"Hold on! Hurry up and fasten the seat belt!" A

noisy roar covered up the huge warning sound in the headphones, accompanied by violent vibrations, Lu Qi looked at the front seat of the cockpit with a frightened face, and saw the bearded pilot wearing a slight stain in the front row was anxiously shouting something, but Lu Qi didn't hear a word clearly.

Before he could tell the difference, a cloud of sparks suddenly burst out from outside the rickety old helicopter, and the narrow fuselage instantly spun with the explosion, and Lu Qi, who was sitting in the back seat, had to hold on tightly to the old handrail that creaked beside him in a panic, so as to resist the huge centrifugal force and prevent himself from being thrown out.

With an ominous noise, the sightseeing helicopter, which had been flying over the Indian Ocean ten minutes earlier, completely abandoned itself and staggered headlong towards the blue sea.


Before boarding, Lu Qi also secretly looked at the slender body of the blonde beauty, and vaguely fantasized about whether there was a chance to have a wonderful encounter in the blue sea and blue sky, but at this moment, the beauty's bumpy and delicate body was swaying with the fuselage again and again and throwing himself into his arms several times, Lu Qi never thought that this second he just felt warm and fragrant, and the next second this delicate body slammed him off the plane.

At this moment, Lu Qi seemed to feel as if time had slowed down, the dazzling sunlight, the smoking plane, the screaming girl, the scattered fragments, and the blue sea ......

Countless scenes of Lu Li swirled and rushed into Lu Qi's eyes.

With a "bang!" sound.

The corners of Lu Qi's mouth felt the saltiness of the seawater, but it was pitch black ...... in front of him



Lu Qi, who woke up, realized that he was dreaming, and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead weakly with his right hand.

Looking at the red sun in the distance, Lu Qi was silent.

Dreaming again! Dreaming again of the morning of the crash.

It's been three days! It's been three days since Lu Qi drifted on this deserted island!

Every night when he struggled to sleep, Lu Qi would dream of that nightmarish morning.

"Alas, it's all to blame on the fat man.

Lu Qi, who woke up, muttered, got up from a few huge thick leaves on the beach, walked a few steps to the still dark and dim seaside, and helplessly scooped up the cold sea water and washed his face.

That day, after Lu Qi was knocked out of the plane, he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he was lying on this beach covered in bruises, as if the waves saved him and shocked him here, so that Lu Qi was spared the pain of feeding the fish.

After waking up from the beach in a daze, Lu Qi crawled out of the sea and came to this beach, Lu Qi looked around, only saw the boundless sea and the narrow sand, there was no one except him, Lu Qi wanted to scream a few times, but the dry and painful throat made Lu Qi give up this idea in time.

It looks like I'm the only one who has been rushed here... I don't know if there's something wrong with that girl... Lu Qi thought with some frustration.

After another moment, Lu Qi, who had staggered along the coastline for dozens of meters, finally gave up, it seemed that he was the only one who was washed here, not to mention the blonde girl, and the bearded pilot was not seen.

Lu Qi struggled to stand up straight, looking around as the dimming evening sun dimmed, this seemed to be the side of a deserted island in the Indian Ocean, with a few huge reefs scattered on the long and narrow beach, and then looking into the depths of the island, it seemed to be a dense forest.

Lu Qi was originally an ordinary young man, who came here to travel and relax at the recommendation of his friend Wang Fatzi, who knew that he was unlucky enough to choose an old helicopter, and he didn't know if it was a bad luck or a lucky crash to come here.

Ordinary young man Lu Qi only has ordinary survival skills, and he can order takeout, but surviving in the wilderness is a little too difficult for him.

Lu Qi, who escaped after the catastrophe, was hit by pain and hunger, and the beach was unobstructed, and Lu Qi knew that the sea water could not be drunk, so Lu Qi could only stagger towards the dark jungle to find some supplies.

