Hiro took back the King Swallow and said,"Xiaozhi, fighting against you is the most exciting battle I've ever had since the Quartz Conference. My next one is him. Cruz!" Shakiras

? Once it evolves again, it will become a quasi-god Pokémon.


【Attributes: Rock, Ground】

【Features: Shedding (by shedding the skin, there is a 1/3 chance of curing abnormal conditions)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Cruz, sandstorm!"

Shakiras caused a sandstorm to rise on the field, which not only increased his special defense, but also continued to consume Bulbasaur's stamina.

"Bulbasaur, petals are falling."

The sandstorm mixed with the falling petals, and Shakiras's sight was completely blocked by the falling petals. Coupled with the influence of the sandstorm, he could not see Bulbasaur clearly.

"Cruz, don't be fooled, use Earthquake in the direction of the falling flowers."

Shakiras shook the ground and an earthquake occurred, but the falling flowers dissipated and Venusaur disappeared.

"Bulbasaur's Ultimate Absorption.

Bulbasaur appeared on the right side of Shakiras and unexpectedly absorbed Shakiras's physical strength with the Ultimate Absorption. This move is very effective and can also restore Bulbasaur's physical strength.

"Cruz, dig a hole!"

Shakiras had no choice but to fight. Originally, his attributes were completely restrained by Venusaur. However, Venusaur's photosynthesis and ultimate absorption ensured Venusaur's ability to fight for a long time. It was like a mobile turret, with the ability to fight for a long time. Shakiras used digging holes to drill into the ground.

"Venusaur Earthquake!"


Hiro didn't expect that Xiaozhi's Bulbasaur could even use Earthquake. The power of Bulbasaur's Earthquake on Shakiras underground was doubled. Shakiras was shaken out of the ground by the earthquake and lost its combat capability.

Referee:"Shakiras loses its combat capability."

The host said excitedly:"Contestant Hiro has only two Pokémon left, and Professor Xiaozhi has 5 left. The situation of this game is already very clear."

Hiro took out the Poké Ball:"Xiaozhi, I will not admit defeat until the last moment, Jack, you go!"

【Stinging jellyfish】

【Attributes: Water, Poison】

【Features: Eternally Pure Body (ability will not be reduced due to opponent's moves or features)】

【Strength: Mid-Gym Stage]

Brock said,"Ah, Hiro's two Pokémon have their attributes restrained by Bulbasaur, this match is completely in favor of Ash."

Xiaomao didn't know when he came to watch Ash's match:"Ash wants to use two Pokémon to push the team? Really, give other Pokémon a chance to appear! But if Venomancer appears at this time, it should have a trick to deal with Bulbasaur."

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaomao:"Xiaomao, you really came, what Xiaozhi said before was indeed right."

Xiaomao was surprised and said,"What did he say?"

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"He said that you would definitely come to watch his game or something like that."

"Jack, freeze beam!"

The Stinger fired a freeze beam at Venusaur. Ice-type moves are very beneficial to Venusaur.

"Venusaur, Power Whip!

Venusaur's Power Whip also attacked the Stinging Jellyfish, and the moves hit each other.

"Jack, hot water"

"Venusaur Solar Beam!"

The stinging jellyfish sprayed boiling water. Although the effect was not very obvious, Xiaozhi understood Hiro's intention - the burning state! Venusaur fought three Pokémon in a row. Although it had recovery moves, it was also tired. Xiaozhi planned to make a quick decision. In the sandstorm weather, the effect of Solar Beam would be greatly reduced. The flowers on Venusaur's back began to absorb sunlight. The hot water hit, and Hiro's bet was right. Venusaur entered the burning state.

"Solar Beam Fired!"

Venusaur's Solar Beam hits Poisonous Jellyfish, which loses its ability to fight.

Referee:"Poisonous Jellyfish loses its ability to fight."

Venusaur has released its Mega Evolution state. The consecutive battles with three Pokémon, as well as the damage from the Burn state and the sandstorm, made it impossible for it to maintain its Mega Evolution state.

Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball and took back Venusaur:"Vulpecula, you did a great job."

Hiro only has one Pokémon left, and if Xiaozhi guessed correctly, this Pokémon is the Pikachu named Ryan.

