With Manjin City as their destination, Xiaozhi and his group are fishing for Pokémon in the river today. Xiaoxia also took out her special bait, Xiaoxia No. 1, for Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, and their water Pokémon are swimming happily in the river.

Xiaogang doubted,"Can we really catch Pokémon like this? I doubt it!"

Xiaoxia glared at Xiaogang fiercely and said,"Fishing for Pokémon requires patience! Xiaogang, can you be a little patient?"

Xiaogang approached Xiaozhi and said,"You'd be really lucky to catch something with this bait!" Xiaoxia obviously heard what Xiaogang said,"You! Said! What! Didn't! You!"

Xiaogang hurriedly changed the subject and said,"I didn't say anything! The weather is so nice today!"

Xiaozhi comforted Xiaoxia,"Forget it!"

Xiaoxia's float suddenly swayed up and down, and Xiaoxia said in surprise,"Mine's hooked!"

Xiaogang became excited again and said,"Really?"

Xiaoxia used all her strength to try to pull the prey out of the water, and said with difficulty,"You're so powerful!"

Xiaozhi said,"Let me help you!" Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia's hand and pulled it up desperately, but when the thing they caught came out of the water, the three of them were stunned. It was just a broken kettle. It was full of mud and sand, and the resistance of the water made it difficult to pull it up.

Xiaozhi comforted,"It's okay, it's okay, keep trying next time!"

Xiaoxia put her hands on her hips and said,"I'm angry! I'm going to use my special bait to decide the outcome! Come out, my Xiaoxia Special No. 3!" Xiaoxia took out a new bait, a mini version of Xiaoxia wearing a red cape and doing a victory gesture.

Xiaogang said helplessly,"When did it upgrade to No. 3?" Xiaozhi hurriedly covered Xiaogang's mouth and shook his head. Xiaogang shut up obediently. Xiaozhi whispered,"She is in a good mood. Whatever she says is what it means. If she gets angry later, neither of us will have a good ending." Xiaogang nodded in agreement. Xiaoxia turned her head and said,"What are you talking about?"

Xiaozhi waved his hand and said,"Nothing!"

Xiaoxia nodded with satisfaction and said,"That's good!" Xiaoxia changed to Xiaoxia Special No. 3 bait and threw the rod into the water. The posture was very handsome.

A small figure in the water bit Xiaoxia's bait. She pulled it hard, and the little saw crocodile appeared! The little saw crocodile danced happily on the stone

"Vani Vani."

Xiaoxia said excitedly:"How cute! I want to capture it!"

Xiaogang laughed and said:"This little saw crocodile is quite interesting. It likes to dance so much!"

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, use Continuous Slap!"

After the mosquito-repellent tadpole used its tail to Continuous Slap on the small crocodile, the small crocodile used Bite to fight back.

"Mosquito, Bubble Ray!"

The Mosquito dodged the bite and fired a bubble ray. Misty threw out the Poké Ball!

Under the gaze of the three, the Poké Ball shook five times, and Croc ran out, but was not successfully captured.

Xiaozhi switched to Chikko and said,"Then it's my turn this time! Chikko, use the Whip!"

As soon as Chikko appeared, it stuck to Xiaozhi and rubbed its head against Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi touched its head helplessly:"Chrysanthemum, go!"

Chikko's Whip knocked Croc away, and Croc jumped directly into the water and disappeared.

Xiaoxia said helplessly:"Xiaozhi, be gentle! We have to look for it now!"

Xiaozhi smiled helplessly:"It's my fault!"

The three put all the Pokémon into the Poké Ball and went to look for Croc. The three finally found Croc, and Xiaozhi attacked again.

"Mosquito, Mud Shot!"

Mosquito's Mud Shot hit Crocodile. Misty threw the Poké Ball again, but still failed to capture Crocodile.

Misty said disappointedly:"Xiaozhi, you should capture it!"

Xiaozhi nodded and this time replaced Slowpoke. He said:"Slowpoke, use Yawn!"

Slowpoke's Breath hit Crocodile, and Crocodile immediately became drowsy. Xiaozhi took out the bait ball that Mr. Yan Tie gave him before and captured Crocodile.

【Small crocodile】

【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Male】

【Ability: Torrent (When HP decreases, the power of water-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Ordinary low level】

【[Capture Crocodile, 500 points reward]

At this time, Misty's tadpole also emitted an evolutionary light, and the tadpole evolved into a frog.

Xiaozhi said:"Congratulations, Misty!"

Xiaoxia hugged the frog and said happily:"Congratulations on your evolution, frog!"

The sky gradually darkened, and Xiaozhi and his group prepared to go to the Pokémon Center not far away to stay overnight. As they walked, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and said:"I remembered something, it should be here tonight."

Xiaogang asked:"What is Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi kept it a secret and said:"Secret."

After Xiaozhi took out his identity certificate, Miss Joy handed Xiaozhi two square box-like things:"Dr. Xiaozhi, this is from the alliance."

Xiaozhi said:"Thank you, Miss Joy."

Xiaozhi opened the things and found that they were two Pokémon eggs. Xiaozhi explained,"Didn't we say before that the Alliance would send one initial Pokémon to each region every year? Professor Oak contacted me the day before yesterday and said that the president had sent me an extra Pokémon this year, so I specifically asked for Crocodile and Charmeleon. Crocodile will go to Misty, and Charmeleon will go to Brock! Didn't you guys always say you wanted one?"

Misty looked at Xiaozhi and smiled,"Then I won't be polite! I have Crocodile too!" Misty took Crocodile's egg. Brock took Charmeleon's egg.

Xiaozhi took out the Evolution Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone that he had promised to give to the two from his backpack, and gave them to them as well. He said,"This is what I promised you before."

Both of them said they would use it well.

At this time, Xiaozhi's communication device suddenly rang, and Professor Oak's voice came:"Xiaozhi, I have something to ask of you! Remember what I told you before, I have a student named Xiu Li, he is in trouble!"

Xiaozhi asked:"What happened to Professor Oak?"

Professor Oak said:"My student mainly studies unknown totems, but just a few days ago, he and several researchers disappeared suddenly while investigating the ruins! In addition, Xiu Li's home is in a manor in the green grassland, and there is a crystallization phenomenon. Your mother is very worried about Xiu Li's daughter Xiaomei. I have also contacted Xiaomao, and he is also rushing to the green grassland. Your mother and I will come tomorrow!"

Xiaozhi said:"I know, we will go to the green grassland now." The communication device hung up.

Xiaogang has found a place on the map and said:"Xiaozhi, it's not far from the Pokémon Center where we are now, let's go now!"

Xiaoxia said:"I have packed and organized my backpack! Let's go!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang cooperated tacitly and had completed the preparations. Both of them heard what Professor Oak said just now. Xiaozhi and the other two took their backpacks and rushed to the green grassland.

(Next up is the crystallized Emperor's Tower! Stay tuned!)

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