Misty complained,"How long will it take us to get to Vermilion City? I can't walk any more!"

Brock said,"It looks like we're lost!"

Misty slumped on the ground,"Why is this happening?"

It was the third day since Ash and his friends left Cerulean City, and now they were lost in some unknown corner.

Ash pulled Misty up from the ground,"Just get lost, maybe there will be some unexpected gains." Ash had long since let go of getting lost, and it would be a little strange if he didn't get lost. But Ash's experience told him that if he got lost, he would eventually find his way, and more importantly, he would encounter some strange things, and maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

Brock took out the lunch box he made in the morning and said,"Let's eat first! Isn't there a saying that you can't fight on an empty stomach?"

Misty had no choice but to accept the current situation,"Okay!" She took the lunch box from Brock and started eating. The group had a fairly pleasant lunch time. Pikachu also happily ate his favorite Pokémon food mixed with ketchup.

Xiaoxia suddenly jumped up from the stone:"Xiaozhi, you are right, we have gained something! I want to subdue that walking grass!" Xiaoxia had summoned Starfish before she finished speaking.

【Walking grass】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Features: Chlorophyll (in sunny weather, speed increases to 2 times)】

【Level: Novice]

The walking grass that appeared in front of Xiaozhi and his friends was too weak, and Xiaoxia's Starfish was suspected of bullying the weak.

"Starfish, use the water gun!"

Starfish's water gun hit Cloverleaf, and Misty took the opportunity to throw her Poké Ball, but the Poké Ball was hit by the Whip and did not hit Cloverleaf.

Ash stopped Misty from throwing the ball and said,"Missy, wait a minute."

A Bulbasaur appeared in front of Ash and the others, protecting Cloverleaf. It was it that had used the Whip to block Misty's Poké Ball.

"Seed Seed!" Bulbasaur looked at Xiaozhi and the others with a vigilant face. Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder and went forward to negotiate. After Pikachu talked for a while, Bulbasaur turned around and left with the walking grass.

Pikachu has such strong social skills, but it's not possible?

"Pika Pika." Pikachu waved his hands helplessly. Bulbasaur was very hostile now.

Xiaozhi touched Pikachu's head:"You did a good job, Pikachu. Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, let's go and see, maybe there is a reason why Bulbasaur did this!" Xiaozhi thought to himself, is my Bulbasaur so unique? He has been predicting that he will meet Bulbasaur soon these few days, and he met him today.

Xiaoxia picked up her Poké Ball and took Starfish back, but said regretfully:"My walking grass! Let's go, I still don't want to give up."

Xiaogang also nodded.

【Mission released: Capture Bulbasaur. 】

This Bulbasaur must be captured!

"No. 124, where did Bulbasaur run to?"

【To the right of the host. 】

Xiaozhi said:"Go this way."

With Xiaozhi's guidance, actually it was the guidance of No. 124, Xiaozhi and the other two did not step into the trap like in the previous life, and arrived safely at a small lake in the forest. The water in the small lake is crystal clear, and there are many water Pokémon. There is a small wooden house next to the small lake, and in front of the small wooden house there is a girl who is feeding the Pokémon lunch.

The girl heard the movement and turned around to see Xiaozhi and his group, and asked:"What do you want?"

Xiaozhi explained:"Excuse me, I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, we are on our way to Vermilion City......."Xiaozhi explained the whole thing.

The girl said,"So that's how it is. My name is Xiaocui. This is a temporary resting place for Pokémon. When I encounter injured or sick Pokémon in the forest, I will bring them here for treatment. As for the Pokémon you see, they were abandoned by their trainers. The same goes for the Bulbasaur. It was abandoned by its trainer because it was too weak. Bulbasaur thought you wanted to hurt Bulbasaur, so it tried to stop you."

Xiaoxia asked,"So Bulbasaur is the guardian of this place?"

Xiaocui said,"You can say that after I rescued it many years ago, it volunteered to be the guardian here to protect the weak Pokémon."

