Today, Xiaozhi and his group are still on the way to Yuanzhu City.

Xiaogang, holding a map in his hand, said to Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia,"After we cross the mountain in front, we can finally see Yuanzhu City!"

Xiaoxia stopped and pointed to the opposite hillside and said,"Look, there are a lot of Sunflowers and Walking Grass!"

Xiaozhi added,"There are also Trumpet Buds and Stinky Flower!"

Xiaogang said,"It seems that there are a lot of Grass Pokémon around here!"

A Shuttleflower ran past the three people, and the direction of Shuttleflower was in front of a boy. The boy said,"Has Shuttleflower done the warm-up exercises?" Shuttleflower jumped up happily.

Xiaozhi and the other two came forward, and Xiaogang asked,"Excuse me, is this Shuttleflower yours?"

The boy nodded and said,"It's mine. It was my good friend when it was still Shuttleflower!"

Xiaogang said,"No wonder it looks so close to you!"

The boy smiled and said,"Thank you for your compliment. My name is Xiaoshi."

Xiaozhi and the other two also introduced themselves.

Xiaoshi looked at the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said,"Xiaozhi, are you going to Vermillion City?"

Xiaoxia said,"How did you know?"

Xiaoshi said,"After all, this is the closest road to Vermillion City! Xiaozhi, are you going to challenge the Vermillion Gym?"

Xiaozhi nodded,"Yes, I'm going to the Vermillion Gym to get my fourth badge."

Xiaoshi exclaimed,"Awesome! Xiaozhi, I wonder if you have any Grass-type Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Yes!" Xiaoshi said excitedly,"Can you please use your Grass-type Pokémon to fight my Kabuto?" Xiaozhi nodded,"No problem, but my Grass-type Pokémon may be stronger than Kabuto."

Xiaoshi said,"That's even better, please give me your advice!"

Xiaozhi took out Chikko's Poké Ball and said,"Okay then! Chikko will be you!"

As soon as Chikko came out of the Poké Ball, it rubbed Xiaozhi's leg. Xiaozhi patted its head and said,"Okay, good boy! Xiaoshi, you go first!"

【Shuttlecock Flower】

【Attributes: Grass, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Chlorophyll (speed increases in clear weather)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

"Jianzihua uses collision.

Jianzihua runs and hits Chrysanthemum Leaf with its whole body.

"Chikoriya, dodge it!

Chikoriya easily dodged the shuttlecock's impact.

"Jianzihua used Shadow Clone."

Xiaoshi saw that Jianzihua's attack was easily avoided by Chrysanthemum Leaf, so he changed his tactics and used Shadow Clone to surround Chrysanthemum Leaf.

Xiaogang praised Jianzihua's speed and said,"This Jianzihua's speed is very good!"

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"Xiaoshi is quite good!"

"Chikorita uses magic leaves on all clones!"

Chikorita scatters magic leaves from the leaves above its head, attacking all clones of Shuttlecock Flower.

"Shuttlecock Flower, don't give up! Use the parasitic seeds!"

Shuttlecock Flower used the parasitic seeds from the flowers on its head.

"Chrysanthemum Leaf uses Light Wall!

A light wall forms in front of Chrysanthemum Leaf, isolating the parasitic seeds from the outside.

"Chikorita uses"Impact!"

Chikorita runs and hits the target. Kamagra falls to the ground!

Xiaogang stops the fight and says,"The winner is decided!"

Xiaoshi picks up Kamagra and says,"Are you okay, Kamagra?"

Kamagra shakes her head at Xiaoshi.

Xiaoshi looks at Xiaoshi and the other two:"Thank you, Xiaoshi, for fighting me. I invite you to my house to rest!"

Xiaoshi says with a smile,"Then we won't be shy!" Xiaoshi and the other two follow Xiaoshi to his house. Xiaoshi tells Xiaoshi that he is training Kamagra like this because he wants to participate in the Grass Pokémon Championship.

Xiaoshi explains,"The Grass Pokémon Championship is a battle meeting of Grass-type Pokémon held regularly in this town. Although it is not large in scale, it is very interesting. I plan to take Kamagra to participate this year."

Xiaoshi says,"Then I will participate too! I feel that Chikorita is just missing an opportunity to evolve. Perhaps after participating, Chikorita will be able to evolve successfully."

