.

Charem used telekinesis to prevent himself from landing on his face, and Grace reduced the deduction to the minimum.

"Hunting swallowtail butterfly using silk"

"Charem used telekinesis.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly's silk was controlled by telekinesis.

"Charem bounced the silk back.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly was tied up by its own silk, slowing down. Xiaoyao's score dropped.

Xiaosheng worriedly said,"Isn't this the same as when Xiaoshun competed?"

"Charrem uses Freezing Fist"

"Hunting swallowtail butterflies, sunny day."

The sunny day of hunting swallowtail butterflies emitted dazzling sunlight, and Charem's eyes met it, his vision was blocked, and the freezing punch did not hit successfully.

Xiaosheng said excitedly:"Sister, you did a good job!"

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoyao can actually think of this use, and her fighting style is becoming more and more mature"

"Charem, a yoga pose with a flying knee kick"

"Hunting Swallowtail, get out of the way."

The Hunting Swallowtail avoided the attack of Charem and successfully circled above Charem.

"Now is the time to hunt the swallowtail butterfly, Fierce Storm."

Fierce Storm hit Charem from behind, and Charem's knees hit the ground and received the reaction force of the flying knee kick. Grace's score dropped by half.

"Hunting swallowtail butterfly, impact and spinning, rapid descent"

"Charem, telekinesis.

Charem's knee was injured and the reaction force of the flying knee kick made him unable to move. The combination of hunting swallowtail butterflies, plus the rapid descent of hunting swallowtail butterflies, formed a tornado that enveloped Charem and made Charem's telekinesis unusable. The combination of moves successfully hit. Grace's score dropped again!

"The hunting of swallowtail butterflies has been decided. Use collision and silver whirlwind"

"Chalem, Freezing Fist.

This time, the combination move of the Swallowtail Hunting Butterfly used the speed of the collision to split the silver whirlwind in two, controlling Chalem's hands.

"Attack is the best defense, go ahead, Hunting Swallowtail."

The Hunting Swallowtail combination hit Charem, and Charem lost its ability to fight!

Xiaosheng said:"Everyone, sister won! That's great, sister!"

Xiaoxia said:"It's just that Xiaoyao's fighting style is really similar to someone's!" Xiaoxia said a little sourly.

Xiaozhi had cold sweat on his forehead, and smiled apologetically:"After all, we trained together, so it's understandable that they are similar, right!"

Xiaoxia said:"Okay, I'll forgive you." Xiaoxia stood up and said loudly:"Xiaoyao, congratulations!"

Xiaoyao on the stage listened to the cheers, her mind was confused, did she win?

Xiaoyao murmured:"I won......I beat Miss Grace!" Xiaoyao's smile gradually grew bigger. She hugged Swallowtail and said excitedly:"Thank you Swallowtail!"

Xiaoyao won her first ribbon medal!

Before Xiaoshun left, he gave Xiaoyao a rose. Xiaoyao took the rose and said:"This is for Swallowtail!" Xiaoshun said

:"That's about it!" He left after he said that. Xiaoxia said:"Sure enough, Xiaoshun cares about Xiaoyao very much!"

After the Autumn Leaf Conference, Xiaoxia returned to the Hualan Gym to work as a gym trainer. Xiaozhi and his journey will continue.

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