Mewtwo said,"It's useless! I am naturally stronger than any Pokémon on this planet!"

Ash said confidently,"How will you know if you don't try?"

Mewtwo floated in the air and said,"Then I'll show you my strength!" Three Pokémon appeared behind Mewtwo: Charizard, Bulbasaur, and Blastoise.

The hairs on Meowth's back stood up, and he said,"I suddenly feel very scared!"

Musashi and Kojiro said at the same time,"We feel the same way!"

Kojiro advised,"Little brat, do you really want to fight Mewtwo?"

Satoshi said,"Do we have any other choice now? There is no difference between fighting and not fighting. We may have a chance of winning if we fight."

Musashi said seriously,"Kojiro, little brat is right! I also disagree with the idea that Pokémon are only used for fighting. They are partners to us, aren't they?"

Kojiro looked at his Pokémon and nodded,"Okay, count me in, I'll help too!"

Misty said,"Don't forget, there are us."

Brock also said,"That's right! We are partners!"

Mewtwo looked at everyone,"Who will go first?"

Satoshi said,"I'll go first! Charizard is decided to be yours!"

Charizard used a jet of flame into the air. When it came to fighting, Charizard was at full firepower.

Mewtwo said,"Then I'll use Charizard here too!" The Charizard behind Mewtwo stepped forward


【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Fierce Fire (When HP is below one-third, the power of fire attribute skills is increased by 1.5 times)】

【Strength: Quasi-king level 】

"Charizard Mega Evolution! Use Lightning Fist!"

Xiaozhi pointed his finger at the Mega Evolution Stone on his glove. If he wanted to win, he had to Mega Evolve directly. Charizard's strength was only at the peak of the gym level. Facing the quasi-king-level Mewtwo Charizard, if he didn't Mega Evolve, he really had no chance of winning.

Lightning gathered on Charizard's fist and hit Mewtwo's Charizard.

"Charizard, crush it!" Mewtwo gave the order calmly.

"Charizard's reverse scale."Ash decided to make a quick decision.

Ash's Charizard Y's eyes turned red, and it rushed directly to Mewtwo's Charizard. Mewtwo's Charizard was not to be outdone, and the two Charizards wrestled with each other in the air.

Brock said,"That Charizard is too fast!"

Ash said,"I know! It's right there! Charizard uses Earth Throw!" Ash's Charizard found the gap and hugged Mewtwo's Charizard, smashing it to the ground, but Ash's Charizard didn't let go until it was close to the ground. Ash said,"Earthquake!"

Charizard landed on the ground with its feet, and the ground began to shake. Charizard threw Mewtwo's Charizard to the ground. Although it made up for the level gap with Mega Evolution, it must be said that Ash's tactics were very beautiful.

Mewtwo's Charizard fell to the ground!

Ash said,"Mewtwo, you lost!"

Mewtwo snorted, and many black Poké Balls suddenly appeared behind it. Ash gritted his teeth and said,"Quickly take the Pokémon back to the Poké Balls."Ash remembered that Mewtwo's Poké Balls could be taken away even in the Poké Ball, but now only one could be saved.

Mewtwo said,"I underestimated you! Your Pokémon are really strong! Let's start with your Pokémon!" The Dark Poké Ball attacked Ash.

Ash's Charizard Poké Ball and Pikachu were taken away by the Dark Poké Ball. Mewtwo said,"I'm a little curious about the power of your Charizard to evolve."

Ash's body was controlled by Mewtwo and he couldn't move at all. Misty shouted,"Ash! Mewtwo, let Ash go!"

Ash said,"Miss and Gang, run! Leave me alone!" Mewtwo raised his hand lightly, and Ash's body rose rapidly. Misty and the others didn't know where Ash was taken.

Misty said anxiously,"How could we leave you behind! Mewtwo, it's my turn to fight you next! If I win, you'll let Ash go!"

Mewtwo said,"Although I have no interest in human life, you came to me yourself, okay! Blastoise, you go"......

Xiaozhi was teleported into a room, and a pair of big eyes were staring at him. Xiaozhi was startled at first, and then he saw clearly that it was a dream in front of him.


【Attribute: Super Power】

【Features: Synchronize (transfer your poison, paralysis or burn status to the opponent)】

【Strength: Divine Beast]

Xiaozhi said:"Mew?"

Mew smiled at Xiaozhi and pointed outside the window. Xiaozhi hurriedly looked out the window and saw Misty fighting with Mewtwo's Blastoise.

Although Xiaozhi was worried, he still asked Mew:"Mew, do you know where Mewtwo took Charizard and the others?"

Mew blew out a pink bubble and wrapped Xiaozhi up. The next moment, Xiaozhi felt a flash in front of his eyes and he was no longer in the room he was in before.

This place looks like a laboratory. The pink bubble that wrapped Xiaozhi's body was untied. Xiaozhi looked at the computer. The computer was turned on. It was full of data on the research of Mewtwo and Mew's genes.

"Could this be the laboratory where Mewtwo was born?" Xiaozhi looked at the huge tube connected to the computer. The Pokémon in the tube had the same strange patterns as the Pokémon that Mewtwo had used before.

"I understand! Mew, come and help me!"

With his memory and seeing the machine again, Xiaozhi understood the source of Mewtwo's pain and why Mewtwo chose the laboratory where it was born as its place of residence.

Mewtwo was bound by the machine in front of it. It didn't understand what freedom was. It was used as a tool for fighting in Banmu's hands before, and it was now in a vicious cycle. Aren't the Pokémon clones it created also used as tools for fighting?

As long as the tools in front of it were solved, everything could be solved.

Mew nodded. This was also the reason why it chose Xiaozhi. It used mental power to prevent the dark elf ball from passing through the pipe. Xiaozhi returned to the computer and changed the computer settings. Xiaozhi pressed the last confirmation button, and the machine began to spark.

Mew protected Xiaozhi with the previous pink bubble, and with a"bang", the machine broke into pieces. Xiaozhi looked at the dark elf balls on the ground. These were all the Pokémon of his partners. With the help of Mew, Xiaozhi released all the Pokémon.

"Pikachu rushed to Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi touched Pikachu's head and said,"Pikachu, are you okay?";

"Pikachu rubbed his head against Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi said to the Pokémon behind him:"Then let's go!"

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