Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey to Manjin City. Today they arrived at a town by the sea.

""Pika!" Pikachu lay on Xiaozhi, yawned loudly, closed his eyes and enjoyed the sea breeze.

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"Pikachu, do you feel comfortable too?"

""Pikachu!" Pikachu responded to Xiaoxia.

Xiaogang stretched and said,"Don't mention it. I haven't been to the beach for a long time. It feels really good."

"Hey, you should straighten your back, so that your posture will look good. Also, if you don’t act cute, no one will like you."


Xiaozhi and the other two stopped, and Xiaoxia said,"That's the Goran!"

The boy with Goran saw Xiaozhi and the other two and said,"Hello!"

Xiaozhi and the other two greeted,"Hello!"

Everyone introduced themselves. The boy's name was Ade, and he was going to take Goran to participate in the Pokémon Exchange Conference. Xiaozhi said why this Goran looked so familiar, it turned out to be the one that was exchanged with Musashi's big tongue by accident!

Xiaogang was very interested and said,"Pokémon Exchange Conference?"

Ade explained,"There is a celebration event in the Leaf Town ahead, which is the Pokémon Exchange Conference. I like my Goran very much, but I also want to cultivate other Pokémon."

Xiaogang agreed with Ade's point of view,"I can understand your feelings."

Ade asked,"Xiaozhi, are you going to Leaf Town too? If you go together, I can lead the way."

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Then thank you!"

Leaf Town is not that far from where Xiaozhi and the others are now. It took more than ten minutes to walk to Leaf Town. As soon as they entered Leaf Town, they saw a group of Kentaro running wildly on the street. No one was panicking but cheering. Xiaogang stepped forward and asked,"Excuse me, what's going on with this group of Kentaro?"

A young man answered Xiaogang's question,"This is a special program of the Leaf Town celebration - the Kentaro Chase. If anyone can touch the horn of a Kentaro, he will be praised as a courageous person. Let's not talk about it for now, I want to go too!"

Many people chased after the Kentaro.

Xiaoxia exclaimed,"What a grand event!"

Ade pointed in the direction where the Kentaro group was running and said,"That's not all! Before the Pokémon exchange meeting, there is another event! I'll take you to the venue. The end point of the Kentaro's run is the sports field of Leaf Town. There will be a one-on-one Kentaro duel and a Kentaro War."

Xiaozhi said,"Then I'll sign up! I'll let my Kentaro participate!"

Xiaoxia cheered him on,"Xiaozhi, I will cheer for you!"

Xiaogang smiled and said,"Xiaozhi must bring back the championship!" Xiaozhi took his Kensei to participate in the competition.

The host:"Guangzai's Kensei is too strong. He has won 5 consecutive games!"

When Xiaozhi finished the competition procedures, the host said,"Guangzai has won ten consecutive games. If he wins one more game, he will be the champion of the competition!......I just received the news that someone has signed up for the competition! Now I invite him to play."

Xiaozhi took out Kentaro's Poké Ball and said,"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and my Kentaro challenges you!"

Guangzai said confidently,"Come on!"

"The Kentaro is decided to be you!"

The horns of the two Kentaro collided, and Xiaozhi's Kentaro won the victory effortlessly. This is still the weakest Kentaro in Xiaozhi's hands. After being trained by Mewtwo and other legendary beasts, its strength is quite strong!

Xiaozhi rarely encounters a Pokémon Exchange Conference, mainly because there are too many Kentaro, and Xiaozhi also wants to exchange some other Pokémon for training. He can take this opportunity to show off his own Kentaro.

Xiaozhi's Kentaro won eleven games in a row with an overwhelming advantage and won the championship of the Kentaro War.

The Pokémon Exchange Conference began after the Kentaro War!

As Xiaozhi and his friends walked along the way, many people were introducing their own Pokémon. Xiaoxia said:"The Pokémon Exchange Conference looks like a gathering dedicated to promoting one's own Pokémon!"

Xiaogang said:"Of course! These are all Pokémon that everyone takes good care of!"

Ade took Guoranweng to look for Xiaozhi and the others in the venue. They were dispersed by the crowd after the game just ended. Kentaro's fighting performance was so great that Ade also wanted to exchange with Xiaozhi. He asked Guoranweng,"Guoranweng, do you want to exchange with Xiaozhi's Kentaro? Where are Xiaozhi and the others!""Sonans!"

