"Is this here?" Lu

Qi looked at Caesar beside him suspiciously.

Caesar uttered a sure voice and pointed to the dark abyss in front of him.

Since being accepted by the Great Sage's tribe that day, Lu Qi has officially become a member of the Great Sage Ape Clan.

Lu Qi groped to find the battlefield with the Bloodbone Eater Eagle that day, groped for a long time to find his two daggers, and then returned to the beach in the south, put on a worn-out backpack, wrapped the uneaten dried fish and shrimp with huge wide leaves, packed up his little belongings, and then said goodbye to his humble shelter and returned to the dense forest where the Great Sage lived with his belongings.

With the help of Caesar and a group of ape brothers, Lu Qi selected a thick giant tree not far from the rock wall, and built a simple tree house with a primitive style.

In the next few days, during the day, Lu Qi picked and wandered in the dense forest with the monkeys, while quickly recovering from the injuries and energy that had not recovered after the last battle, and at night he lay in a comfortable and cool tree house, quietly discussing with Lu Xun how to use the saber-toothed tiger power hidden in the blood veins in his body.

One day, Lu Qi remembered that an important thing had not yet been implemented, so he took his worn-out backpack and found Caesar, who was happily nibbling on bananas.

"Where did you pick it up? Take me there.

Lu Qi said to Caesar word by word, pointing to the backpack with both hands and feet, and pointing to the dense forest to demonstrate to Caesar.

The intelligent Caesar quickly understood Lu Qi's consciousness, motioned for Lu Qi to come with him, and then shuttled to the west side of the dense forest.

One person and one monkey shuttled through the forest one after the other again, this time without Lu Xun appearing, Lu Qi had basically completely mastered the tree swinging skills of contemporary Taishan.

Caesar and Lu Qi continued to walk through, all the way west through the woods, and when they passed the roaring rock wall of the waterfall, Caesar and Lu Qi couldn't help but relax their steps.

With a little half-day walking, we finally arrived at our destination.

So, Lu Qi saw the abyssal crack that Caesar was referring to.

"Caesar picked it up here?" Lu Xun confirmed with a frown in his mind.

This is under a cliff near the westernmost point of the desert island, and under the rock wall is not a dense forest or a waterfall, but a crack in the ground three or four meters wide, which seems to have been split by a sharp axe along the rock wall.

The deep stream was extremely dark and blocked by the rock wall, Lu Qi stood on the edge of the stream and looked deeply, it seemed that he couldn't see how deep it was, Lu Qi casually threw a stone down, but he didn't hear any echo for a long time.

Looking at the steep and smooth deep stream, Lu Qi shook his eyebrows, looked at Caesar suspiciously, and said

, "This place is really something you can play around?"

As if seeing Lu Qi's suspicions, Caesar let out a nasal voice a little unconvinced, pointed to Lu Qi's backpack, and then pointed to the edge of the deep stream, as if he was going to go to the crack to perform a crazy temptation to prove his ability.

"Don't don't, forget it, if you want to fall down and turn around, the Great Sage can't eat me.

Lu Qi hurriedly stopped Caesar, after all, this abyss looked dangerous.

Lu Qi, who had no success in his search, could only return to the treehouse with Caesar.

On the way back, passing by the dangerous waterfall rock wall again, Lu Qi and Lu Xun looked at the rock wall speechlessly.

When I have mastered the power of the saber-toothed tiger, I must climb up and find out.

The ancient bloodline seemed to bring courage to Lu Qi at the same time, and Lu Qi was faintly determined to uncover the fog of this desert island.


Just when Lu Qi was living his days dancing with apes on a desert island.

Thousands of miles away, somewhere on the European continent, three figures were hurrying through a snow-covered valley.

At a fork in the valley, several people made an emergency stop.

One of the slightly chubby-looking men gasped for breath and pulled out a glimmering machine from his bosom and carefully distinguished it.

The other brown-haired man, who was of ordinary appearance but whose eyes were bright red like flames, looked around, chose a more conspicuous high ground, jumped up, and looked around carefully, as if looking for something.

The last one was a burly bearded man, wrapped in a thick cotton coat, standing beside the little fat man, with a pair of piercing eyes under his rich eyebrows.

"Boss Bernie, this genetic contamination incident feels different, it's in such a hellish place..."

The little fat man asked the bearded man as he looked up on the machine.

