After the fourth round of the Quartz Conference, there was a three-day holiday. Xiaozhi and the other two were invited by President Damalanchi to the top floor of the restaurant in the Players' Village.

The three were now in front of the agreed room.

Xiaoxia said nervously,"Xiaozhi, is it really okay for us to go too?"

Xiaogang's body was stiff, and he said,"Otherwise, Xiaoxia and I will go back first, Xiaozhi, you go alone!"

Xiaoxia nodded in agreement. It would be a lie to say that she was not nervous to have dinner with the top leader of the alliance. When President Damalanchi called Xiaozhi last night, he also mentioned that there were a few people who wanted to meet Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi came between Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, holding one of them with one hand:"We are already at the door, why are you talking about this! Let's go!"

Xiaozhi knocked on the door and walked in first. As soon as he entered the door, Damalanchi smiled and said,"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, you are here! Come and sit down!"

President Damalanchi sat in the middle, with Aju and Xiba of the Four Heavenly Kings on his left, and Mr.

Adu, the champion of Kanto and Chengdu, who he had met in his previous life, on his right.

Xiaozhi and the other two���After sitting down, Aju excitedly said,"Xiaozhi, I heard that you defeated Xiba? Very good, my pink badge was not given to you in vain.

" Aju and Xiba have always had a good relationship.

She was a little unwilling to lose to Xiaozhi, and now that her good friend is here to accompany her, of course she is in a good mood!

Xiba slapped Aju on the back:"Aju, if you can't talk, just say less."

Aju felt pain and looked at Xiba. This guy is still so strong!

Xiaozhi was a little embarrassed and said:"If Mr. Xiba uses his strongest King-level Pokémon, I will definitely lose!"

Aju said:"Xiaozhi, you are too modest. You won the battle of the same level so beautifully. If you are given some more time, the championship will not be far away."

Damalanqi said:"Xiaozhi, in fact, I asked you to come here today because Adu has something to ask of you. The alliance is short of manpower recently, so this matter needs your help."

Adu nodded and took over the words of President Damalanqi:"Xiaozhi, I have always heard of your name before, and today I finally have the opportunity to meet you."

Xiaozhi waved his hands quickly:"Mr. Adu, you are too polite. It is my honor to meet you."

Adu went straight to the point and said:"Let me make a long story short. Xiaozhi recently detected that the alliance has detected some unusual currents on Asia Island in the Orange Islands, but there are no problems at present. I hope that after the Quartz Conference, you can go to Asia Island to investigate the cause of the abnormal currents."

Xiaozhi nodded after listening:"I understand, Mr. Adu." If he remembered correctly, the abnormal currents have a certain relationship with the Lugia living on the seabed.

【Trigger the plot mission, Lugia's Explosion. 】

The voice of No. 124 confirmed Xiaozhi's thoughts. It was indeed the incident in the previous life.

Adu handed Xiaozhi a small machine:"Xiaozhi, this is a necessary machine for the investigator. It has the functions of communication and investigation. Now I will give it to you. Please use it well."

Xiaozhi took it:"Thank you!" Adu stood up and said:"President, then I will leave first! I have other things to do."

Damalanqi nodded:"You go! Contact the alliance if you need anything."

Adu nodded and said:"Okay!" Adu threw a Poké Ball out of the window, and a Dragonite appeared. Xiaozhi thought to himself, if he could fight against a champion-level Dragonite, his Pokémon would grow even more. Adu rode on Dragonite and left here from the window. Doesn't the champion take the usual path?

Damalanqi smiled and said to everyone:"Now that we have finished talking about business, let's start eating!"

After starting to eat, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were obviously not so nervous. After all, the rest of the people had met and known each other, and they had a good chat after a meal.

After lunch, Xiaozhi and the other two left the top floor of the restaurant. While riding the elevator, Xiaoxia said excitedly,"Mr. Adu's aura was so strong just now!"

Xiaogang said admiringly,"Mr. Adu is the double champion of Kanto and Chengdu regions, of course his aura is strong! Mr. Adu is also a user of Dragon Pokémon, and his nickname is Dragon Messenger!"