""Ash, this is my last one. Go, Ren!"

Ash looked at the Pikachu beside him and said,"Hiro, this is my next one, and Pikachu is decided to be you." As soon as

Pikachu came on the field, its Quasi-Elite-level aura was fully revealed.

In the special viewing seats where Damalanchi, Aju and Xiba were,

Aju was surprised and said,"I didn't expect that Pikachu to grow so fast! At that time, it was just at the gym level when fighting against my Xbat."

Xiba praised,"Who would dare to believe it if you tell others that a trainer who has been traveling for less than a year already has a Quasi-Elite-level Pokémon!"

Damalanchi smiled without saying a word. If Aju and Xiba knew that Ash also had a legendary Pokémon, they would be even more surprised!

Hiro's Ren is his strongest Pokémon, and it is only a thin layer of window paper away from the Quasi-Elite level.


【Attribute: Electricity】

【Features: Static electricity (the body is charged with static electricity, which sometimes paralyzes the opponent it touches)】

【Strength: Top of the Gym】

"Ryan, this is a strong enemy for us, use high speed to move.

Ryan moved quickly, so fast that the naked eye could not catch the speed.

"Pikachu, close your eyes to catch Ryan's figure and use Iron Tail"

"Ryan: 100,000 volts.

Ryan quickly approached Pikachu, and the strong electric shock gathered in Ryan's electric bag, and 100,000 volts was activated. Pikachu raised its tail, which was shining with metallic luster. It caught Ryan's figure in an instant and knocked him away with its iron tail.

"Ryan! Adjust your posture and use Thunder!"

After being knocked out by Pikachu, Ryan quickly adjusted his posture in mid-air and used the wall of the venue to jump towards Pikachu again.

"Pikachu, electric grid."

Pikachu used the electric grid, which controlled Ryan's movements.

Xiaozhi took out a bracelet from his pocket and put it on his left wrist. It was the Z bracelet. Inlaid on it was the exclusive Z pure crystal of Pikachu that Xiaozhi exchanged with No. 124. He said to Ahong:"Ahong, this is my strongest move!"

Xiaozhi's unwillingness to lose to Ahong in his previous life has always been a knot in his heart. Now he has to overcome this obstacle and win all the way. He wants to win the championship of the Quartz Conference! Xiaozhi threw the hat to Pikachu, and Pikachu caught Xiaozhi's hat steadily and put it on his head."Pika!" Pikachu looked at Xiaozhi and nodded, and they bumped fists.

"Pikachu, let's use our super strength together!"

"Pika Pika!"

The voltage generated by Pikachu's body completely exceeded the maximum voltage that Pikachu could withstand. The current crackled and thunderclouds gathered in the sky.

""Go Pikachu! Use 10 million volts!"

Lightning gathered completely on Pikachu's body to form an electric ball. Pikachu in the electric ball rushed out, and the electric current attacked Ryan as if it had life. Everyone's eyes were blinded by the strong electric current. By the time they could see again, Ryan had fallen to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

Referee:"Contestant Ahong's Pikachu has lost its ability to fight, and all six Pokémon in Contestant Ahong's hands have lost their ability to fight. The winner of this game is Contestant Xiaozhi!"

The audience burst into warm applause!

"Pikachu jumped into Xiaozhi's arms. Xiaozhi rubbed Pikachu's head and said,"Thank you, Pikachu!" Pikachu returned the hat on his head to Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi took it and put the hat back on his head. Ahong picked up Ryan, walked in front of Xiaozhi, and bowed deeply to him:"Xiaozhi, thank you for responding to me! You let me see that Pikachu can still use such a powerful trick. I lost sincerely. Xiaozhi, after fighting with you, I also made some determination. Thank you!"

Xiaozhi said:"I want to thank you too!" He finally cleared the haze!

Ahong asked strangely:"Xiaozhi, why do you want to thank me!"

Xiaozhi can't say that I lost to you in my previous life! He stretched out his hand and said:"Ahong, you didn't give up until the end, which made me admire you, so I also want to thank you for giving me such a good battle!"

Ahong shook Xiaozhi's hand and raised it high. There was another round of warm applause in the venue!

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