The bearded man rubbed his beard, let out a hot breath, and replied in a deep voice:

"Yes, I didn't expect this genetic pollution incident to appear in the Nordic region, after all, it is so far away from Antarctica..."

"Yes, the leakage of the Antarctic gene pool can actually pollute people living in Northern Europe..."The little fat man chattered while busy:

"I don't know if the polluted people can survive the impact of bloodline consciousness, last time that person in Southeast Asia was defeated by the consciousness of Dilophosaurus, and he escaped a man-eating beast... Hey, the scene in that village is miserable when I think about it now. "

The bearded man is none other than Clark Bernie, the leader of the third combat team of the Transformers, a powerful second-order high-level transformer nicknamed the "Iron Chariot".

"Bart, have you found your way?" the bearded Bernie interrupted the little fat man's chatter.

"Just got the signal, Boss, it should be in this direction!" the chubby Bart pointed to a path beside him.

Bernie nodded, and shouted to the man in the height, "

Milo, go!"

The brown-haired and red-eyed Milo nodded, and followed the two in that direction.

The three of them crossed a winding path, bypassing the broken pine trees, and several saw a small wooden house looming in the snow and ice in the distance.

Bernie signaled everyone to be on guard with his eyes, and the little fat man and the red-eyed Milo understood, and quietly outflanked them from both sides.

Approaching the vicinity of the cabin, the expected killing scene did not appear.

The once neatly placed pile of woodwood was a mess, and in the midst of the broken wood, there were two bloody domestic cows, whose abdomen had been pulled out of a huge wound, and the heat was faintly bubbling in the ice and snow.

Not far from the two cow corpses, a thin figure knelt in the snow, a mist of blood and scattered stumps of cow internal organs under his feet.

Red-eyed Milo leaps up to the cabin with a brisk stride, only to find that it has been torn open into a huge hole.

Milo then looked around and signaled to his teammates that they had found no more injured people other than two cows.

The little fat man Bart stood far away outside the ranch fence, blocking the way to escape into the depths of the snowy mountains.

Clark Bernie strode over to the kneeling figure.

It seemed to be a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, his clothes had long been damaged, and the difference was that the boy did not seem to have turned into a half-human, half-beast runaway monster like usual genetic contamination incidents.

At this moment, the young man still has the appearance of a thin human being, but his hands are covered with blurred flesh and blood, his body trembles slightly, and his eyes are flustered and dazed.

The cold wind of Northern Europe swept down large expanses of snow and snow, and fell blankly in the bloody pastures.

The boy gasped and sat on his knees, his blonde hair seemingly free from the shackles of the deer's tendons, scattered in front of his face.

The corners of his mouth were bloody, and it was obvious that the two cows had been poisoned by him just now.

The young man's eyes were confused, frightened, fierce, and hungry...... All kinds of emotions flashed in the young man's eyes one after another.

Sensing that someone was approaching, the boy hurriedly got up and viciously faced Bernie, who was slowly walking in.

The young man's expression was fierce, but his eyes were full of weakness, and a faint voice came out of his mouth:

"Go... Go away! Don't... Don't come near me!

" The expected onslaught didn't happen, Bernie spread his hands to signal harmlessness, and continued to walk slowly towards the boy, whispering, "Don't be afraid, kid. "

Don't come here!" the boy yelled.

Bernie smiled, "Don't be afraid, kid, no one will hurt you, and you won't hurt anyone." Hearing

this, the young man's face showed a struggling look, and in the next second, a crazy and violent look took over the young man, and with a roar, the young man ran towards Bernie's strong figure.

I saw Bernie turn slightly, and dodged the impact of the teenager, raised his hand and tapped lightly on the back of the teenager's neck, and the teenager fell to the ground like a loss of strength.

With a shudder, the boy went limp.

Bernie gently picked up the boy and asked, "What's your name?" The

boy had good-looking blonde hair and replied weakly, "Mixiu." Constance Michaux. "

Michaeu, good name.

Bernie looked at the boy lovingly: "What about your family?"

The boy did not answer for a long time, and after a while, the boy turned his head with difficulty to look at the dilapidated wooden house in the distance, his eyes were empty, and he was speechless for a long time.

"A monster, where did the family come from...," the boy said suddenly.

The wind and snow were silent and speechless.

Bernie stood up with Michau in his arms and turned to leave, followed by Milo and Bart.

A gentle whisper blew down with the cold wind:

"From now on, we are your family. "

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