"Secret treasure from the sky, what is the crazy queen Eve?"

Under the abyss, Lu Qi heard what Meng Lang said, and immediately remembered the record he had seen in the ruined castle.


Meng Lang let out a low voice, and then said slowly:

"The secret treasure from the sky is Eve, and Eve uses its power to resist the crusaders thousands of miles away..."

Hearing Lu Qi's question, Meng Lang glanced at him inexplicably, and then explained:

"According to legend, the creator of this world, in the long historical time, threw seven secret treasures with endless magical power into the world, these secret treasures are amorphous, and they may fall from the sky in any way at any time period, and only those who are destined to get it, according to legend, this queen Eve, who went crazy later, got one."

Thinking about the record on the stone tablet, Lu Qi asked with some curiosity:

"Then what is the purpose of her secret treasure?

"I don't know.

Meng Lang sighed and continued slowly

, "Legend has it that the seven secret treasures all have different mysterious powers, but they all have one thing in common...

That is, if you don't take the treasure in your hand, even if it is placed in front of your eyes, you will ignore it, just like a pile of ordinary stones, and only when you touch it will you know its great power. "

Really... It's really mysterious..."

Lu Qi squinted, obviously a little unconvinced.

"I just said that I know how to leave this island..."

Meng Lang suddenly said again, Lu Qi's spirit was shocked, and then he listened attentively.

"I'm here because... Eve's secret treasure is still hidden on this island

!" "What!" Lu

Qi was taken aback, he had always listened to the records of the secret treasure from the sky, but he didn't expect Meng Lang to say that this secret treasure really existed at this moment.

Lu Qi was about to say something, but who knew what Meng Lang said next surprised him even more.

"I know where the treasure is.

Find the treasure and you'll be able to get out of here!"


Miao Gang is an experienced veteran.

As early as more than 20 years ago, when the Desolate Beast War was beginning to appear, the enthusiastic Miao Gang joined the Federal Defense Force with a group of fellow villagers and went to the front line of the battle against the Desolate Beast Group.

After nearly 10 years of brutal struggle, Miao Gang also changed from an immature recruit to a decisive veteran of a hundred battles, and just when the war of wild beasts saw the dawn of victory, tragedy befell Miao Gang.

After an encirclement and suppression battle, Miao Gang was repairing in a small gathering place with his comrades-in-arms, but when the three watchmen were sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, a sudden genetic pollution incident quietly came.

In the middle of the night, Miao Gang woke up from a light sleep, he quietly looked out, and a scene that made him dumbfounded appeared, several strange creatures that were half human and half ghosts, quietly and silently frantically attacked and killed the villagers in the gathering place, Miao Gang hurriedly went to wake up his comrades in the same room, who knew that as soon as he stretched out his hand, a strange touch followed.

Miao Gang looked back, but found that the two comrades-in-arms in the same room were staring at him with godless eyes, looking at him with hunger, and their skin was constantly squirming...

In the next second, the comrades-in-arms who turned into monsters rushed towards Miao Gang with hunger howls...

Fifteen minutes later, the nearby garrison arrived in a hurry, and when the garrison searched from house to house to kill monsters one by one, they found Miao Gang dying.

At this moment, he only had a small half of his body left, and he did not pass out only with strong willpower.

The military doctor immediately rescued him, but Miao Gang's injuries were too serious, and the military doctor could only try his best to hang his life, and after some rescue, Miao Gang could only grit his teeth and endure the pain and lie quietly in the temporary hospital waiting for death.

Who knows, before death came, the commissioner of the Federation arrived first.

Two men in uniform stood in front of Miao Gang and asked respectfully

, "Do you want to say goodbye easily, or do you want to continue to fight for humanity with a heavy price?"

Miao Gang, who was in a semi-comatose state, was extremely awake at the moment, and chose the second option without hesitation.

Immediately, Miao Gang saw the two parliamentary commissioners nod slightly, and then injected him with something, and Miao Gang fell asleep in a drowsy state.

