Facing the valley in front of her, Xiaoxia couldn't help but exclaimed:"Wow, this valley is so spectacular!"

Xiaogang said:"Yes! Listen, there is an echo!"

Xiaozhi said:"This should be the Charizard Valley! There are many wild Charizards gathered here to improve their strength together."

""What the boy said is right!" A green-haired girl stood on the rock next to the entrance of the valley where Xiaozhi and the others were.

Xiaogang was obsessed with her:"Wow! Beautiful girl! My name is Xiaogang. What's your phone number? Can I invite you to have a cup of coffee?"

Xiaoxia dragged the person away:"Your old problem has come back again! Come with me here!"

The girl walked in front of Xiaozhi and asked:"You are Xiaozhi from Pallet Town! I'm Ji Ke. I've heard about you from Adu and Asu."

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Hello, Miss Ji Ke!" Ji

Ke observed Xiaozhi and said:"Sure enough! You are the first person who can be praised by Adu. I heard that you have a Charizard that can super evolve into two forms, right! I really want to see it with my own eyes! By the way, do you want to visit the Charizard Valley?"

Xiaogang appeared from nowhere and put his arm around Xiaozhi's shoulders:"Of course we have to go, right Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi nodded and agreed:"Then I'll trouble Miss Ji Ke!"

Ji Ke smiled and said,"That's right! Little Lisa, come here!" Just as Ji Ke's voice fell, a Charizard with a bow on its head and a hot air balloon that can be ridden stopped in front of Ji Ke.

Ji Ke held his forehead and said,"I forgot that I came out to buy things. The remaining space is only enough for two people. Xiaozhi, can you let your Charizard take you there?" Ji Ke blinked at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi thought to himself, do you want to test my strength?

Xiaozhi said,"Come out! Charizard!"

Xiaozhi's Charizard has been trained under Moltres until now, and its strength has reached the peak of the quasi-king level. It is the strongest in Xiaozhi's hands except Pikachu.

Charizard appeared like a tyrant, full of majesty.

Xiaozhi said:"Charizard, let Miss Ji Ke see our strength!"

Charizard flapped its wings. Xiaozhi and Pikachu sat on its back and caught up with Ji Ke's Charizard named Lisa.

Ji Ke said,"Xiaozhi, not bad! In that case, I'm going to speed up! Lisa!"

Xiaozhi patted Charizard's neck:"Let's go too!" Xiaozhi and Charizard flew very fast and arrived a few minutes earlier than Ji Ke and the others. When Xiaoxia and Xiaogang got off the hot air balloon, their legs were weak. The speed was too fast!

Xiaozhi supported Xiaoxia and said softly,"Xiaoxia, are you okay?"

Xiaoxia said shyly,"It's okay! Xiaozhi, in front of so many people!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"What are you afraid of? You're my girlfriend!"

Xiaoxia said helplessly,"I lost to you!"

Xiaogang coughed lightly,"Xiaozhi, I think what I'm saying now is a bit of a downer, but look at Charizard over there."

Ash and Misty turned their heads at the same time and saw Lisa snuggling in Charizard's arms, looking like they had fallen in love. Ash said,"Lisa likes my Charizard?" Misty nodded and said,"It seems so."

Ji Ke interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere between the two couples and said,"Welcome to Charizard Valley."

The gate of Charizard Valley slowly opened, and Misty exclaimed,"There are so many Charizards!"

Xiaogang took a closer look and said,"I didn't notice it before because I didn't compare it. The Charizards here are not as big as Ash's Charizard!"

After hearing this, Misty also looked around and said,"It seems to be true!"

As soon as Ash's Charizard appeared, many Charizards surrounded it, and it seemed that they were going to fight. Ash said,"Charizard, be gentle!"

A group of Charizards surrounded Ash's Charizard. Xiaogang was surprised and said,"Are they going to fight one with a group? Will this happen?......"Before Xiaogang finished speaking, the group of Charizards fell to the ground one after another, while Xiaozhi's Charizard was not hurt at all.

Lisa looked at Xiaozhi's Charizard with even more appreciation and love!

Ji Ke said:"Oh my! Xiaozhi's Charizard is really strong! From today on, it is the boss here!"

Charizard used the jet flame, and the group of Charizards lowered their heads and accepted Xiaozhi's Charizard's status as the boss.

