The group seemed to be leisurely on the way back to Pallet Town, and the water Pokémon were swimming happily in the sea. Psyduck still hadn't learned to swim, so Misty put a swimming ring on it and followed Dragonite. Xiaozhi was also very puzzled. Dragonite and the others took turns but still couldn't teach Psyduck to swim. He didn't know what went wrong.

Dragonite suddenly changed direction excitedly. Misty asked curiously:"Where is Dragonite going?"

Xiaozhi called Brock and Ken,"Let's go and see!"

A few minutes later, a group of Dragonites entered Xiaozhi and others' sight.

Xiaozhi said:"It's a group of Dragonites!" Ken took out his sketchbook and observed and recorded it. He picked up the telescope and looked at Xiaozhi's Dragonite's excitement, and said:"There are so many Dragonites! Could it be that Xiaozhi's Dragonite is from this group?"

Xiaogang nodded and said:"It should be! Look at how happy Xiaozhi's Dragonite is!"

After Xiaozhi's Dragonite called out, the two leading Dragonites turned their heads. Xiaozhi's Dragonite pounced on the two and rubbed against them affectionately.

Xiaoxia said,"So they are Xiaozhi's Dragonite's parents!"

Xiaozhi's Dragonite rubbed against his parents, said something, and then looked at Xiaozhi. The Dragonites surrounded Xiaozhi's boat. Xiaozhi's Dragonite's parents nudged it from behind, and it swam towards Xiaozhi again with determination in its eyes. Xiaozhi touched Dragonite's head and said,"Do you still want to stay?" Xiaozhi

's Dragonite's parents bowed their heads to Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi understood what they meant:"Don't worry, I will take good care of Dragonite." Xiaozhi dispersed the power of the wave, and his kindness was felt by the Dragonites.

After Dragonite said goodbye to his parents, the Dragonites also swam away!

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"It seems that Dragonite still likes Xiaozhi!"

After this episode, Xiaozhi and his friends' trip to the Orange Islands came to an end. Seven days later, the group returned to Xiaozhi's hometown, Pallet Town.

After Xiaozhi saw Pallet Town, he was very excited:"Finally I'm home!"

Xiaoxia said shyly:"Hey Xiaozhi, how should I call Aunt Hanako this time?" Xiaozhi was stunned. He had told Hanako that he and Xiaoxia were now boyfriend and girlfriend when he called before, and he really hadn't thought about this question of address. Xiaozhi thought for a while and said:"Just call me Aunt Mom! It's still in time to change the address later!"

Xiaozhi felt the soft flesh on his waist was pinched, and he grimaced in pain. Xiaoxia shouted:"Then why don't you go! You are not hungry, Pikachu is hungry too!" Xiaoxia walked forward quickly, her face was now like a ripe apple.

Xiaozhi called Xiaoxia:"Xiaoxia, wait a minute!"

Xiaoxia didn't turn around to avoid being exposed, and said:"What's wrong!"

Xiaozhi had no choice but to point to Xiaojian who was already in various reports beside him and said:"Look at Xiaojian."

Xiaoxia turned her head with a blush on her face. But when he saw Xiao Jian rummaging through his pile of reports, he said,"Xiao Jian, why don't we go to Xiao Zhi's house first and make a decision?"

Xiao Gang had been helpless.

After much persuasion, he finally put away Xiao Jian's pile of reports. Hanako had been waiting for Xiao Zhi at the door. Xiao Zhi ran over and said,"Mom, I'm back!"

Hanako passed by Xiao Zhi and hugged the Pikachu on Xiao Zhi's shoulder into her arms:"Little Pikachu, are you okay?";

"Pikachu!" Pikachu stretched out his little hand.

Xiaozhi's joy of returning home was diluted by his mother's action:"Mom, your son is here!"

Hanako hugged Pikachu, as if she suddenly remembered that her son was back too:"Welcome home, Xiaozhi! Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, you are Xiaojian, right! You are all welcome to go home!"

Xiaoxia said shyly:"Aunt Hanako......"

Hanako took Xiaoxia's hand:"If this brat bullies you, I will teach him a lesson!"

Xiaoxia's face turned even redder. Hanako took Xiaoxia's hand and walked into the kitchen. The Suction Cup Doll followed with the dishes. When it passed by Xiaozhi, it greeted its trainer:"Barry, Barry."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"How are you, Suction Cup Doll?"

Xiaogang rolled up his sleeves and took the dishes from the Suction Cup Doll:"It seems that Aunt Hanako and Xiaoxia have something to talk about. I will cook lunch! Xiaozhi, you take Xiaojian to the Oak Research Institute first!"

Hanako's A voice came from the kitchen:"Xiaozhi, by the way, invite Professor Oak to have dinner together! I bought a lot of vegetables today."

Xiaozhi shouted towards the kitchen:"Okay! Xiaojian, I'll help you choose the report first!" Xiaojian nodded, and the two sat on the sofa and started to choose. After Xiaozhi helped to choose a few, he went back to his room and placed the Orange League trophy next to the Quartz Conference trophy, and put the badge obtained by Southern Cross together with his previous badge. After taking the GS ball from the backpack, Xiaozhi and Xiaojian went to the Oak Research Institute.

As soon as the door opened, Xiaozhi was knocked down by the stinky mud. Professor Oak's voice rang out:"Xiaozhi, you're quick this time! I've heard about your activeness on Asia Island. I'll take you to see your reward later! You must be Xiaojian, right?" Xiaojian said stiffly:"Hello, Professor Oak!"

Xiaozhi broke free from the stinky mud, took a few breaths of fresh air, and seeing the awkward atmosphere, he spoke for Xiaojian:"Professor Oak, Xiaojian has a few reports that he would like you to take a look at!"

Professor Oak nodded and said:"Of course there is no problem! Come to the living room! By the way, Xiaozhi, Xiaomao came back yesterday!"

Xiaozhi asked:"He came back yesterday?" Xiaomao separated from Xiaozhi and the others after the Quartz Conference. Professor Oak said that Xiaomao went for special training.

Professor Oak explained,"The Chengdu League is about to be held, so he is preparing to challenge the Chengdu League. Yesterday he asked me about your recent situation, and he should come to see you today!"

Xiaozhi spread his hands and said,"I guess he will come today!" Xiaojian asked,"Xiaozhi, who is Xiaomao?"

Xiaozhi explained,"Professor Oak's grandson, my rival and good friend."

Xiaojian said,"So that's it, your opponent in the final of the Quartz Conference!"

After reading Xiaojian's report, Professor Oak praised,"This report is really well written! Not only are there sketches of Pokémon, measurement data, and observation records, they are all written so well!" Xiaojian said in disbelief,"Really......?"

Professor Oak admired and said,"Of course it is true!"

Xiao Jian seemed to have made up his mind and said,"Professor Oak, I would like to ask you to let me be your assistant! I wonder if it is possible!"

Professor Oak said,"There are many Pokémon here, and with you, there are only two of us. It will be very hard."

Xiao Jian said happily,"Thank you!"

Xiao Zhi congratulated,"Xiao Jian, congratulations on getting what you wished for! Professor Oak, this is a GS ball. It has been delayed for a long time!"

Professor Oak took the GS ball and took a closer look. It was exactly the same as what he heard.

Professor Oak said,"I will contact Professor Uchiha later!"

Xiao Zhi smiled and said,"My mother and Xiao Gang are cooking at home. They asked me to invite you to have lunch together!"

Professor Oak’s stomach cooperated and he said embarrassedly,"I didn’t think it if you didn’t say it. Sorry to bother you!"

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