Thick green water, cold machinery, strange white-robed people...

Many chaotic memories kept flashing, and Miao Gang, who woke up again, found himself as if he had become a cyborg lifeform, countless intricate mechanical bones embedded in his remaining body, and there were dozens of disabled veterans like him, all of whom had been transformed into cyborg warriors.

In the years that followed, the Council formed them into a special formation, and they would endure the pain of mechanical operation and the strange gazes of their former colleagues to continue to fight on the frontline of the Beast War.

A few months ago, Daystar was founded, and Miao Gang and the dozen or so remaining mechanical veterans were transferred to this new unit with even more difficult tasks.

At this moment, Miao Gang is fighting in the No. 179 gathering place.

A chilling cold light slashed from Miao Gang's left side, and the mechanical warrior rolled to avoid it, and then the right palm of the machine moved, turning into a palm gun, and under the cover of several other mechanical comrades, he unscrupulously vented his fire to the fat man in front of him.

"I've said it all!, we're not enemies!" the

little fat man Jason used his wide blade to push away several close Daystar fighters while urging the "Thick Fat" cause and effect to resist the fierce fire.

Until now, the people of the Frozen Valley have not dealt a deadly hand against the people of Daystar.

"Every monster says that!" Miao

Gang roared, but finally a low mechanical sound welled up in his throat, and then his right mechanical hand turned into a long knife wrapped in electric light, slashing at Jason.

Jason put his hands together, firmly held

Miao Gang's long knife, and the "freezing" cause and effect was activated! A faint frost instantly covered the long knife, and in a few seconds, Miao Gang's electric long blade was frozen.

Kicking Miao Gang away, Jason shouted loudly while dodging

the ice: "We didn't attack this place

! We used to be human!" "Do you think you are still human?!"

Miao Gang gently shattered the thin ice in his right hand, and the right arm of the mechanical energy that recovered kinetic energy turned into a genetic shock gun, and Miao Gang roared angrily and continued to rush forward:

"Look at your appearance! You're all monsters, if you become like you, do you still have the face to say you're human?"

Jason was angry, and the power of the middle stage of the second order suddenly exploded, instantly overturning several cyborg warriors beside him, and he completely turned into a tall half-human, half-penguin.

Panting, Jason frowned and stared at the few cyborg warriors in front of him, and said coldly

: "I'm not a human being, do you think you look like yourself?"

Miao Gang was stunned for a moment, and several cyborg warriors were stunned on the spot, and gently looked at his rough mechanical palm, only to hear a faint mechanical voice calmly sounding from Miao Gang's throat:

"Maybe... From that day on, we weren't human...

However, we still remember that we are

a soldier!" The other cyborg soldiers on the side chimed

in, "Yes, we are still

a soldier!" "The mission of a soldier is to destroy the enemy!"

Jason was a little stunned, and the group of cyborg soldiers in front of him rushed forward regardless of life and death.

"Let's play the final triumphant song!" Miao

Gang let out a roar of rage, and like several mechanical warriors, he turned his mechanical arm into a long whip that flashed red.

"The trapped beast is a tiger, and the poor bait runs to the whale!" Miao

Gang roared, wielding a long whip to tightly imprison Jason's palm, and the mechanical warriors followed suit, and for a while, more than a dozen long braids trapped Jason.

"A thousand gone, how can you throw your whole body?" Miao

Gang jumped, the long whip contracted instantly, and in an instant he had come to the huge emperor penguin, the mechanical warrior grabbed Jason's arm tightly, waiting for his comrades to come, and in the next second, more than a dozen mechanical warriors imprisoned themselves on Jason's huge imperial penguin body.

"How to dance and do Qi, make Miao Ping!" After

the song, the chests of the mechanical warriors flashed with red light, and the temperature rose rapidly.


Jason was stunned, and was about to say something, when he heard a bang!

The ——! a violent explosion shocked everyone on the battlefield, and the mechanical warriors blew themselves up, along with their enemies.

The general fought the horse all his life, and finally got the horse leather shroud.

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