The next morning, Xiaozhi and the others packed up and prepared to set off! However,

Professor Oak came to Xiaozhi's house early. The bruises on his eyes revealed that he had not slept all night until dawn. His hair was as messy as a chicken coop. Xiaozhi tentatively asked:"Professor Oak, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Professor Oak said anxiously:"Xiaozhi, the GS ball cannot be investigated!"

Xiaozhi thought of his previous life. It was a long time later that the mystery of the GS ball was not solved. Xiaozhi has also thought a lot about the GS ball recently. The wave power can't feel its existence. He used the investigation device that could communicate with him before to investigate the GS ball. He found that it was not that the wave power could not feel it, but that it could isolate the wave power. In other words, it can be seen but not felt.

Professor Oak handed the GS ball to Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi pointed to the second floor and said,"Professor Oak, let's go to my room!"

Xiaozhi took Professor Oak to his room and told him about the wave power. After thinking for a while, Professor Oak said,"Are you saying that even the wave power can't see the situation inside the GS ball?"

Xiaozhi added,"It should be said that the GS ball can't be felt."

Professor Oak said,"Xiaozhi, I suggest you take the GS ball to visit Mr. Yan Tie, the master of the Poké Ball who lives in the town of Pipi! Maybe he can find a way to open the GS ball." Xiaozhi asked,"Doctor, wouldn't it be faster to entrust the investigation to the Alliance?"

Professor Oak explained,"The Alliance will also entrust it to Mr. Yan Tie. If Mr. Yan Tie and I can't do anything, we can only give up the research on the GS ball!"

Xiaozhi put the GS ball in his backpack:"Then I'll go!"

After Professor Oak left, Xiaozhi suddenly remembered why he had to go far away? Wouldn't it be faster to ask No. 124? Sometimes he was defeated by his own brain circuit.

Xiaozhi said:"No. 124, I want to ask you something!"

【May I ask what the host wants?]

Xiaozhi said:"It's about the GS ball."

No. 124 sighed in a mechanical voice: [The host finally asked me!]

Xiaozhi said:"I'm sorry! I forgot about you!"

【The GS Ball is an important plot prop. The plot quest will begin when the host goes to the Paulownia Forest next to the Pi Town. The GS Ball was originally a Poké Ball made by humans hundreds of years ago specifically to subdue the forest god Celebi.

Xiaozhi said:"How can it block the power of the wave guide?"

【That's because the metal used to make the GS ball is itself isolated from the waveguide force. Celebi used his ability to travel through time and space and accidentally brought the GS ball to this time and space.

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly after hearing this:"I see!"

【Host, if you encounter something that you can't solve in the future, remember to call me out early. 】

Xiaozhi said:"I know!" Xiaozhi thought: Why does No. 124 feel more and more like Xiaomao, so arrogant, and doesn't take the initiative to speak without asking! Is this the pride of the system?

The door of the room was knocked, and Xiaoxia's voice rang:"Xiaozhi, what are you doing! We have been waiting for you downstairs for a long time, and Professor Oak has been gone for almost 20 minutes."

Xiaozhi opened the door:"I'm here! I was just thinking about the GS ball. Professor Oak asked me to take the GS ball to the town of Qiapi to find Mr. Yan Tie."

Xiaoxia said:"Is that so! Then get ready to go!"

Xiaozhi nodded:"Okay!" Xiaojian came to see Xiaozhi and the other two off. Their Orange Islands trip with Xiaojian also came to an end. Xiaozhi and the others resumed their three-person trip again.

In the next week, Xiaozhi first went to the Lantern Mountain to capture the Molten Bird with the Master Ball. The Molten Bird has a very docile personality.

Next is the Gemini Island, where Articuno was captured. Finally, the abandoned power station in Heiyun City captured the lightning bird

【Congratulations to the host for catching the three sacred birds. Each of them will be awarded 10,000 points, for a total of 30,000 points. Because the host has already caught five sacred beasts, he will be awarded another Pokémon Space.

What is the Pokémon Space used for?

【The Pokémon Space can store all the Pokémon of the host, and the host can summon the Pokémon in it at any time. As long as the host allows, anyone can enter this space. This space can also lead to any town that the host has been to. 】

That's really good. He was still worried about whether to deposit the legendary beasts in the Oak Research Institute, but what would happen if they were released at the same time and collided with each other? Xiaozhi himself couldn't guarantee that it would be done. Now it's all right.

Xiaozhi looked at his friends:"Xiaoxia Xiaogang, I'll take you to a place!"

Xiaoxia asked:"Where is it?" Xiaogang also looked puzzled.

After Xiaozhi silently said in his heart, the scenery in front of him changed. Xiaoxia was shocked and said:"This is it?"

Xiaogang also asked:"Xiaozhi, where is this place?"

Xiaozhi explained:"It's a place I found in my dream when I was dreaming before. Later, I found that I could enter freely and store Pokémon. Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos, Mewtwo, and Mew, all of you come out!" Xiaozhi released all five legendary beasts in the Master Ball in one breath.

After the five beasts appeared, the entire space seemed to be activated, with green grass everywhere, forests, lakes, oceans, etc. appearing one after another.

Mewtwo said,"Xiaozhi, it's very comfortable here!"

"Meow." Mew also said that what Mewtwo said was true.

Xiaozhi said:"You will live here from now on! I will bring my other Pokémon in one after another, and you just need to take care of the training for Mewtwo!""

"Meow." Dreamy was eager to try, looking very much expectant.

Misty looked at Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, have you told anyone about this place?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"For now, only you two and I know about it. Xiaoxia, your Pokémon can also stay here for training."

Xiaoxia said seriously:"Xiaozhi, thank you for your trust." If she wasn't the closest person, how could she reveal the existence of such a space? Xiaozhi trusted her 100%. Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia's hand:"Did we talk about this before?"

Xiaoxia leaned her head on Xiaozhi's shoulder. When Xiaozhi turned his head and was about to take the next step, he was interrupted by Xiaogang.

Xiaogang coughed lightly:"I'm still here! By the way, this place can make me feel that the energy of various attributes is very abundant. I may gain more by training here than outside. Xiaozhi, how are we going to get in and out in the future? We can't go through you every time!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"This is simple."Ash relayed the method of entering and leaving, and Misty and Brock remembered it in their hearts. After Ash silently said it in his heart, the scene in front of the three people was the familiar Pallet Town.

Misty said excitedly:"This method of instant movement is so cool!"

Brock said:"Then we can save a lot of travel expenses!"

Ash explained:"We can only go to places we have been to, not places we have not been to." Brock said a little disappointedly:"Is that so! But we can go home anytime, which is not bad."

Misty said:"That's right!"

Ash relayed the matter of this mysterious space to Professor Oak and Takeru, and asked Professor Oak to send all his Pokémon into the space, so that research and observation can also be done in the space in the future. Professor Oak couldn't move after seeing the three sacred birds, and all the things entrusted by Ash were completed by Takeru. Of course, this is all later!

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