Bang bang


Bang bang!!

Standing in a pool of blood, Arnold mechanically pulled the trigger, and beside him, a bunker of flesh and blood made up of the corpses of his comrades.


a burst of energy slashed and knocked Arnold over.

A dark shadow like a hill enveloped him, and Arnold looked up in despair, and Eveli was looking down at him with a sinister smile.

The bear-like Evelys was now covered in charred scars from the Genetic Concussion Weapon, and farther away, the poacher Antoine curled up through the battlefield, treating the wounded poachers.

The battle for Port Valmer had been going on for hours, and the city was filled with smoke inside and outside.

The battlefield of the defense army outside the south gate is even more like purgatory on earth.

At this point in the battle, the defense forces and poachers were all red-eyed, and the two hundred poachers led by Yveli had already been killed and wounded, and dozens of people were added from the city to stabilize the battle.

On the side of the Wehrmacht, the Wehrmacht was even more miserable, with thousands of Wehrmacht killed and wounded, and the rest of the soldiers were all wounded, and under the leadership of Major Dick, they rushed to the enemy line one after another without fear of death, creating an opportunity

for the battle with the genetic concussion weapon with their flesh and blood, and exchanging wounds for wounds! Exchanging life for wounded! As the battle entered the white heat, the hundreds of remaining poachers in the field finally destroyed several of the Wehrmacht's genetic concussion cannons and gradually gained the upper hand.

Major Dick, covered in blood and his neat uniform, was leading the few remaining wounded guards.

Blood clotted to the Major's resolute face, and Dick stood with his gun in hand, panting and looking around.

In the black wolf smoke, he saw the miserable corpses of his old comrades-in-arms, the severed arms of the young guards who were responsible for sorting out the reports for him every day, and the ...... of his colleagues who had been cut out by sharp claws

Smoke swept the ground, and an indescribable pathos enveloped the land.

Dick was a major in the army who had come out of the war of the beasts, and his heart had long since been hardened as iron, and his tears had long since dried up.

But the tragic scene in front of him still made this veteran of a hundred battles stiffen his waist.


, who had always had a serious face, coughed lightly, straightened his aching back as best he could, and drew his spear in the blood-soaked sea breeze and roared:

"Soldiers, this battle is time to fulfill our oath to serve the country with my body! I will sacrifice my life to embrace the country with my sword!"

The old soldier's eyes were red, and he opened his dry mouth and roared as hard as he could.

"A little spark can start a prairie fire

!" "Mankind is fearless and immortal!" Major

Dick's shout ignited the last shred of strength of the remaining defenders present, and both soldiers and officers took up their weapons and rushed towards the enemy in front of them.

"Hehe, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

Eveli couldn't help but sneer fiercely at this scene, and then stared at Arnold in front of him viciously.

Arnold was alone at the moment, and his comrades who had previously charged with him had died.

Gently raising the spear in his hand, Arnold dragged his injured right leg and limped towards Yveli.

"Dog mongrel, I won't let you have a good time!"

Arnold gritted his teeth and roared under his breath, firing his gun at Yvely.


shot was fired, and the bear didn't dodge, smiling and resisting the shot.


shot was blocked by the giant bear's raised arm, and the huge giant bear rushed towards Arnold at the same time.


the attack, the giant bear stretched out its huge paws, and the next second it was about to hit the top of Arnold's

head! Bang! Arnold continued to move forward, gritting his teeth and shooting closely, and the shadow of the bear's paw was already enveloping

him! No, I'm going to shoot again, maybe this shot will kill him!



scarlet flame exploded above Arnold's head!

In Arnold's shocked eyes, the giant bear that had already killed in front of him was overturned, and Evely's huge body suddenly flew upside down six or seven meters.

"You... Are you?"

As the noise of fireworks slowly dissipated, a blue-black figure appeared in the thick of smoke, and stomped on the chest of Evely, who had fallen to the ground.

Arnold's eyes widened in shock, and it was the figure in front of him who came out of nowhere at the last moment, kicking Eveli who waved his palm.

I saw that this was a burly and tall figure, Zhou seemed to be wearing a set of blue-black complex armor made of unknown materials, two sharp shoulder thorns pierced both sides, and there were several small red fluorescent lights on his back that were flickering gently, and his right hand was gently holding a slender crescent Arhat shovel.

Perhaps hearing Arnold's voice, the blue-black figure turned its head slightly, revealing a majestic mask that looked like a Vajra Arhat, and two yellow lights flashed in its eyes.

"I'm here to help. A

hearty voice came from the visor, and Arnold couldn't help but be stunned.

In Arnold's surprised look, the armor man's visor suddenly dissolved like a liquid, gently wrapping around his neck, revealing a clean face.

"Hello Sergeant, the Pandora Commander of the Third Squadron of Daystar, Shura, has been ordered to come to support. After

that battle, Xiu Chun followed Wu Mingyi to join the Daystar team, Xiu Chun consciously opened the killing ring, and was ashamed of the teachings of Longyin Temple, so he changed his legal name to Shura.

Wu Mingyi also greatly admired this warrior monk who was outstanding and could fight against beasts in the flesh, so he handed him Daystar's third set of Pandora armor - Pandora's Sword.

After that battle, the hidden danger of Pandora's armor being out of control was exposed, so at the request of Wu Mingyi, the council upgraded three sets of Pandora armor, not only making it easier for the crew to exert their strength, but also adding a built-in suppressor on the back to better reduce the danger of rampage.

"Morning Star, you're finally here—"

Arnold was stunned for a moment, then let out a long breath of relaxation, and then fell to the ground.

"Daystar, clear the battlefield!" Seeing

the hellish scene of Shura on earth here, Shura couldn't help but roar angrily.



with Shura's order, countless dangerous beams of large genetic concussion weapons covered the battlefield! Behind him, more than a dozen Daystar soldiers wearing mechanical skeletal armor and dozens of heavily armed Daystar soldiers rushed over!

Shura put on his visor and brandished an Arhat shovel with the brilliance of a genetic concussion weapon and rushed towards the re-rising Yveli!

The Daystar Force was fully equipped with genetic concussion weapons, as well as some black technology weapons and equipment specifically aimed at the degenerates, and with the entrance of a group of Daystar soldiers, they repelled the poachers' attack in just ten minutes.

"Major Dick!!

Dick sat on the stone with a golden knife, and the medic was bandaging his wounds.

Glancing at the armored Shura of Pandora, Dick sighed lightly, and then returned the salute to Shura:

"Daystar? "

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