Xiaozhi and his friends stayed in the Charizard Valley for two days, and on the third day, the group continued on their way.

They got lost again in an unknown forest!

Xiaoxia complained:"Why are we lost again!"

Xiaozhi comforted:"Okay, Xiaoxia. Every time we get lost, we get extra gains! It just takes a little more time."

Xiaogang looked at the map and said:"We should have mistakenly entered an unmarked place in this forest!"

"Hey, you guys, have you seen any Fireball rats around here?" a young man asked in a very unfriendly tone.

Xiaogang asked in confusion:"Are there wild Fireball rats here?" the young man warned:"I only heard that there are wild Fireball rats around here, so I came here to capture them. I warn you, the Fireball rats are my prey, and you are not allowed to attack."

Xiaoxia said angrily:"Hey, you don't have the power! Whoever encounters the Fireball rat first has the power to capture it."

Xiaogang echoed:"That's right."

The young man said:"You......You guys! Forget it!" Seeing Xiaozhi's extraordinary strength, the boy said no more and left angrily!

Xiaoxia said indignantly:"Let's go, Xiaozhi! Let's go find Charmeleon too, and we must capture it before this annoying guy!"

Xiaogang said:"Let me help too! I will prepare the Pokémon food that fire-attribute Pokémon like to eat. Xiaozhi, you must capture Charmeleon before this annoying guy."

In fact, Xiaozhi also planned to do this without Xiaoxia and Xiaogang telling him.

After Xiaozhi looked around, he said:"Charmeleon should not appear in the forest. It's decided on you, Heracross, you look for caves or the like in the air."

"Hera." Heracross flew into the sky to find the place that Xiaozhi mentioned.

Not long after, Heracross flew back and led the way for Xiaozhi and his friends. Under the leadership of Heracross, Xiaozhi and his friends came to a rock wall with many caves. Xiaozhi said:"Heracross, come back!" Xiaoxia looked at the many caves and said with a headache:"Where should we start looking?"

Xiaogang pointed to a cave entrance and said:"No need to look! Look, it's over there!"

The direction Xiaogang pointed to was exactly a fireball mouse.

Xiaoxia said:"Wow, it's so cute! If only it was a water type!"

Xiaogang patted the shoulders of the two and said:"It's leaving, let's chase it."

The three chased into the cave where the fireball mouse entered, but found more cave entrances. Xiaoxia said distressedly:"Xiaozhi, which way are we going! We don't even know which cave the fireball mouse went to!"

Xiaozhi said:"Let me do it!"Ash dispersed the wave force, and he pointed to the hole on the far left and said,"This way!"

When Ash found Charmeleon, Charmeleon was surrounded by the Rocket Team.

Ash said,"Why are you here again!" Musashi smiled and said,"It's fate to meet you here, little brat! It's just that our target today is not Pikachu but Charmeleon."

Kojiro said,"We have worked several jobs recently to get the money to build a robot!" Kojiro seemed to think of sad things in the past and burst into tears.

Ash said,"Charmeleon, come here! Snorlax is decided to be you!" Charmeleon could feel that Ash and the others had no ill intentions, so he ran behind Ash.

"Interesting! Come to fight, little devil! Big tongue uses rolling!"

"Big Venus Flower, Flying Leaf Sharp Knife!"

Big Tongue and Big Venus Flower launched an attack together.

"Snorlax, destroy the death ray!"

Snorlax used his ultimate move, destroy the death ray! Team Rocket was blasted away before they could even take out their robots.

Xiaozhi said,"Come back, Snorlax!" Xiaozhi picked up Inchameleon behind him and asked softly,"Inchameleon, are you okay?"

Xiaogang checked and said,"It should be fine."

Xiaozhi took out an empty Poké Ball and said,"Inchameleon, do you want to travel with me?"

Inchameleon nodded and went straight into the Poké Ball.

【Fireball Mouse】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Fire (When attacked by a fire-attribute move, it absorbs the flames, and the fire-attribute moves it uses will become stronger)】

【Strength: Ordinary low level】

【[Conquer the Fireball Mouse, reward points 500] What

Xiaozhi and his friends didn't know was that when Team Rocket flew out of the cave just now, they implicated the arrogant boy who had just met them and said that they were not allowed to conquer the Fireball Mouse.

After Xiaozhi and his friends conquered the Fireball Mouse, they successfully found the way and continued to go to the town of Pipi.

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