The next day, the Grass Pokémon Championship began!

The host said:"Dear audience and contestants, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long! Our town's annual Grass Pokémon Championship is about to open! The contestant who wins the championship this year can get the championship trophy and the Leaf Stone. Contestants, please fight hard!"

Xiaozhi came on the court for the first game. The host said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, who is participating temporarily, is the champion of the Quartz Conference and the youngest Pokémon doctor in the league. Let us warmly welcome him to the stage!"

Xiaozhi, who was waiting in the waiting area, paused. It seemed that he did not write anything special when he signed up. How did the host know about his own affairs? What

Xiaozhi did not know was that he was now the focus of the news media. The hosts had a deep impression of Xiaozhi, so it was no wonder that they asked him to play in the first game.

After Xiaoshi heard the host's introduction of Xiaozhi in the waiting area, he realized how courageous he was when he proposed the challenge yesterday. No one would believe it when he told his friends about challenging the champion of the Quartz Conference!

Xiaozhi won the first game without any suspense!

The next game was Xiaoshi's, and he successfully won the victory with the speed of Jianzihua.

The two sides in the final were Xiaoshi and Xiaozhi.

Xiaoshi said:"Xiaozhi, Jianzihua and I will not admit defeat easily."

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoshi, just let go and fight!"

Referee:"Let the game begin!"

"Shuttlecock Flower uses Shadow Clone!"

The clones created by Shuttlecock Flower surrounded Chrysanthemum Leaf. Compared with yesterday, Shuttlecock Flower's speed has increased.

"Chrysanthemum Leaf used the Whip on all the Shuttlecock Flowers!"

Chrysanthemum Leaf used the Whip to attack all the clones, hitting the Shuttlecock Flowers.

"Still no use? Shuttlecock Flower uses Parasitic Seed!"

Shuttlecock Flower is much faster than yesterday's battle. The Parasitic Seed attacks Chrysanthemum Leaf.

"Chikko, hold on!"

Chikko used Hold to block the attack of Kabuto. At this time, Chikko's body emitted an evolutionary light! Chikko evolved into Bayleaf.

Brock said,"Chikko has finally evolved!"

Misty said,"Yes!"

Minor looked at Satoshi and the evolved Bayleaf and shouted,"Although Chikko has evolved! But we won't give up so easily, Kabuto, we have to try until the last moment!"

Kabuto responded to Minor's insistence, and the flower on its head began to absorb sunlight.

Brock said,"Kabuto has actually learned the Sunbeam!"

Minor looked at Kabuto's situation and didn't know how to give instructions:"This is......"

Xiaozhi explained,"Xiaoshi, this is a solar beam!"

"Okay, Shuttlecock Flower uses Solar Beam!"

Shuttlecock Flower began to absorb sunlight to accumulate power.

"Bay Leaf, Mount Tai is pressing down on you!"

Bay Leaf ran up and used its whole body to press down on the shuttlecock grass, making it unable to move.

"Shuttlecock flower, break free from it!"

The Shuttlecock flower is too light to be easily trapped by the laurel leaf which is much heavier than it.

"Got it! Shuttlecock Flower, shoot the Sunlight Beam at the ground!"

Shuttlecock Flower fired a beam at the ground, breaking free from the pressure of the laurel leaf.

"Xiaoshi, not bad! Bayleaf uses Slam!"

Bayleaf attacks Shuttlecock with Slam, and Shuttlecock, who finally breaks free from Bayleaf's attack, falls to the ground! Bayleaf is slightly injured by the reaction force of the Slam.

Referee:"Shuttlecock has lost its ability to fight, and the winner is Xiaozhi!"

The host said:"The winner is decided! Dr. Xiaozhi won the championship!"

Xiaoshi took back Shuttlecock and murmured:"It seems that our practice is not enough! Shuttlecock's battle today was very useful to us! Thank you for learning Solar Beam for me."

Xiaozhi, who won the Grass Pokémon Championship, received the championship trophy and fifteen Leaf Stones. It turned out that the specialty of this town is Leaf Stone. Xiaozhi got so many Leaf Stones at once, and he didn't have any Pokémon that could evolve only with Leaf Stones, so he had to put them in the system backpack for storage.

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