When they arrived at the lower floor, the elevator door opened, but no one came up. Xiaogang was about to press the door closing button when he heard a young boy's voice,"Wait, I want to take the elevator, please wait a moment!" A young boy ran into the elevator breathlessly, and after taking two breaths, he said,"Thank you, otherwise I will have to wait for the next one. Sorry to trouble you!" Xiaogang waved his hand,"No!


The boy looked at the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said,"Is this your Pikachu?"

Xiaozhi smiled and stretched out his hand to the boy, saying,"It's mine! My name is Xiaozhi, and I'm from Pallet Town."

The boy shook Xiaozhi's hand in return:"Hello, my name is Ahong. So you are the Xiaozhi who used only one Pokémon in the first four rounds! I've heard of your name for a long time, and your Pokémon is really strong!"

Xiaozhi said:"Thank you, I remember you too, you are also one of the players who entered the top 16! Maybe we will meet in the next game!"

Ahong said:"If so, it would be great, I also want to fight with Xiaozhi's Pokémon. Speaking of which, I was lucky to enter the top 16!"

The elevator reached the first floor.

Xiaoxia got out of the elevator first:"Xiaozhi is on the first floor!"

Xiaozhi caught up with his friends and turned around and said:"We will see each other again in the game!" Ahong nodded. Xiaozhi said that if he kept winning, even if he didn't meet in the next game, he would meet in the next game.

Three days passed quietly while Xiaozhi was training Pokémon. Professor Oak and Hanako came to the Quartz Plateau to cheer for Xiaozhi and Xiaomao. On the morning of the fourth day, Xiaozhi came to the registration office to draw his opponent for the quarterfinals.

Xiaoxia pointed to the big screen at the registration office and said,"Xiaozhi, look, Xiaomao is in the first group!"

Xiaogang pointed to the 6th group marked on the big screen and said,"Not only that, Ahong is in the last group, but the opponent column is still empty, which means that the opponent has not been decided yet.

" Xiaozhi and the other two waited at the door for a while, and then heard the broadcast:"Mr.

Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, please go to the registration office to draw your opponent.

" Xiaozhi came to the registration office, and the girl who received them last time was still there, but Xiaogang didn't understand the way to draw the opponent this time.

There was a big fish tank in front of the registration office.

The girl pointed to the fishing rod next to the fish tank and said,"Mr.

Xiaozhi, please pick up the fishing rod next to you.

The Magikarp in the fish tank has a number written on it.

The one you catch will be your opponent who draws the same number.


Xiaoxia showed interest in this method:"This way of drawing is interesting!"

Xiaozhi handed the fishing rod to Xiaoxia:"Then Xiaoxia, you help me fish!"

Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment, but still took the fishing rod from Xiaozhi and said happily:"Then Xiaozhi, I'll do it!" Xiaoxia swung the fishing rod with a very handsome posture. Soon, the fish mark shook violently up and down. Xiaoxia suddenly retracted the rod, and the Magikarp she caught had a number"6" written on it.

Xiaogang said:"Then Xiaozhi's opponent will be Ahong!"

Next to the avatar of Ahong in the sixth group is Xiaozhi's avatar. Xiaozhi thought to himself: It's really fate! In the previous life, Xiaozhi was eliminated in the top 16, and his opponent was Ahong.

"Xiaozhi, I saw it! My next opponent is you!" After seeing the grouping, Hiro came over in a hurry.

Xiaozhi said:"Hiro, let's have a game without regrets!"

Hiro said firmly:"Xiaozhi, this is exactly what I want to say. Our game is the last one of the day. I won't delay. I still have to make final adjustments with my Pokémon."

Xiaozhi nodded:"I look forward to the game." Hiro waved goodbye

"Hey, Xiaozhi! I say, is it really okay for you to be so leisurely?" Xiaomao leaned against the pillar next to him and watched for a while.

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaomao, you still have time to criticize me? It's you! This is your first game, and it will start in an hour. Is it really okay for you to be so leisurely? Otherwise, I'd better go and watch your game!"

Xiaomao said:"I don't need your kindness, just remember our agreement in the finals! We are currently grouped, and we can only meet in the finals!" Xiaomao said and left. Xiaozhi smiled and said:"He deliberately waited to see my opponent, he really loves to worry!"

Xiaogang said:"To some extent, you are really alike! You obviously care about each other, but you are stubborn!"

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