Ade said excitedly,"Found it, it's Xiaozhi!" Just as Ade was about to step forward, Xiaozhi and the other three were surrounded by the crowd.

"The battle just now was so exciting!"

"Xiaozhi, your Kentaro is too strong!"

Xiaozhi said:"You are too kind!"

Trainer A took out his Poké Ball and said:"How about exchanging it with my Nidoking?"

Trainer B said:"No, exchange it with my Claw!"

Trainer C said:"My Rhino is not bad either!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"All are fine! Kentaro come out!" Xiaozhi released three Kentaro at once and said to the three people:"You can choose for yourselves! The strength of these two is basically the same as the one I am competing with."

The three of them were very happy. After choosing the Kentaro they wanted to exchange, they went to the exchange with Xiaozhi and exchanged them. Xiaozhi's action of exchanging three Kentaro in a row attracted everyone's attention. Xiaozhi used his three Kentaro to successfully exchange for Mantis, Nidoking and Rhyno.

Xiaozhi also exchanged for Dragonite and Muppet, and three more Pokémon joined his team that could Mega Evolve. When Xiaozhi was thinking about ending it, a girl wanted to exchange Ditto with him, and he agreed. Xiaozhi exchanged a total of six Kentaro. In addition to the Kentaro he often used, he still had twenty-three left. He didn't see any good ones, so Xiaozhi stopped exchanging.

Psyduck popped out of Misty's backpack, and Misty said,"Psyduck, do you want to be exchanged?"

"Wow, Psyduck is so cute! Sister, how about exchanging with my Marylou!"

"This dull look is so philosophical! How about exchanging with my sheep?"

"No, no, no, how about exchanging with my Crab!"

As soon as Psyduck showed its head, it was spotted by three people. Xiaoxia hurriedly shook her head, took out Psyduck's Poké Ball and put it away, saying,"Sorry, my Psyduck won't be exchanged! Psyduck, come back soon!"

"What a shame!" A group of people walked away disappointed.

Xiaogang teased,"Xiaoxia, Psyduck is really popular!"

Xiaoxia looked up and said,"I'm afraid that if I replace it, it will harm other trainers. This is probably the only water-type Pokémon that can't swim in the world!" Xiaogang stopped talking. The more Xiaoxia said this, the more it meant that she actually liked Psyduck very much.

On the other side, Kojiro was fooled by the uncle selling Magikarp for the second time and was almost cheated of money again. Kojiro chased the uncle and shouted behind him,"Uncle, stop right there! Give me back my money!"

Musashi just happened to come looking for Kojiro, but was knocked away by Kojiro. Ade was just about to make an agreement with a trainer who had a Frighthorn, but the trainer changed his mind after seeing a Cuckoo. Musashi's Poké Ball with the Big Tongue fell into the already set switch.

As fate would have it, Musashi's Big Tongue was exchanged with Ade's Gollum!

Musashi turned around, picked up his Poké Ball and went after Kojiro. Ade stood there in a daze holding the Big Tongue that had just been exchanged. What was going on?

"Liar! Give us our money back!"


Meowth found Musashi and Kojiro and shouted,"Musashi and Kojiro, run! Our plan to exchange upgrades for money has been exposed!" A group of trainers were chasing after Meowth. Kojiro could only follow Musashi and Meowth to escape, and gave up chasing the uncle who sold Magikarp.

The three members of Team Rocket were chased by everyone and fled from Leaf Town!

Ade found Xiaozhi and the others again:"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang!"

Xiaozhi asked,"Ade! Did you exchange your Guromon?" Ade nodded

:"A big sister exchanged with me with her big tongue. I was looking for her. I wanted to tell her to take good care of Guromon, but she left!"

The three members of Team Rocket, who were beaten away by everyone and had their money taken back by everyone, took off from the spot. Guromon in the Poké Ball on Musashi's waist ran out by itself. Guromon said,"Sonans!" Musashi could n't believe it:"Where is my big tongue? How did it become Guromon! Could it be that at that time......Was it exchanged? No! What a disgusting feeling!"

"Plus two!"Kojiro and Meow Meow echoed weakly.

Kojiro spread his hands and said:"��That's it! Musashi, as expected, Ong will be your Pokémon from now on!"

Meowth nodded and said,"It will be a member of Team Rocket from now on!"

Musashi shouted,"I don't want it!——"

The Pokémon Exchange Conference ended successfully, and from now on, Weng had to live a life of having no food to eat!

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