The sandy beach is about a hundred meters from the woods. Lu Qi dragged his tired body for a while before walking to the woods, facing the dark jungle that kept swaying in the dusk, Lu Qi couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Being bitten to death by a desolate beast is better than dying of thirst! I don't believe I've been unlucky today!

Forcibly cheering himself up, Lu Qi stepped lightly into the dense forest of the desert island.

The faint sunlight faintly penetrated into the dense forest through the layers of branches and leaves, it seemed that what Lu Qi said made sense, bad luck can't always be concentrated on the same day, and at this moment good luck also patronized Lu Qi with a look of pity.

Not long after walking into the dense forest, Lu Qi was pleasantly surprised to find that it seemed that it had rained on the desert island not long ago, and the unknown huge trees were still very wet, and there were still traces of dew on some of the leaves.

"I'm really not so easy to hang up!" Lu

Qi was a little excited, grabbed a leaf and began to suck the remaining rainwater on it.

The water is bitter, but it saves lives.

The god of good luck favored Lu Qi again. Not far away, a faint reflection was discovered by Lu Qi, he staggered over, brushed aside the vines in front of him, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a shallow puddle.

Ha! Saved!

Fresh water was like a good medicine, which suddenly injected strength into Lu Qi.

"It's still rain, it's delicious... This will give me a fat house, happy water, I won't change it!" Lu

Qi, who had quenched his thirst, began to think crankily again.

"While the lucky buff is still there, shouldn't I go catch some seafood, the whole king crab or something..."

"Huh?" Lu Qi sat up, suspicious.

I'm sure I'm hungry and stupid, but I really don't have time to think about it, I'm going to live!

Looking up at the woods, the sun didn't know when it had completely disappeared, but a bright moon had brought a glimmer of brightness to the island instead of the sun.

Lu Qi turned his head to look into the depths of the dense forest, which looked even more terrifying in the dark night.

The leaves flutter in the wind, and light and shadow of different sizes swim on the ground.

Feeling the corner of his torn clothes uneasily, Lu Qi looked into the depths of the dark forest, and heard the sound of an unknown animal neighing in his ears.

A piercing cry suddenly sounded above Lu Qi's head.

A cool air rushed to Lu Qi's head, and he casually tore off two huge leaves, turned his head and ran out of the woods.

"Goodbye everyone, Ming'er is thirsty and will come to greet you.

Lu Qi ran out of the woods and ran under a huge reef on the beach, not far from the woods and the sea.

After running, fatigue hit him, and he rolled himself up with leaves, and Lu Qi leaned on the reef and fell asleep.

In the summer of 2046 in the New Federation Earth Calendar, Lu Qi came to this island that changed his life.


What Lu Qi didn't know was.

Just a hundred nautical miles away from the island where he was shipwrecked, a huge pitch-black creature with a fierce and strange appearance quietly drowned at the bottom of the sea.

This giant beast resembles a huge whale, but it seems to be slightly different from the whale, with a hideous and huge head, a giant mouth full of dense giant teeth, two huge fins floating gently, and if you look closely, this giant whale-like creature is even covered with dense gears and steel armor, as if it is a biotechnology creation.

The interior of the giant whale turned out to be a brightly lit man-made space, with complex passages and many figures in black uniforms walking around.

In a dimly lit room, the emblem of a large black umbrella is embedded in a wall of steel and flesh.

At this moment, a slender figure walked in from the corridor, wearing an elegant black trench coat and holding a classical cane in his hand.

He walked to the middle of the room, sat down lightly on a large sofa, and stared with interest at the light curtains on the other wall, on which were Lu Qi's information and data.

Propping himself up in his black high-brimmed hat, the man in the trench coat commanded,

"Let's start experimenting." "


the entourage behind him replied, and immediately began to get busy, and the steel beast in the deep sea slowly raised its head, and the giant jaws mixed with flesh and steel raised slightly, as if it let out a low roar in the deep sea.

All around, fish and dragons scattered.

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