Xiaogang suddenly grabbed Xiaocui's hand and said,"Ms. Xiaocui, you are so kind. If you don't mind, I will......"

Before Xiaogang could finish his words, Xiaoxia grabbed his ear and pulled him away:"Don't scare me so suddenly, okay? We are still talking about business!"

"Pain, pain, pain......"

Xiaozhi thought that Misty's skill to deal with Brock's infatuation has been successfully awakened!

The three members of Team Rocket who were chasing after Xiaozhi and his friends were screaming in pain. Xiaozhi used the power of the wave to lead Misty and Brock to avoid the traps, but the three members of Team Rocket were not like that. They stepped into the traps before they took a few steps, so they screamed in pain.

Xiaozhi and his friends met the walking grass from before. Misty walked up and squatted down and said,"I'm sorry, walking grass, I didn't know you were abandoned."

Bulbasaur saw Misty in front of walking grass and thought that Misty was going to subdue walking grass again, so she used the vine whip to pull walking grass behind her.

Xiaozhi explained,"Bulbasaur, we don't have any bad intentions."

""Little brat, long time no see!"

Xiaoxia said:"Whose voice is this?"

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"It's those people! Hey, haven't you been beaten enough?" But he thought that with the help of Team Rocket, it would not be difficult to capture Bulbasaur.

The figures of three members of Team Rocket appeared on the flying robot. Musashi said:"Little brat, we were careless last time on Mt. Tsukimi. Now we have this special robot, we are not afraid of anything!"

Kojiro said:"Meow, let's start!"

Meow pressed the mechanism:"Start! We have to catch all the Pokémon here!"

A huge tube extended from the flying robot, and a strong suction force came out from it.

Xiaozhi sent out all the Pokémon on his body:"Launch a general attack, don't hold back, and knock Team Rocket away."

""Pika!" Pikachu gave the order, and Pidgeot and the others all used their strongest moves at the moment. With a loud bang, the three members of Team Rocket successfully escaped!

"What a disgusting feeling......."

Xiao Cui looked at Bulbasaur and then at Xiaozhi. She said,"Xiaozhi, if you don't mind, take Bulbasaur away! This child shouldn't be confined here. The Pokémon here will eventually return to nature. Bulbasaur has no real companions if he stays here."

"Bulbasaur looked at Jade and then at Ash. This trainer's Pokémon were all very powerful, so it seemed like a good idea to follow him. Bulbasaur took a few steps back.

Ash smiled and said,"Bulbasaur, do you want to start the capture battle? No problem. Butterfree, it's decided to be you!"

"Butterfree, hit.

Butterfree used its entire body to hit Bulbasaur, who was hit head-on before he could dodge. Bulbasaur was not willing to be outdone, and used a vine whip to tie up Butterfree, controlling Butterfree's movements.

"Butterfree's telekinesis.

Butterfree couldn't move, and neither could Bulbasaur. Moreover, Butterfree was stronger than Bulbasaur. Butterfree's telekinesis hit.

Xiaozhi threw a Poké Ball at Bulbasaur, and the Poké Ball shook three times before stopping.

"I captured Bulbasaur!"



【Attributes: Grass, Poison】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Lush (When HP is less than one-third, the power of grass attribute skills becomes 1.5 times)】

【Level: Ordinary low】

【Skills: collision, cry, vine whip, growth, parasitic seed]

Xiaogang was infatuated again and said,"Miss Xiaocui, since Bulbasaur has left, I will stay here in its place......."

Xiaoxia had no choice but to pull it away again:"We don't need you here!"

Xiaozhi released Bulbasaur, and Xiaocui touched its head and said:"Bulbasaur, take care of yourself, thank you so much for coming over!"

"Seed, seed." Bulbasaur's eyes showed reluctance.

Xiaozhi said:"Miss Xiaocui, don't worry, I will take good care of Bulbasaur."

Xiaocui nodded:"That's good"

【Congratulations to the host for catching Bulbasaur, and reward points 1000. 】

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